Shadow Gate Here you are, the file is a couple years old now and a couple of the BBS numbers are no longer valid. Feel free to post this to the archive at Michigan if you want to. I probably won't have the time to do so myself and I would assume you have a better knowledge of its layout. <-> <-=-> <-==-> <-===-> <-====-> <-=====-> <-====-> <-===-> <-==-> <-=-> <-> <\> Shadowgate <\> <\> Solve <\> <\> <\> <\> <-> <-=-> <-==-> <-===-> <-====-> <-=====-> <-====-> <-===-> <-==-> <-=-> <-> Here I am once again with yet another one of my loquacious text files; if by some remote chance you find a use for them, or just enjoy the reading, you can find my complete set of files on any of the G.O.D. Network boards. Current files include: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Leather Goddesses of Phobos -- A Mind Forever Voyaging -- Shadowgate -- Spellbreaker -- Stellar 7 -- Ultima V -- Wishbringer -- Zork I -- Zork II. I was a bit disappointed in the graphics on the IBM release. It should have been done in EGA, but I guess some shortsighted person never though of the possible improvement in the graphics. Suffice to say it looked really nice on the Amiga... Onwards and upwards....the Walkthrough: There are a total of 45 rooms in Shadowgate, containing all sorts of objects and hidden passages. Once you've used an item you can get rid of it as there is no further purpose for it in solving the game (with only one exception, which I will note later). Obviously, the game plays infinitely easier if you have a mouse. You'll start off in front of a large, ominous looking door with a skull above it. [Operate] the skull and take the small brass key you find behind it, then open the door and enter. You'll find yourself in a hallway with two unlit torches on the wall, and locked doors on the north and east walls (watch the display in the upper right corner which indicates the exits to a room, when in doubt of the exact location you can click on the squares in the exit display). Grab the torches off the walls (this is something you'll want to make a habit of; check every new room you enter for unlit torches first thing. There is one unusual torch with silver bands around it -- don't use this one, save it for later). You'll have to light one of the new torches since the one you're carrying is about to go out (click on the lit torch, and [operate] it on an unlit torch). Drop the dead torch (once again make a habit of this since you'll soon be cramped for room). Use the brass key to unlock the northern door ([operate] key on door) and leave the key behind since you'll be finding another 4 and it can be confusing. Open the north door and enter the next room. You'll be in a hallway with an exit in the northeast corner and a hidden exit in the northwest. There is a book on a ledge -- open the book and remove the skeleton key from it, but DON'T take the book since it will open a pit beneath your feet. You'll notice one of the stones in the wall in the northwestern corner of the room is a different shade than the others. [Operate] it and it will move to reveal a passage. We'll leave the two new passages for a minute, and return to the opening chamber you just came from. In the chamber, use the key you got from the book to unlock the door on the east. Entering it you'll find a small closet with a sword and a sling on the wall. Take both of them. Exit back to the chamber, and return to the corridor with the book (you can of course drop the key now since you don't need it). Take the northeast passage into another hallway, with doors to the west, north, and east. Drop the sword and sling in the hallway here for later use. Follow the east exit into a large room with a pool of water patrolled by a shark. Continue through the door on the far wall (ignore the pool for now). You'll find yourself in a room with a large rockfall. Pick up a few good stones from the ground (two or three will be more than enough). There's another exit behind a waterfall to the north. Going through it you'll find yourself in a small room. Once again there is a mis-shaped rock on the eastern wall. [Operate] the rock and take the leather bag you find behind it. Now, retrace your steps back 3 moves to the hallway with the three doors. This time, take the western exit. You'll find yourself in a room with a door on the far wall, a trap door on the floor, a depression in the far wall, and a pedestal in the middle of the room. Drop just about everything you're carrying (except your torch) and open the far door. Going through it, you'll find yourself in a treasure room with a dragon in a far passageway. FIRST, pick up the shield; it will protect you for two more turns. Pick up the hammer and the spear, afterwards you'll have to leave the room since the shield is getting too hot to hold. Drop the shield and pick up the items you left in the room earlier. Opening up the bag will reveal three different colored gems. [Operate] the white gem on the depression in the wall. It will fit in it, and a crystal globe will appear on the pedestal. Take the globe and exit the room back to the hallway with three doors once again. Go east again, back to the room with the shark. [Operate] the crystal globe on the pool of water and it will all turn to ice. The crystal is the ONLY item you'll need to use more than once. [Operate] your torch on the frozen ice and it will melt it just enough so you can get the crystal back. On the far wall you'll see a skeleton across the ice. Take the 'skeleton's skeleton key' that he's holding and exit back to the three door hallway once again. Pick up the sword and sling that you left here earlier. This time, take the north exit (which should be the only one you haven't taken yet). You'll find yourself in a room filled with coffins on the walls. Open the first and second ones on the right. You'll