QUIZICAL? BY DAVE COBBLEDICK FOR ATARI ST USER To play QUIZICAL all you need do is double click on the program file and wait a few seconds for the game to load up. Your objective is to get the highest score possible before losing all of your lives by answering the questions correctly. You will be given three possible answers to each question of which only one is the correct answer. You select your answer by pressing the keys 1, 2 or 3 on either the keypad or the numerical keys along the top of the keyboard. If you answer correctly your score will appear in the numbered grid and your score will be determined by how long you took to answer. You begin the game with three lives and nine life points. A life point is lost for each question answered incorrectly and a life is lost for every three life points away. There are over 3OO questions for you to ponder over with over 1OOO possible answers, so this should keep you busy for quite a while. Incidentally, you will never be asked the same question twice during a current game and as the questions are selected at random no two games will be alike. All of the questions have been carefully selected so that the answers will not change through either present or future events. If you want to quit the game at any time during play just press Control C. During the New Year [ 1992 ] I will be creating a bigger a better version of QUIZICAL with loads of samples and over 1OOO questions. If you would like a copy send me a formatted disk ( double sided please ) and a S.A.E and I will return your new version as soon as it is completed. Oh yes, please state if your ST is 512k or 1 meg. Best wishes, Dave Cobbledick 245 Rosalind street Ashington Northumberland NE63 9AZ December 1991