Stos Control Extension V3.0 Shareware version Copyright L.J.Greenhalgh 1994 These files may be freely distributed providing they are not altered in any way. I am not responsible for any damage which occurs to your ST as a result of using this extension.Read the parallel instrucion VERY carefully. If you find this extension useful then please consider registering , not only will you receive the lastest version of the extension , but you will also receive loads of extra graphics and source which will enable you to get the most out of this extension.I have many more ideas for commands especially where the STE is concerned , but these will only see the light of day if people register! Installation Copy the file EXTENSION\CONTROL.EXW into your STOS folder. Copy the file EXTENSION\CONTROL.ECW into you Compiler folder. Run Stos STOS may be powerful and easy to learn but it is very unstructured when compared to languages like C and GFA basic .This extension adds a switch construct to STOS which makes program listings shorter and more readable as well as many other useful commands.Welcome to the control extension .Come let us enter..... Command Listing ctrl Switch on (INTEGER) Case(INTEGER) Switch off otherwise write STRING,ADDRESS cmove INTEGER,INTEGER cremember crecall A=add(A,I,L,R) A=exist$(FILENAME$+CHR$(0)) Parallel port commands INTEGER=parallel(PORTNUMBER) para on para off INTEGER=para left(PORTNUMBER) INTEGER=para right(PORTNUMBER) INTEGER=para up(PORTNUMBER) INTEGER=para down(PORTNUMBER) INTEGER=para fire(PORTNUMBER) Zone Commands init megazone STARTZONE,NUMBEROFZONES set megazone STARTZONE,ZOMENUMBER,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 range megazone STARTZONE,LOWERRANGE,UPPERRANGE Z=test megazone (STARTZONE,X,Y) del megazone STARTZONE Screen Commands screensize WIDTH,HEIGHT spread ADDRESS,START_COLOUR,END_COLOUR brdr remove TYPE hscroll SCREEN,START_Y,END_Y,BITPLANES,NUMBEROFPIXELS INTEGER=crack pac SCREEN_ADDRESS,DEST_ADDRESS crack unpac SCREEN_ADDRESS,DEST_ADDRESS,MODE quick screen$ SCREEN,X,Y,STRING,MODE image put SCREEN,X,Y,BANK_ADDRESS,NUMBER,MODE font SCREEN,X,Y,BANK_ADDRESS,STRING set clip X1,X2,Y1,Y2 INTEGER=font width BANK_ADDRESS INTEGER=font height BANK_ADDRESS image palette BANK_ADDRESS A switch construct is designed to replace the following code.For this example suppose we have a situation where we click on a zone and the result is stored in a variable called select.Using switch as opposed to ON variable GOSUB has the advantage that A does not have to hold consecutive values.Note we can only switch using integers. 90 select=zone(0) 100 flag=false 110 if select=1 then gosub 1200:flag=true:rem do loading 120 if select=3 then gosub 4000:flag=true:rem do saving 130 if select=4 then gosub 500:flag=true:rem ..... 140 if select=7 then gosub 6000:flag=true do something else 150 if flag=false then gosub 2000:rem well we didnt select 1,3,4 or 7 160 continue program.... This can be replaced by the following code. 90 select=zone(0) 100 switch on(select) 110 if case(1) then gosub 1200:ren do loading 120 if case(3) then gosub 4000:rem so saving 130 if case(4) then gosub 500:rem ... 140 if case(7) then gosub 6000:rem so something else 150 if otherwise then gosub 2000:rem well we didn't select 1,3,4 or 7 160 switch off switch on (INTEGER) This stores the value of the variable INTEGER in an internal store for accessing by the case and otherwise commands.You can nest your case structures up to a depth of 3. Case (INTEGER) returns a value of true if the value of INTEGER is the same as that for the preceeding switch on ,otherwise it returns false. otherwise returns a value of true if none of the preceeding case statements were true otherwise it returns false. switch off ends the current switch construct. ctrl Shows the command list.(Thanks Martin!) This is a wounderful idea , every extension should have one! Note this does nothing in compiled programs. write STRING,ADDRESS writes a copy of STRING starting at ADDRESS.Note if you are using banks then address must be the actual start of the bank .eg write "hello",START(10) not write "hello",10.This provides an easy way to bypass the infamous STOS string bug.It has the advantage over the copy command in that it will copy strings of non even lengths. So 10 reserve as data 10,10000 20 write "hello world",start(10) is equivalent to the following. 