Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 16 OCT 89 13:00:31 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 7745; Sat, 14 Oct 89 09:06:26 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 7545; Sat, 14 Oct 89 09:06:25 B Received: by CEARN (Mailer R2.03B) id 4800; Sat, 14 Oct 89 07:56:13 GVA Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 20:00:45 MDT Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion <INFO-A16@EARN.DEARN> Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was INFO-A16@MARIST From: INFO-ATARI16-REQUEST@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #517 Comments: To: INFO-ATARI16@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 13 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 517 Today's Topics: ARC.TTP Disk Speedup Harddisk/ST problem! laser printer vs. hard drive Noisy SH204 official tos 1.4 release Questions solderless ram upgrades (EZRAM) ?? The *new* DC Squish from Double Click Utilities... Vapour trail diminishing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 13 Oct 89 18:02:50 GMT From: grapevine! (Steven Grimm) Subject: ARC.TTP In article <> (Eric Domenjoud) writes: >I >meant actually that these bytes were removed from the file before >or while uuencoding and I think that the bug exists in the file on >the server. I've replaced the arc in volume 1 of the archives with the executable from the "arc521b" posting in volume 2. See if that helps. --- " !" - Marcel Marceau Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries? ...!sun!sgrimm ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 17:05:48 GMT From: asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E. Covert) Subject: Disk Speedup In article <1725@atari.UUCP>, jansen@atari.UUCP (Mark O. Jansen) writes: > in article <1407@ultb.UUCP>, adw3345@ultb.UUCP (A.D. Williams) says: > > Is there a program that will speed up disk access on my hard disk? I > > was putting some files into a partition from a number of diskettets. It > > seemed that it took an awfully long time to find free space as the disk > > filled up. > > Does TOS 1.4 help with this ? What can I do in the meantime? > Yes, Rainbow TOS (a.k.a. TOS 1.4) helps with this. A LOT. There are > speedup programs available in the meantime, but I have not used them, and > have no idea how stable/fast/trustworthy they are. I'd recommend you > get Rainbow TOS, for this and lots of other reasons. > -- > "Question" Mark Jansen UUCP: ...ames!atari!jansen > Atari Corporation BIX/GEnie: mjansen > These views do not necessarily reflect those of Atari Corporation. > "No fire exits...that's a BAD PARTY." - Bill Spooner I bought TOS 1.4 from my dealer when I bought the FAST TECH Turbo16 board for my Mega ST4, and the floppy disk copy time is really improved. I can't tell how much is caused by the T16 and how much by TOS 1.4, but I couldn't believe how much faster a 800K floppy copyied to my hard disk. And the Move command works in TOS 1.4 just like John Townsend said in an earlier message. My local ST dealer has been selling TOS 1.4 for a week or so, and everyone likes it!! Good for you Atari!! Richard Covert . . . . . . ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 17:21:02 GMT From:!!oldtmr! (Ray Wallace) Subject: Harddisk/ST problem! In article <495@tnosoes.UUCP>, joep@tnosoes.UUCP (Joep Mathijssen) writes... >? Going up and double-click on DIR3 and I SEE: "O BYTES O FILES" !!!!!!! Are you running FOLDRXXX.PRG in your auto folder? If not you may be seeing the 40 folder problem. >it is the last option. Somebody told me that using TURBODOS can cause >trouble with your harddisk! IT THAT SO! If I recall TURBODOS is a disk cacheing program, in which case it could possibly cause this problem, though more likly to on a floppy drive than on a hard drive (non-removable). --- Ray Wallace (INTERNET,UUCP) (UUCP) ...!decwrl!oldtmr.enet!wallace (INTERNET) --- ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 17:21:48 GMT From: asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E. Covert) Subject: laser printer vs. hard drive In article <>, (dennis pixton) writes: > I have a mega-4, atari laser printer, and external hard drive (Supra card). > Apparently when I boot with the laser printer attached it must be turned on; > otherwise I can't access the hard drive. If I turn the printer off after I > boot I have trouble accessing both the hard drive and the floppy. It's a > real pain to swap cables to bypass the laser printer. I talked to a dealer > who said that this was "normal behavior". > So: > 1. Is there any danger to the laser printer if I leave it on while I'm using > the mega? The system is usually on about 8 hours a day, seven days a week. > 2. Is there any switch available which will allow me to use the machine > with the laser printer still attached but turned off? > 3. Is there anything else I can try? Dennis, I too own the SLM804 and an external hard drive. My local Atari delaer came up with a solution to the problem. It tunrs out that if the SLMC804 controller box is powered up you can turn off the SLM804 laser printer itself. But, as the controller box is powered by 5 volts DC from the laser printer you can't turn on the controller box with the printer turned off. So, my dealer made a little cable to steal 5VDC from the second joystick port on my Mega ST. And voila, I have power to the controller box even when the SLM804 is turned off!! I have repeated this solution many times on this newsgroup, but nobody seems to remember it. Contact Henry Ahle at Computer Works (602-246-6364) in Phoenix AZ and he can help you. I have never heard from anyone at Atari about this patch cord. But, it has worked for me for over 18 months now. Good luck!! Rich Covert ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 18:07:09 GMT From: (Mike Matthews) Subject: Noisy SH204 In article <34541@grapevine.uucp> (Steven Grimm) writes: >I've noticed that my SH204 hard drive has been getting noisier and noisier >over time. Has anyone else noticed their drives acting that way? Can anyone >suggest a fix? > >--- >" !" - Marcel Marceau >Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries? > ...!sun!sgrimm Yeah, happened to my Seagate 251 as well. A local hard drive guru type person suggested that it might be a worn "spindle"; [this of course depends on what kind of hard drive mech the SH204 has] the little thing on the bottom of the hard drive that spins (middle of mech. approx.) and is covered by a tab. That occasionally gets worn, causing a wobbling that makes the sound. In my case, however, the 251 was turning itself into dogmeat. Mike Matthews ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 17:00:04 GMT From: asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E. Covert) Subject: official tos 1.4 release In article <>, gl8f@astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) writes: > In article <46207fa0.