Welcome To The B.Spell Demo ------- -- --- ------- ---- The Full Program is available from:- B.Bytes Computer Systems 19 Southfield Road, Hinckley, Leics. LE10 1UA Tel (0455) 613377 For 14 Pounds 95 Pence . The Compatible Construction Set costs 10 Pounds, or only 5 Pounds if purchased at the same time as B.Spell. The Construction Set comes with 26 new pictures for you to use straight away and the facility to add your own pictures drawn in NEO or DEGAS. This version of B.Spell runs exactly as the full version with the restriction of only A to F pictures being included and the Sounds that are used to spell these 6 pictures. All other Pictures and sounds have been disabled. We hope that you enjoy the chance to play this demo, and if you have any questions then please contact us at the above address. Thank you Mark Butler Programmer / Partner B.WARE / B.BYTES .