10 reserve as data 10,1000 20 s=start(10) 30 a$="hello world" 40 al=len$(a$) 50 for loop=1 to al 60 poke s+loop-1,asc(mid$(a$,loop,1)) 70 next loop cmove INTEGER,INTEGER Moves the cursor relative to its current postion.Remember to put a ';' after your print statements otherwise the cursor is moved to the next line. cremember Stores the current cursor position in a safe place. crecall moves the cursor back to its cremembered position.These 2 commands mean that you can write subroutines which return the cursor to its origonal position on exit from the subrountine. A=add(A,I,L,R) Adds I to A and then ensures that A is in the range L to R in a cyclical manner.It is equivalent to the following code 10 A=A+I 20 if AR then A=L A=exist$(FILENAME$+CHR$(0)) Returns true if the file FILENAME$ exists at the current path , false if it does not. Parallel Joystick Commands Para on/Para off Initialise/Deactivate parallel port adaptor. J=parallel(0-1) Remember those joystick adaptors which plugged into the parallel port and were used in games like Gauntlet II enabling you to have 4 players. Well now you can read them from STOS. J is returned in the following way with the following bits set to 1 if you are performing that action. bit 0 Up bit 1 Down bit 2 Left bit 3 Right bit 4 Fire Because of the fact that one single chip in the ST controls the printer,sound chip and discdrive , using this command will deactivate the disc drive (harddrives are unaffected).The para on command stores the current state of the sound chip ie before the disc drive is turned off by the parallel command.Using the para off command restores the sound chip register to its original value thus restoring the disc drive. So whenever you want to use the floppy drive after using the parallel command , use para off.If all else fails type 'boom' or 'shoot' as this also reinitialises the discdrive.The reason I didn't store and restore the status of the discdrive from within the parallel command is that it would further slow down what is already quite a slow process. eg. 10 para on:rem save sound chip register . . 1000 p=parallel(0):rem this will deactivate discdrive . . 2000 para off:rem we can now use the floppy drive again. INTEGER=para right(0-1) Returns true if the joystick is currently being moved right. INTEGER=para left(0-1) Returns true if the joystick is currently being moved left. INTEGER=para up(0-1) Returns true if the joystick is currently being moved up. INTEGER=para down(0-1) Returns true if the joystick is currently being moved down. INTEGER=para fire(0-1) Returns true if the joystick fire button is currently pressed. Using the parallel commands with STOS Maestro Samples If you want to use STOS maestro samples with the parallel commands then make sure that the keyboard click is turned off and that you have used the sound init command first eg 10 click off:sound init:para on spread SCREEN_ADDRESS,START_COLOUR,END_COLOUR spread will produce graduated shades between the colour indexes START_COLOUR and if colour 1 was $111 and colour 7 was $777 then spread logic,1,7 would produce the following colour values.Note that this will not work correctly on colours which have the STE's extra bits set. colour 1= $111 colour 2= $222 colour 3= $333 colour 4= $444 colour 5= $555 colour 6= $666 colour 7= $777 brdr remove TYPE (STFMs only!) Will remove selected borders depending on the value of TYPE. TYPE=0 return borders to normal TYPE=1 bottom border only. TYPE=2 top border. TYPE=3 both border! When using this command you can only read the keyboard by using HARDKEY command from the misty extension or by peeking the value from $FFFC02. Zone Commands Ever think that 128 zones were too little? well now you can have up to 65536 zones for collison detection. init mega zone START_ADDRESS,NUMBEROFZONES Set up replacement zones.You must reserve space for your zones using either a memory bank or a string and then put the start address into STARTZONE, the amont of space you need can be calculated by space =8+NUMBEROFZONES*8. set megazone START_ADDRESS,ZONENUMBER,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 creates a rectangular zone ,ZONENUMBER with coordinates X1,Y1 to X2,Y2. INTEGER=test negazone (START_ADDRESS,X,Y) Gives you the first zone which contains coordinates X and Y. range megazone START_ADDRESS,ZONE_S,ZONE_E Limits subsequent test megazones to a subset of the total number of zones .This means you can create control panels which can have over- lapping zones and just test the few you are interestred in.If you want to reset the tests to the default range use range megazone START_ADDRESS,1,NUMBEROFZONES del megazone START_ADDRESS Deletes all the zones or a subset if you have used range megazone. hscroll SCREEN_ADDRESS,YSTART,YEND,BITPLANES,NUMBEROFPIXELSTOSCROLL STOS' horizontal scrolling is appalling , this command attempts to redress the balance . SCREEN_ADDRESS is as usual . YSTART is the first line to start the scroll on , YEND is the line to finish the scroll on .BITPLANES is the pattern of bitplanes to scroll ie %1 , just scroll bitplane 1, %1111 scroll them all . NUMBER_OF_PIXELS is the number of pixels to scroll by , if this number is positive then the screen is scrolled to the right otherwise it is scrolled to the left.Note that you can only use this command on regular 320 x 200 sized screens. crack