May we be as proud as to present to you: The p ST NEWS Volume 3 Compendium q; compiled, designed, reprogrammed and launched on December 31st 1988! Boy, did WE have problems putting all the interesting stuff that appeared in p ST NEWS q Volume 3 on just ONE disk... That's probably why we had to start using a special disk format that might not be so easy for you to copy; a disk format that has 81 tracks (tracks 0-80; should be readable by all drives) and 11 sectors per track (!). To increase the actual space usable for documents and programs (which add up to 924813 bytes!!), we have omitted the picture option and have only included one, newly programmed, piece of music. Now for the COPYING PROCESS (YES: p ST NEWS q is fully PD!). Since the 11 sectors-per-track format was used, it is necessary to get a GOOD QUALITY disk to copy p ST NEWS q on. You should (at least) get a double sided, double density disk (135 TPI) of a good brand. We store our copies of this Compendium on so-called "High Density" disks ourselves (better but also more expensive). We have certified and tested ACopy V1.2K and CopySTar 3.0, and these can copy the format we used. If you do not have these, however, just send a GOOD QUALITY DISK, together with an address label and sufficient International Reply Coupons (plus two extra to cover our trouble) to the address below. ONLY packages that comply to these demands will be handled!!! (Packages with a donation will be treated with priority, where the priority factor is directly proportional to the height of the donation!) The address is: ST NEWS Volume 3 Compendium Copy service, I.B. Bakkerlaan 15-III, NL-3582 VB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Please allow some time for delivery, as we are very busy most of the time! Requests for other issues of p ST NEWS q or any of the other Compendia will be ignored!! If you want to copy this issue of p ST NEWS q to your harddisk, you will have to open the window of the parition (with or without folder) you want to copy it to, and then drag the disk drive icon onto it. All files, including the hidden ones, will then be copied. We wish you a lot of fun reading this Volume 3 Compendium and lots of success with experimenting with the programs. Bye! Sincerely, Stefan Posthuma (chief editor) Richard Karsmakers (special correspondent) P.S. This issue was finished in a VERY LONG NIGHT with music, coke, dreaming about Awai walkman machines and an utterly annoying gnat in the room. Describing these circumstances more clearly would probably make your belly go puke - it suffices to know that it was made in a 3.5 by 3.5 metre room with three mattresses, three guys, twelve bottles of coke and 134 CDs.