BIG SCREEN EMULATOR OK, so you don't have an STE but you still want to get hold of a mega screen. What do you do? As MonSTEr will only run on a machine with Rainbow TOS (ie 1.4 or 1.6) we've included another little program on the disk to allow users of pre-1.4 ROMS to get hold of a big screen. BIGSCRN.PRG must be placed in your auto folder and your machine rebooted *** WARNING *** Both Big Screen and MonSTEr attempt tomake fundimental changes to the way that the TOS/GEM screen handling routines work. ST User makes no guarentee that these programs will work with any other program, and can take no responsibility for any mistakes or errors these programs may cause. They have been tested extensively on our office machines and seem to work reliable most of the time. One known incompatibility is with the software accelerater TurboST from HiSoft which is unable to work out what sort of screen you're using and so refuses to run. These program may not always install themselves correctly ans some screen corruption may result. Turn your machine off at the switch (don't use the rest button) and the problem should sort itself out.