find a bag of gold in the second, and a mummy in the first. You can leave the bag, but [operate] your torch on the mummy. It will burn away to reveal a sceptre which you will of course take. Open the last coffin on the left (and the first one if you want a cute's not fatal). The last one will reveal a passageway leaving to the west. DON'T open the second coffin on the left, it'll release a slime which is fatal if you try to cross it, and requires you to go track down another item to destroy which I'm not going to elaborate on. Take the western passageway out of the room. You'll be in a room with mirrors on the walls. There's a broom in here, which is of no use to you--leave it. Hit the middle mirror with the hammer you got from the dragon's room, it will shatter revealing a locked door. The key you picked up from the skeleton will unlock this door. You can drop both of those items now also. Leave the door alone for a while, now we have to backtrack and get the other half of the equipment (drop the spear, sword, sling, and crystal globe here since you're going to need all the carrying room you have). Exit back to the coffin room, three door hallway, and into the curved hallway with the book. Take the secret passage that you uncovered earlier behind the stone in the northwestern corner of the room. It opens into a room with a ledge in front of you and an exit above it. You can't reach the exit so don't bother trying (all you'll do is crumble the ledge and possibly kill yourself). Take the silver arrow from the wall in front of you and [operate] the torch on the west wall. It will slide and open up another exit to the west (you can't remove either of the torches from the walls in this room). Take the west exit. The next room contains two bridges. Leave the bridge on the right alone till later, it's very unstable and can't take much weight. Crossing the western bridge will bring you into a room guarded by a nasty-looking wraith. This is what you've been saving that special torch with the silver bands around it (yes, I did mention it earlier in the text). Light the silver torch (it will burn blue instead of red) and ignite the wraith with it ([operate] of course, silly). The special torch will burn almost as long as a regular one and will serve just as well for light. Take the cloak from the wall on the left. If by some chance you don't have enough room to carry it, leave it here till later and you'll have to come back and get it when I tell you to use it. There are two exits out of the room, but the one on the right is too high to reach. Take the exit on the left. You'll be in a room with a shelf on the wall containing two jars and a scroll. There's a rope on the floor and a sign on the wall. The exit in the ceiling is too high to reach. You don't need either of the jars (the one labeled 'goo-gone' is in case you released the slime in the coffin room) or the scroll, but you should read it to get an idea of the objective of the game (you have to open it first of course). On the northern wall is a slab of stone that doesn't seem to fit in. Opening it will uncover yet another secret passageway. The exit in the ceiling can be accessed by [say]ing 'EPOR' to the rope on the floor. It will straighten out and provide access to the ceiling. Take the exit on the north wall. It enters a dead-end room with a large slab of stone fully covering one wall, and a depression in the floor. Once again open your bag that contains the gems. [Operate] the blue gem on the depression in the floor and the stone slab will slide up revealing a wizard behind it. He'll give you a few words of encouragement and drop a scroll on the floor. Take the scroll and exit back to the room with the rope. Climbing the rope will return you to the mirror room through a hole in it's floor. You've now completed almost half of the adventure. Make sure you are holding the cloak and the crystal orb (you should have more things in this room than you can carry). Put on the cloak ([operate] on thyself) and go through the north exit. You'll be on a walkway over a pit of fire. Use the crystal orb on the fire and it will go out. It should have destroyed the cloak in the process, if not drop it in this room anyway. Go back into the mirror room. Pick up all the items you have left here except for the spear (we'll get this later), and enter the now flameless walkway to the north once more. I suggest you save the game here as this is one of the more sensitive points. Open up the scroll that the wizard gave you and cast the spell upon yourself. It's a spell of invisibility, but it won't last very long. Taking the north exit out of the room will bring you to another bridge. This bridge is guarded by a troll, but he won't see you since you have the invisibility spell working. Cross quickly, taking the north exit out across the bridge, into the next room. You'll find yourself in a courtyard with a well on the right, and exit to the left, and a large, ugly cyclops guarding it. This is probably the best trick of the game coming up. [Open] the sling and place one of the rocks you're carrying (you picked them up earlier in the landslide room past the pool) in it. Close it and [operate] it on the cyclops. He'll be knocked out, but will recover if you enter the room again, so now [operate] the sword on him. He'll be dead, and you can drop the sling, sword, and any extra rocks you are carrying. Before you exit the room, [operate] the winch on the well to your right. It will raise the bucket up. [Open]ing the bucket will reveal a silver gauntlet inside that you'll take. Now exit to the north. The next room contains four exits; one on the east, one on the north, and two on the west walls. Ignore the one to the east (nothing you can do in there). Take the first exit on the west wall into a study. There's a large