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: > > Well, ALL tos 1.4 users use the same patch. I assume that Atari, being > fairly smart people, will arrange it so that if future patches are > needed, it will still be one file. This is much simpler ("Get this one > latest patch file") then worrying if you have TOS 1.4a or 1.4b or 1.4c > and having to get the right patch for each version. > > All in all, it's much easier to support one rom for which you're > supposed to have one patch file, than 14 different versions and 14 > different patch files. > > Greg Lindahl The problem Greg is that you just plain and simply can't count on Atari for support!! If Atari was going to support the ST, why didn't Atari license GPLUS from Charles Johnson and include it in TOS 1.4?? Why didn't Atari make any improvments in GDOS for TOS 1.4?? I have over 3 megs of GDOS fonts for my SLM804 and if it wasn't for Charles Johnson's GPLUS I wouldn't use any of them!! The GDOS support in TOS, even TOS 1.4, is almost zero compared to what GPLUS offers. And GPLUS has been out for a year now, so Atari could have licensed it from Charles Johnson. And Atari didn't even want to admit that there was a bug in the serial port code in TOS 1.4 until the Canadian hacker showed Atari the actual bug in the code. Pretty responsive of Atari, huh?? And this is for an OS that has been under development for 2 years!! After 2 years, you would think that Atari would have it right!!! Boy, a good outline font system, aka the macintosh system, would really be great for the ST!! But asking Atari for anything like that is like jumping to the moon, you'll never get there!! I like the third party support starting to appear for the ST. My favorite product is the Turbo16 product from FAST TECHNOLOGY. T16 really speeds up my Mega ST!! It is great!!! So, lets support the good 3rd party enhancments to the ST and hope that things will get better IN SPITE OF ATARI!! Rich (Proud owner of a souped up T16ed Mega ST4!!) Covert ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 11:55:27 MDT From: SYTANG%CSUGREEN.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Questions Hello STer: Locally we going to have a computer fair and our user group would like to show some good demo on ST so that local people would be awared of ST's power. However we don't have much demo nor good one, Any suggestions and/or sources for this? The show would be Nov. 18 and 19. Also some members in the club is considering to memory upgrade using the file that have been posted in this newsgroup. Does anyone has used that scheme to upgrade their memory and any comments, like, dislike? Thanks in advance for any help, sugguestions that you can provided. =================== Shoou-yu Tang; Colorado State Univ. , Physics Dept. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Oct 89 23:59:46 GMT From: tank! Subject: solderless ram upgrades (EZRAM) ?? EZ-RAM sounds like the easiest way to go .... Pete ------------------------------ Date: 13 OCT 89 16:00:52 CST From: Z4648252 <> Subject: The *new* DC Squish from Double Click Utilities... One joy that a user-enthusiast has when receiving new software is the observation of the evolving improvement of already great packages. I've already stated that Double Click's DC Squish is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well, add butter and milk to the sliced bread, which was formerly dry before. DC Squish just gets better and better! DC Squish has now been improved upon in a quiet but major way. We have talked about DC Squish and the PD/Shareware (???) Packer before on this net. Packer, when it did work, generally bested DC Squish in file compression. DC Squish, on the other hand, was much more user friendly and a whole lot of fun to use. The new DC Squish is just as friendly, just as dependable, and more important, compresses files tighter than it formerly did. Easily, it approaches and outdoes Packer. Briefly the following list sums up the improvements and added options: 1. More compression. 2. Faster execution speed. 3. Automatic conversion from old DC Squish to new -- painless! 3. User options for widcarding and keeping original file names. 4. Automatic multiple file compression (user's choice). Commands engaging the new features are easy and everything is just, well, friendly. Below is a brief list of file sizes for three programs. Many cheers for DoubleClick. They treat us well. Please BUY their products, folks. I want more utilities from these guys!!! I've a feeling that this is just a taste of good things to come. PROGRAM ORIGINAL SIZE OLD SQUISH NEW SQUISH ---------------------------------------------------------------- Flash 1.60 137.492 K 106.222 K 97.220 K Turbo 1.60 52.587 K 26.858 K 23.412 K WordPerfect (Aug 89) 204.280 K 161.726 K 151.632 K ---------------------------------------------------------------- [Nope, I don't work for these fine folks. I'm just a very happy buying customer.] Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1989 11:36 EDT From: Greg Csullog <01659%AECLCR.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Vapour trail diminishing I have two Portfolios, I had an Atari PC-4 two weeks ago, I'm told that a STACY and two 1040STEs will be shipped to me within two weeks. My secretary asked "Did you see the nice Atari ad on T.V. last night?" As far as I'm concerned, all things are looking great for Atari. Cannot wait to have a TT in my hands. My Ditto II is late and my additional GCRs have not arrived (in addition to my gamma test copy) but hey, any day now. I expect to demo a STACY + GCR to our users' group on November 8th. I know that STACY + GCR does not compare with the Mac laptop that was shown on site last week, but at 40% of the price, the STACYMac will be a killer product! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 14:19:21 DNT From: C878025%NEUVM1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Date: 13 October 1989, 14:19:08 DNT From: C878025 at NEUVM1 To: info-atari16 at HELP ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #517 *****************************************