...READ ME FIRST... ...but why?

         Hello and welcome to the first words of the latest issue of
         UNDERCOVER, the zine of the scene for the scene...

         This time it's my (Moondog) job to write this words. Drizzt
         had started his civilian service  and is out of order. So I
         had to finish  this mag. It's  the first time  for me and I
         hope that it will run more or less good on all the machines
         because I wasn't able  to test it on the ST =( ... My ST is
         damaged since  some weeks and I really don't have the money
         to fix this. I've tried to install  the PaCifiST  on our PC
         but our old machine isn't fast enough to emulate the ST and
         so I wasn't able to test it at least on the emulator =(
         And because my  Falcon makes  also some problems since some
         days it is nearly a wonder that I could manage it to finish
         the mag in time...

         As you can  see there  isn't an intro included this time...
         I know, it's  only lame and I  will not try to justify this
         here. I will only say  that we have  decided to release the
         mag without any intro before we will put something dull for
         this to the disk. After the last good intro's we wanted not
         to shock  you with  some lame routs  and stuff  without any
         style and design. It's the first time in the history of the
         UCM that  we release a  regular issue without  an intro and
         this hurts, no  question. So I hope that  we can  entertain
         you with issue 10  again with  a stylish intro, but  I will
         not promise this...

         Other stuff: the shell is still as buggy as Windows. Drizzt
         hadn't kicked out the bugs, even if  he knows  them. I will
         not leave any words about this  here. I'm not the coder and
         I cannot  force Drizzt  to debug it. It  isn't good for the
         image, but I think  our image  as coding-band  isn't anyway
         the  best. So you  have to spend  some more  hours with the
         fatal bugs of the new UCM shell.

         Another point to  mention is  that we're  now collaborating
         official with  the guys of .tSCc. which have helped us like
         no other one. Because the  UCM wouldn't be what it is today
         without their  great help it is  time to credit them in the
         right way. Sometimes I think the UCM is more  a .tSCc.-prod
         than a .tnb.-release ... 

         Ok, this is all for now. If you're interested  in more shit
         like this you should run the mag and read the editorial...

         I have to go now ... may the Knuffeltier be with you!

                           Moondog of .tnb. - main editor of the UCM