MONOACC Version 1.0. Programmed by Gordon McNeil. Documentation: 16th August 1991. COPYRIGHT NOTICE MonoAcc v1.0 is NOT in the public domain. It may not be distributed without the express consent of the author with the following exception. You may give a copy of the program to anyone you like provided that: a) No money changes hands - even in cases where the charge is ostensibly raised to cover the cost of media or accompanying material. b) The MonoAcc program file is accompanied by this documentation file. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MonoAcc is a small desk accessory offering a monochrome screen inverter, mouse-accelerator and set/read system clock facility. Written in assembly language and containing its own resource data it uses less than 4k of memory making it ideal for owners of 512k machines. MonoAcc will only run in high-resolution. USING MONOACC To invert the screen simply click on the invert button. This is enacted immediately. A mouse-accelerator which doubles the speed of mouse movement is installed when the accessory is loaded. This can be removed or re-installed by clicking on the "normal" or "fast" buttons. The time and date on the system clock can be set by altering the displayed time (hhmmss; 24-hour clock format) and date (ddmmyy). If you try to set the clock to an invalid time or date, the old value will be retained and a bell sounded to warn you. To enact any changes you have made, exit the dialogue by clicking on "OK" or pressing RETURN. The clock is reset only if you have altered it. Click on "cancel" if you decide not to set the changes you have made.