Canon BJ-300 Bubble Jet Printer Control Panel by Stephen J. Munslow Written using HiSoft BASIC and WERCS The program is FREEWARE and may be distributed for no profit providing the following files are present and unaltered: BJ300.ACC BJ300.RSC BJ300.TXT BJ300.RSC must be in the same directory as BJ300.ACC. If there is anyone else out there in Atari-land who has a Canon BJ-300/330 then they are welcome to use this accessory. Simply select the required settings and them to the printer. sends the current settings and then prints out a small test message using these settings. Note: There is no condensed 15 Cpi. Condensed 10 Cpi = 17 Cpi. Condensed 12 Cpi = 20 Cpi.