unpac BANK_ADDRESS,SCREEN_ADDRESS,MODE Crack Art is a wounderful art package and these 2 commands allow you to pack and unpack lowrez crack art screens . BANK_ADDRESS and SCREEN_ADDRESS are as normal, if MODE=0 then the palette of the current screen is not altered , if MODE<>0 then it is. LENGTH=crack pac SCREEN_ADDRESS,BANK_ADDRESS As for the STOS pack command The control extension now includes a complete sprite engine which is much faster than STOS's existing one . It is similar in nature to the Missing Link's engine although it is much more flexible in that you have a variety of choices in how the sprites are placed on the screen and it is fully compatible with the large hardware scrolled screens avalaible on the STE . The banks and however are not compatible with either STOS sprite mbk's or the missing links mbk's or ICBIS's mbk's. screen size WIDTH,HEIGHT This informs the sprite engine what size screens you have set up for the STE's hardware scrolling .The parameters are the same as for the hard screensize command from the STE extension . Dont try and grab screen$ when using screens which are not the usual 320 x 200 , because STOS itself is unaware is that the screen size has changed , in fact don't try any of STOS's graphics commands on screens that are not 320 x 200 as you will get very strange results. quick screen$ SCREEN,X,Y,STRING,MODE Puts a string stored in screen$ format onto the screen much faster than its STOS equivalent , plus you can place it on the screen in either transparent or replace form as well as chooseing whether to flip it vertically in real time as you plot it.These options are activated by setting various bits in MODE . bit 0=0 use replace mode 0=1 use transparent mode 1=0 don't flip vertically 1=1 flip vertically By using the set clip command you can activate a clipping region . image put SCREEN_ADDRESS,X,Y,IMAGE_BANK_ADDRESS,IMAGE_NUMBER,MODE Puts an image NUMBER from bank BANK_ADDRESS onto the screen SCREEN_ADDRESS using the MODE options from above.Use the program maker.bas to make these banks.This is a similar command to the Missing Link's Bob command although it is slightly slower it has far more flexibilty in that you don't have to store both up and down facing sprites . This is the only sprite routine avaliable for STOS which is compatible with the STE's hardware scrolling in that it works on screens of many different sizes. You can have up to 65536 images in your bank! font SCREEN_ADDRESS,X,Y,IMAGE_BANK_ADDRESS,TEXT$ writes a 16 colour font to the screen SCREEN_ADDRESS at the coordinates X,Y using the images from IMAGE_BANK.Make sure that text$ is in upper case! Use the program maker.bas to make these banks. eg. font logic,0,0,start(10),"HELLO" Note that if you include a chr$(23) in your text string then the 'graphic' cursor will move to the beginning of the next line. INTEGER=image height BANK_ADDRESS Gets the height of all the images in the image bank. INTEGER=image width BANK_ADDRESS Gets the width of all the images in the image bank. image palette BANK_ADDRESS Gets the palette from an image bank. set clip X1,Y1,X2,Y2 Sets the clipping rectangle for the quick screen$ , image put and font commands . Note that the X coordinates are rounded to the nearest multiple of 16. many image SCREEN_ADDRESS,BANK_ADDRESS,FIRST_XCOORD_ADDRESS, FIRST_YCOORD_ADDRESS,FIRST_IMAGE_NUMBER_ADDRESS, NUMBER_TO_PLOT This plots a large number of images in one go .The images are all plotted in transparent mode . If bit 31 of an image number is set then the image is flipped vertically when it is plotted.If any image number is 0 then that image is not plotted. eg. 10 mode 0:key off:curs off:hide:flash off 15 dim x(10),y(10),i(10) 20 load "font.mbk",10:st=start(10) 30 for loop=1 to 10 40 x(loop)=loop*32:y(loop)=0:i(loop)=loop 50 next loop 60 many image logic,st,varptr(x(1)),varptr(y(1)),varptr(i(1)),10 Well there you have it. I would like to thank Martin Cubbit for his excellent articles in the Stosser diskzine which provided valuable guidence in writing this extension. Registration If you would like to register for this extension then please send a 5 UK pound cheque/postal order or cash to the following address . L.J.Greenhalgh 24 Park Avenue, Rudloe Manor, Corsham, Wilts, SN13 OJT. England. email (valid until june 1995) +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Please except my registration for the control extension | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |I wish to pay by cash/cheque/postal order | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Machine owned | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Bugs | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Ideas for new commands | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Please send my registration package to: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+