======================================================================= ~~~~ CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT'S GAME ROOM ~~~~ -------------------------------------- by Drew Reid Kerr ======================================================================= GEnie D.KERR1 DELPHI DRKERR SIERRA-ON-LINE LAUNCHES ALL-GAMES ON-LINE SERVICE! This one made the front page of the New York Times business section! I'll let writer Eben Shapiro do the talking... "A small computer-game company based in an abandoned gold mining town in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California hopes to succeed where a partnership between two of America's largest corporations has struggled for years." What Shapiro refers to is Sierra starting TSN (The Sierra Network) and challenging Prodigy, which IBM and Sears have hundreds of millions of dollars and it has yet to run a profit. TSN has begun on a small scale in just California. The setup is only "a couple of powerful desktop computers and a handful of employees," allowing subscribers to play checkers, chess and a few other simple games while "trading electronic banter." Borrowing from role-playing games, users can choose a name, sex, face and haircut for their "computer persona." You even have a choice of 14 hats, including a turban or a propeller-topped beanie! TSN plans on expanding slowly across the country, charging $11.95 a month. Over time, they will offer more sophisticated games for an extra fee of $6.95 a month: "But Sierra programmers do not expect to have these games, with names like Sierraland or Larryland, on the network before January." The article quotes Joshua M. Harris, president of the Jupiter Communications Company, a New York research firm: "They have a winner. It's the best games service I have seen, bar none." Yet, there is more technical tinkering to do: at this time, the system serves no more than 75 players at a time and has experienced frequent system failures. Another analyst says Sierra "must also perfect the technology for offering more sophisticated games -- like flight simulators and shoot'em up showdowns." If you have access to back issues of the New York Times, you can find this in the June 18, 1991 issue. Wow, I guess this means computer games have hit respectability. Heavy news! GAME ROOM CHATTER Lucasfilms Games has their hands full with sequels -- not only is a second chapter planned for "The Secret of Monkey Island", but a new, totally original Indiana Jones game is being planned (nudge, nudge, Harrison Ford), tentatively titled "Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis".... Hard to believe "Midwinter II: Flames Of Freedom" is still not out... If you think Microprose's Sid Meier is a genius ("Gunship," "Red Storm Rising," "F-19 Stealth," "Railroad Tycoon"), then wait till you see his attempt in the SimCity/SimEarth category, "Civilization," planned for IBM in the fall and the ST the following year... Ocean, the movie licensing kings, have picked up two more film tie-ins for future games: "Robocop 3" and "Terminator II:Judgement Day"... "Flight Of The Intruder," the spiritual sequel to Falcon, will finally make it to the ST in July... If you are a fan of the old Magnetic Scrolls text adventures ("Corruption," "Fish" and "Guild of Thieves"), all three are being packaged together by Virgin Mastertronic and released using the new interface debuted with "Wonderland." It should be out very shortly... Electronic Arts will have "Birds Of prey" out this fall from Glynn Williams, the man behind "Warhead." It's a multi- aircraft war simulation.... JUST AROUND THE CORNER: Gremlin's "Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge II"... Microprose's "F-15 Strike Eagle II"... Sierra-On-Line's "King's Quest V" and "Quest For Glory: Trial By Fire"... Infograme's "Alcatraz," a sequel to "Hostage"... FLIGHT STIMULATION Does the feeling of hitting 350 knots, pulling off the ground and into the wild blue yonder make your heart flutter? Scanning around CompuServe's Games Forum, I found two clubs that are actively seeking your membership! o CPAA stands for Computer Pilots Association of America. They want to know: "Are you a SERIOUS user of Flight Simulation Programs? Are you interrested in making your flights as REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE? Do you want to 'get your ticket' as a CERTIFIED Computer Pilot?" Well, stop getting all excited when you see these upper case letters and get with these guys! Founded in 1988, their purpose is to "expand and enhance the enjoyment of flight simulation software, especially Flight Simulator by Microsoft (which is available on the ST). CPAA