THE THIRD DIMENSION A few people have expressed an interest in the different picture file screen resolutions and colours that are available for each computer.Here follows a list of the information that i have.If you can add more then please write in.This is by no means a complete listing. ATARI- pixels colours from colour palette STE-low resolution- 32Ox2OO 16 4O96 STFM-low resolution- 320.200 16 512 medium resolution- 640x200 4 4 high resolution- 640x4OO 2 2 Note that the Atari can use 512 colours in low res from 4096 using Spectrum 512 format software and many thousands of colours on screen using Photochrome software. ATARI FALCON- VGA 640x480 256 colour TRUE COLOUR 440x400 TRUE COLOUR 16 bit mode 65,536 colours from 262,144 OVERSCAN 768x480 ( Thanks to Robin Ball for the Falcon info ) AMIGA-A500/A600/A1500 pixels colours colour palette low res- 320x256 32 4096 low res laced 350x512 32 4096 high res 640x256 16 4096 high res laced 640x512 16 4096 extra halfbrite 320x256 64 4096 extra halfbrite laced 320x512 64 4096 HAM 320x256 4096 4096 HAM laced 320x512 4096 4096 super high res 1280x256 4 64 super high res laced 1280x512 4 64 AMIGA A1200 colours colour palette All the screen pixel sizes above with 256,OOO 16 Million. AA HAM MODE(various res.upto) 128Ox512 262,144 262,144 PC COMPUTERS PC's cover a massive range of types but here are a few common resolutions. PC286 upto 640x480 res 256 colours from 250,000 PC386SX upto 1024x768 res 256 colours from 250.000 PC486dx2 upto 1024x768 res 256 colours Please note that there are a lot more resolutions etc for the PC's available and colours range from mono to millions and True 24 bit colour etc covering EGA,VGA and Super VGA etc.