I N S I D E I N F O No 53 <<<<<< C O N T E N T S >>>>>> ACE NSW ~~~~~~~ CONTENTS - You're reading it! EDITORIAL - Your Editor - TT prices, Atari Corp. ACE BBS - Messages from John Hutchinson, Swavek Jabrzemski, Phillip White et al. Topics include Compuserve down under, Slicctop, N.V.D.I., TT TOS. INFODISK INFO - Create your own diskmag! ACE LIBRARIAN - Keith Pickering - ACE magazine library update. ACE MEETINGS - Agenda for ACE NSW General Meetings. ACE OFFICERS - ACE NSW committee members - their phone numbers. PD ORDERFORM - For ordering PD software from Cathy Tuck. MEMBER'S FORM - ACE NSW membership and membership renewals form. ABOUT ACE NSW - ACE NSW manifesto. FEATURES ~~~~~~~~ NEWS & INFO - Announcements from Atari Australia and items of general interest - Gadgets SST, GEM 68K developers kit, FSM GDOS, AlberTT board, Zoomracks, 3D LCD, and more! BILL YOUNG - ACE member Bill Young continues his series on drawing with Degas Elite. PD UPDATE #13 - Cathy Tuck - the latest additions to ACE PD library. STE S.I.G. - Gary Spiteri on things ST(e). PD CHAT - Gary Spiteri. QUICK Vs TURBO - Gary Spiteri compares two software accelerators. O.S.F. UNIX - Open Software Foundation - Unix development. ATARI-EUROPE - Atari is a household word in Europe. FANTASY NET - Science Fiction & Fantasy Network goes on cable TV! ALWIN STUMPH - Interview. T.O.S. INFO - TOS versions, bug fixes. PORTFOLIO - Portfolio update. MAC/IBM PACT - IBM and Apple get into bed together. A marriage of convenience? F O R S A L E - Bargains! SOFTWARE ~~~~~~~~ CODEHEAD - Latest Codehead utilities release. DITEK UPDATE - Calamus and Dynacadd update. MIGRAPH COLOUR - Colour pictures with Migraph's scanner! STENO/ STALKER - Upgrades available. CARDFILE - Address/phone/appointment book program - update. HYPERLINK - Multi media, object based, application generator. STEALTH - Communications package. ORDERPLUS - Useful program for business. LEXICOR - Online conference. GEOTUTOR - Update reviewed. GAME ROOM - For Atari gamesters. LYNX UPDATE - Latest games. EAR CANDY - Muso's make confectionary for the ears. GRANDSLAM - Grammar checker - Some unamed c'tee members could benefit greatly from this program. When's your birthday Cathy? HARDWARE ~~~~~~~~ ATW UPDATE - Parallel processing will be at the heart of the next generation of computer technology, according to the Sydney Morning Herald's Computer Section writer, Gareth Powel. He fails to mention that Atari is at the leading edge of this technology. What's wrong Gareth, hasn't Atari financed any of your overseas jaunts? Are you a journalist or a flunky for big blue and Apple? 1.44 Mg DRIVE - New floppy disk controller chip under development. FAST T-20 - Jim Allen's Turbo board(s). JRI SIMM RAM - John Russel's SIMM RAM board for ST's. RAM UPGRADE - Ace member Keith Pickering on the trials and tribulations of upgrading the RAM in his ST. HOST ADAPTER - ACE member Malcom Hardy - build your own hard drive. ST STEREO CART - Stero cartridge for the ST. JOPPA FAXMODEM - FAX machine and modem in one! CARTRIDGE FIX - D.I.Y. cartridge restrainer. TCB TRACKER - Sound sample player. GFA S.I.G. ~~~~~~~~~~ GFA FOR IBM - Now available. GFA NET - Messages and code from the GFA Programmers INTERNATIONAL ECHO. GFA UPDATE - PRESS release from GFA. NO HOLES - ACE member Malcom Hardy - How to avoid "holes" appearing on the desktop after calling an accessory within a GFA program. PROGRAMS ~~~~~~~~ RAMLOAD.PRG - Loads selected files into your ramdisk at bootup. NO_HOLES.PRG - Compiled version of Malcom Hardy's listing - See NO HOLES article. <<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>>