publishes a quarterly newsletter and amintains a BBS for conferencing and file sharing. They have members throughout the U.S. and in more than 17 foreign countries. For further information, contact Jeff Bingham at CPAA, P.O. Box 580608, Houston, TX 77258-0608, or via CompuServe at 76576,547, or the BBS at 703-548-7849. o Intercept is a bi-monthly newsletter which just debuted in March 1991. This periodical is a little more, shall we say, "bloodthirsty" than just admiring the sights from above. Each issue features a single software package, flown for a minimum of 50 hours, for a detailed review. There are related articles on the actual military hardware which is being simulated, development, weapon systems, counter measures, and avionics. Intercept organizes tournaments for head-to-head play. This year, they're sticking to the veteran Falcon by Spectrum Holobyte. A one year subscription to Intercept is $20. Please contact them at: SIMCAP, Inc., 20 Lafayette Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401-4408. YOU ASKED FOR IT! Levels for Psygnosis' incredible Lemmings. Here we go, you cheat- mongerers, you, just the first two levels: EASY TRICKY 2 IJJLDNCCN COOLMGLQDL 3 NJLDNCADCK CAJJLDMBEV 4 HNLHCIDECW KKHLDMCCEP 5 LDLCDJNFCK NHLDMCGDER 6 DLCIJNLGCT HLDMCMOEEX 7 LCANKKDHCO LDMCAJNFEN 8 CINNLDLICJ DMCKJMLGEX 9 CEKHMDLJCO ICGNMNDHEW 10 MJHMDLCKCW CIOLLLMIEL 11 OHODHCELCS CEKKOLIJEK 12 JMDLCINMCK IJHMDMCKEV 13 MDLCAKLNCS NHMLICALEW 14 DLCIJNMOCM KOEICOOMEU 15 LCENLMDPCL MDMCEJMNEJ 16 CMNLMDLQCU LMBIJNOOEY 17 CEJHLFLBDX KCAOLMMPES 18 IJILFLCCDN CINMMDMQEU 19 OHNNHCEDDU CCKHNOIBFQ 20 JNNHCMOEDP KJJLFOCCFV 21 LFLCCKLFDO OHLFMCADFN 22 FLCMKLLGDJ HNNICKOEFO 23 LCCOLLFHDU LGMCAKLFFQ 24 CMOLNNHIDV FICMKMLGFJ 25 CCKHMGHJDM MCGNMLFHFL 26 OJHMFLCKDL BKOLNGKIFQ 27 NJMGLCALDV CAJJMGMJFS 28 HONHCINMDR IJJOOKCKFT 29 MNJCEJLNDO NIMFMCELFK 30 GLCOJLMODU JMGMCKNMFT (whew!) TEXT REDUX! Wonderland (Magnetic Scrolls/Virgin) The text adventure is back! If you hunger for the days of Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Wishbringer, Fish and Corruption, starve no more! Magnetic Scrolls, who made so many great text games, has moved into the 90s to appeal to both the text fans and the graphics fans. Following the classic story of "Alice In Wonderland," you fall into the crazy world of the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and other psychedelic characters. Now, not only do you get text, but over 100 stunning graphic images to go along with the story, some of them animated! You also get a built-in help section so you don't have to send away for $10 hint books or call 900 numbers and run up your phone bill. Because of the size of this baby, I strongly recommend you put this on your hard disk and "uncompress" the graphics (it's a 15-minute optional process). Also be warned, that after you uncompress, the game takes up something like a billion bytes, so make sure you have the room! ALSO NEW AND RECOMMENDED: Gods -- the first Bitmap Brothers game (Speedball, Speedball II, Xenon II) on their new Renegade label and it does not disappoint! Like Xenon II, they turned the shoot-em up on its head and made it a little deeper, tricker and the graphics are fab! 3D Construction Kit (Domark) -- If you've always wanted to create your own game, here's your chance! Using the Freescape graphic style (Driller, Total Eclipse, Castle Master), you can forge wonderful shapes, moving objects, with real ease. This is a pricey "game" that comes with a video unplayable on American VCR's. I have also had a lot of trouble putting it on my hard drive (it can be done, according to the manual, but I keep getting a "not enough memory" signal, which is quite impossible with 4 megs and plenty of hard drive space -- this thing is only 1 disk!). The Secret Of Monkey Island (Lucasfilms) -- An all-around smash that is much more fun than Zak McCracken & The Alien Mindbenders and the Indy Jones games. using pretty much the same point-and-click method as the past endeavors, the story is just genuinely funny and captivating. You are an apprentice pirate with the laziest crew sailing the seven seas. You bumble around, capturing islands and ships, insulting other pirates and taking their gold! JUST OUT ON THE ST: Jahangir Khan Squash (Krisalis), Crime Does Not Pay (Titus), Z-Out (Rainbow Arts), Apprentice (Rainbow Arts), Master Blazer (Rainbow Arts), Predator 2 (Image), Shadow Dancer (Sega), Lords of Chaos (Laser), TOKI (Ocean), The Ball Game (Electronic Zoo), Champion Of The Raj (PSS), Disc (Loriciel), Stormball (Millenium) and Life And Death (Software Toolworks). HAPPY GAMING!! <<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>>