bookshelf on the far wall, a map, a desk with a book on it, and a depression in the wall. Place the last of your gems in the depression (the red gem) and drop the bag they were in. The bookcase will slide aside to reveal a hidden passage. Open up the desk and take everything you find in it--a key, pair of glasses, and two scrolls. Put on the glasses and open the book on top of the desk. You can read it for more information on the game, then take the book with you. Exit through the secret passage. It enters into a small room with a fireplace and a globe among other things. You shouldn't need any of the items in the room (goblet, poker, stoker). Examine both of the scrolls you took from the desk. One of them is to "reveal thing under the world", operate it on the globe. The globe will open, revealing a vial and a key. Take the key (there's no use for the vial) and close the globe. Exit back into the study and again into the corridor with four exits. This time take the second exit on the left. You'll be in a laboratory with all sorts of containers on the shelves. You won't need any of these. There is a ring attached to stone on the floor, [operate]ing it will pull up a small compartment from the stone. Take the vial of holy water you find in it. You can skip the cauldron and horseshoe also in the room. Take the exit on the northeastern wall of the room. It goes down into a garden with a large tree and a fountain containing a flute. The water in the fountain is actually acid, so first put on the silver gauntlet you found in the well. Once you've done this you can take the flute from the fountain safely. Play the flute ([operate] yourself on it), and a hidden door in the tree will open up, containing a sapphire ring. Drop the flute and gauntlet, and take the ring. Exit back through the study and into the four door hallway. Take the north archway this time. You'll be in a large room with three doors on the upper left and right and lower middle. There is a bulge in the rug, so light the rug on fire. It will burn away to reveal yet another key. You should have three different keys now. All of the doors in this room are locked and each can be opened by one of the keys (to save you some trouble, the key in this room is for the lower door, the one in the desk for the upper right, and the key from the globe for the upper right). Unlock all three of the doors and drop the keys here. Open and go through the door on the upper right. It enters into a room containing a Sphinx. I suggest once again that you save the game here before doing anything else. When you try to go up the stairs, the Sphinx will stop you and ask you a question. It will require you to bring it one of the otherwise useless objects in the game. It speaks in riddles of course, so you'll have to guess which object it is referring to, but the three objects I have encountered are: the map from the study, the skull from the study (it is on the bookshelf and you will have to remove the red gem and close the secret door to get to it), and the horseshoe from the laboratory. If you get any other riddle I suggest you restart the game and try for a better one. If it's an object that's on the other side of the troll-guarded bridge you will HAVE to start over since you can't win the game if you go back now (such as the broom in the room of mirrors). Go get whatever object it wants and bring it back. The Sphinx will then allow you to pass once (if you return again it will ask yet another question). Take the stairs up into the next room. You'll find yourself in a small observatory of sorts. There is a table with a parchment on it (which you can read for more information once again if you'd like, but you don't need it) and a telescope, all of which you can ignore. One exit leads up out of the room with a ladder. On the northwest wall is a star map. Take the silver star off of the map (it's a separate object). Now, burn the map. It will reveal a metal rod behind it. Take this also. Exit the room on the ladder going up. This room contains a lovely women chained to the wall. Trust no one of course--stab her with the silver arrow. She'll change back into the wolf that she actually is (a bit of a backwards lycanthrope I guess). Take the Golden Thorn from the floor (this is one of the three parts of the Staff of Ages). Exit back down into the observatory, through the Sphinx room, and back into the large room with three doors. This time take the door on the upper left. You will be in a room with the Platinum Horn on the floor and burning braziers on the walls. There is one exit leading upwards. When you try to take the Horn, a hellhound will appear in the room. Pour the holy water you got from the laboratory on it and it will disappear. Drop the vial and take the Horn. Use the upwards exit. It opens onto the top of the tower. There is a wyvern flying off the battlement to the north, and the Bladed Sun on the ground in the middle of the tower. Throw ([operate]) the Silver Star at him. It will hit him and explode. You can now safely take the Bladed Sun and exit back through the brazier room into the three door chamber. Take the last door remaining (in lower middle) into another corridor with exits to the right and left. Take the left exit. You'll be on a stairway outside the castle. It continues on to the west, but you have something to do here first. On the northern battlement is a small socket. Place the metal rod you found in the observatory into this socket (once again, [operate]). A lightning bolt will strike it and a hole will open up in a floor. A giant hand rises out of it holding a magic wand which you will then take. Once you do, the hand will disappear back into the hole. Now take the stairs down to the west. This is another dead-end section. There is a pot of gold on the right side and a bag on the left. Leave the gold alone (it will kill you), but take the bag, which contains three gold coins, and a very large, special coin. Exit back to the stairs, into the two exit corridor, and back once more to the chamber with three doors. Now it's time to get ready for a long run backwards to a place you skipped before. Drop everything you are carrying except for your lit torch, a spare torch, and the magic wand. Once more, save the game here since you may make a mistake in the near future. You're going to go back all the way to the room with the two bridges early in the game (back through four-exit room, courtyard, troll's bridge, flaming (formerly) room, mirror room, (through hole in floor) rope room, wraith room, and finally two-bridge room). You should be light enough now without all that equipment to cross the rickety bridge safely. Do so. You'll be in a small room with a large snake carving on the floor. [Operate]ing the magic wand on the snake will cause it to turn into a large wooden rod, which is another part of the Staff of Ages. Take the Rod and leave the magic wand here. Exit all the way back to the mirror room (through two-bridges room, wraith room, rope room, (up rope) mirror room). Take the spear that you dropped here earlier in the game. Go through the fire room and into the troll's bridge. When you try to cross the bridge this time a troll will appear on the left demanding a toll to cross. He won't accept your money if you had any anyway, so just stab him with the spear. You'll then be able to continue on through the courtyard and four exit room back to the three door chamber. Pick up all the items you dropped here earlier that you still haven't used in the game (scroll, book, glasses, thorn, ring, sun, sceptre, etc). Take the lower middle door once again into the two exit corridor. This time, take the archway to the right. You'll be in a room with a skeletal king upon a throne and yet another depression in the wall. Give the sceptre to the king (he'll hold onto it), and [operate] the sapphire ring on the depression in the wall. The throne will slide aside revealing a passageway down. Take it. You'll be in a room with exits to the north and west. The western exit is a fake, so go north (after grabbing the torches of course). This room has exits to the north (guarded by gargoyles) and east. Take the eastern exit first. This room is filled with lava and has a statue and walkway halfway across it. Put on the glasses and operate the book you took from the study on the statue (not walkway). The walkway will extend and allow you passage across the room to another exit. You can drop the book and glasses. Take the exit across the walkway. A set of switches and gears attached to a metal cylinder fills this room. The hole in the floor contains a guardian that will kill you if you throw the wrong switches. Save the game here in case he gets you. Throwing the combination of switches: 3,2,3 (again) will open up the cylinder, releasing the Silver Orb. Take the Orb. You now have all three parts to the Staff of Ages. One by one, [operate] the Golden Thorn and Silver Orb on the Wooden Rod. You'll end up with the complete Staff of Ages. Exit back through the lava room and into the room with the gargoyles. Save the game here once again since once you go past the gargoyles you can't return. [Operate] your last remaining scroll from the study on the gargoyles (bring the sun near), it will cause a bright flash of light, stunning them for a short while. Go through the archway they're guarding now. You'll be in a room containing a door on the left, and a well with gears attached in the center. There is no key for the door. You're almost finished with the adventure. [Operate]ing the gears will open the cover on the well. Then toss ([operate]) the special gold coin with the well on it into the well (you should have it in the bag you obtained down the stairs outside). A wind will start blowing upwards out of the well and you'll be able to descend down into it without being killed. Do it. You land on the bank of a river with a gong and mallet standing nearby. [Operate] the mallet on the gong (you don't even have to pick it up). The boatman will appear asking you for a toll to cross (forget if they actually named him Charon). Take one of the gold coins out of the same bag the well coin was in and give it to him ([operate]). He'll tell you to board the raft. Do so by [go]ing to the raft. On the other side of the river you'll find a large, sealed doorway in the mouth of a giant skull. There are also three slots on the far wall, each with a different icon above it. Save the game here once again. One of the scrolls you read earlier in the game told you exactly which slot to [operate] the Bladed Sun on ('where the X is hung, you must place the key'). I got 'Sword' when I played, but it is possible there is a random element to this, so if you get killed when placing the Sun in the sword's slot, try the others until you get one that it fits in without complaint. You'll then have to blow the Platinum Horn ([operate] yourself on it). The door will slide down, allowing you access. The next room contains the evil necromancer himself, and the Behemoth which he is raising up. Make sure you have the Staff of Ages ready and enter. When you enter this room you'll see the necromancer at the far end. The Behemoth will just be rising out of the lava when you arrive. [Operate] the Staff on the Behemoth. He'll get really upset and grab the necromancer before he disappears back into the earth (one of the better animation sequences). he's gone......ta da..... I'll probably put together a file for either Uninvited or Might & Magic next...unless something better comes along.....give us a ring at Sietch Tabr...we're looking to go up to 300 megs in the next month or two and possibly add another line...