INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sun, 5 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 607 Today's Topics: 1st word to postscript converter ? Animation Display Application... Atari Benchmarks (2 msgs) General Cheat Utility HARD DISK UTILITIES megamax MODULA2.ZOO FROM ETH XBIOX QUESTION Self-Modifying Code Trying to read an Atari St Gem-Dos disk on a Mac SE using FD/HD which 5.25 drive on the ST? WordPerfect for the Atari ST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 14:21 N From: Subject: 1st word to postscript converter ? I have two specific questions to ask: 1) Does anybody tried to use the 1st word-plus to postscript converter 1STW2PS from the terminator archives? It works fine with the supplied example on a Mega-ST2, but I am unable to make it print graphics. I obtain a postscript file containing nuls in place of the apropriate postscript graphics commands. I tried to contact by E-mail the author, but I got no answer so far. So if somebody have succeeded in printing graphics, could he/she send me his/her example. 2) I wonder if there is a simple vectorized drawing program for the ST which produces Postscript output, so I can print it on a postscript Laser printer at work with high resolution. Since I am using Knuth TeX program for text and mathematical formulae, I find very frustrating to insert graphics in low resolution mode. I am interested to know what you guys who (or their institution) owns a postscript Laser printer are doing. Thanks in advance to all replies. Jean-Francois Germond University of Neuchatel Switzerland Bitnet: PHFRESAR@CNEDCU51 ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 18:40:34 GMT From:!! (Antony A. Courtney) Subject: Animation Display Application... I am working on a generalized animation display application. I would like to make it be able to handle virtually all the various animation formats that exist out there. I would like information describing the format of animation files out there. The goal would eventually be to have this runing under X and have the user be able to load in any type of animation file and display it on his workstation. If people from the various Amiga, Atari and Mac. user groups could send me information on the various animation formats for your machines, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help! Cheers, -Antony -- ******************************************************************************* Antony A. Courtney Advanced Development Group ucbvax!!antony Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 23:08+0100 From: Ritzert%DMZRZU71.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Atari Benchmarks Correction: it must be ratehd 1.1 and Turbodos 1.05 --- - Michael Ritzert mjr@dmzrzu71.bitnet BTW: In my opinion, 30$ shareware fee for a simple benchmark program like quikdex is quite expensive. The authors should think of putting this program into the PD as ICD did with ratehd. (Only for comparison --- in Germany you have to pay the equivalent to 30$ for the ultra fast shareware TeX! The Author translated this TeX manually from Pascal to Turbo C.) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 23:06+0100 From: Ritzert%DMZRZU71.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Atari Benchmarks Recently, i did a few benchmarks on two Megas. Programs: quikdex1.0 and ICD's ratehd. Systems: a) ST2, TurboST1.6, NO blitter installed, SH205 (Tandon 262 (at 1:1 interleave, i think)). Partitions: 2.4/6/6/6 MB. TOS 1.2, Turbodos 1.5, AHDI 1.7. b) ST4, TurboST1.6, blitter, Seagate ST296 at 1:2, Supra host. Hypercache Board --- 16 MHz 68000, 8k cache. Partitions: 21.2/21.2/21.3/21.3 MB formatted with Supra Software (i.e. long FATS) TOS 1.4, CACHE90, AHDI 3.01 Both Systems: ACC's: TurboST, Control, HP-Calculator. SM124. Atari's 68881 Board Results (average of 10 ICD-tests): a) CPU: 99 % BIOS-text: 343 % GEM draw: 338 % GEMDOS i/o: 1561 % DMA-read: 2254 % Data rate: 262 +29 -20 kB/s Access: 121 +- 3 ms b) Cache off, TurboSt + Blitter CPU: 100 % BIOS-text: 346 % GEM draw: 349 % GEMDOS i/o: 1279 % (large FAT's!) DMA-read: 3367 % Data rate: 407 +- 0 kB/s Access: 31 +- 1 ms b) Cache on, TurboSt + Blitter CPU: 180 % BIOS-text: 500 % GEM draw: 409 % GEMDOS i/o: 1370 % DMA-read: 3367 % Data rate, Access: see above The FPU has not been tested by these Benchmarks. Effect of caching: Compilation speedup is typically 1.4 times (Laser C, GNU C, Absoft Fortran) Most FPU floating point operations are speeded up 1.5 times (large overhead of communication between 68000 and 68881). Real programs with much floating point and large address space (0.5 - 2.8 MB for variables) which call the '881 from library routines run 1.5 times faster. Software floating point ops are speeded up 1.85 times typically. In most cases, an 8MHz ST with '881 performs fp faster than the Hypercache machine without '881. Michael Ritzert mjr@dmzrzu71.bitnet BTW: In my opinion, 30$ shareware fee for a simple benchmark program like quikdex is quite expensive. The authors should think of putting this program into the PD as ICD did with ratehd. (Only for comparison --- in Germany you have to pay the equivalent to 30$ for the ultra fast shareware TeX! The Author translated this TeX manually from Pascal to Turbo C.) ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 89 07:40:14 GMT From: van-bc!rsoft!mindlink! (Tom Cheslock) Subject: General Cheat Utility Recently, on a friends IBM, he showed me the ultimate game/utility cheat program. During the game, by pressing a hot-key, a menu popped up that allowed him to do the following. He would look at the number of men he had in his game, say, 5. Then he would call up the editor and scan for 5. The program would tell him how many 5's it found. Then he would purposely kill his man, decreasing it to 4. Then by calling up the menu, he could enter 4 and the program would check for any variables that changed from 5 to 4. Then he could lock his men to any number he wanted. I am interested in the same type of program for the ST. Anyone out there that thinks it can be done? I think the hardest part is probably getting the game to pause while you enter those commands, then resume. .s ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Nov 89 16:04:05 AST From: Alyre CHIASSON Subject: HARD DISK UTILITIES I am looking for a program to optimize hard disk partitions. I had ordered through my local dealer "HARD DISK SENTRY" but there seems to be a supply problem (the program is by BECKEMEYER DEVELOPMENT TOOLS). So I am now thinking about another choice. Any recommendations? Anyone with experience with "TUNEUP" by MichTron? ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 02:56:18 GMT From: mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin! (Sam Alan EZUST) Subject: megamax does megamax have an e-mail address I can send mail to from an internet account? I sent some paper-mail to them but they haven't responded. It is very important! ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 10:40:49 GMT From:!usc!!wuarchive!!!ux1!! Subject: MODULA2.ZOO FROM ETH XBIOX QUESTION Has anyone figured out why xbios.def in the def\gemlib folder and xbios.def in the def\system folder are not identical? Which one is correct? In the gemlib\ folder, there is not an xbios.sbm/obm whereas there is one in the system folder... Did I receive a partial implementation? Thanks in advance... -Spieu! ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 00:12:50 GMT From: portal!! (David J Bell) Subject: Self-Modifying Code >Another obvious reason for not writing self-modifying code is it won't work >when programmed in ROM, PROM, EPROM/EEPROM etc. >It could copy itself beforehand into another more writeable part of virtual >memory (e.g. on-line magnetic storage media) but then the expensive, non- >volatile electronic memory would be wasted. Not, on the other hand, if the self-modifying aspect of the code allowed a significant reduction in size of the ROM code... I had a much-modified BIOS for a Z80 based CP/M system (back in the dark ages), that we *always* seemed able to squeeze just one more feature into by recoding some other part(s). One way we gained a bunch of space was to crunch several of the serial and parallel drivers together with short preambles that modified code in the body of the driver. Dave ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 19:36:54 GMT From: agate!!c60b2-cc@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Axel K. Olmos) Subject: Trying to read an Atari St Gem-Dos disk on a Mac SE using FD/HD FDHD to ST conversion. By Axel K. Olmos Thanks to countless miracles by Dave Small and his gang of technological wizards, we are now able to run Macintosh software on the Atari ST via Spectre 128. Unfortunately, the ability to run Macintosh software doesn't mean you can just put a Mac disk into an ST drive and run Spectre- until the release of the GCR. Before the GCR, the options available for moving software to the ST, were few and painful. You could send it through the RS232 onto a Spectre disk, or use a Translator, which unfortunately wasn't drastically quicker than the 9600 baud of the modem port. Then Apple came out with the FDHD, which allowed the transfer between IBM MSDOS 3.5" and Macintosh disks. This little disk drive was the answer to ST owners dreams. I assume you have access to the following: A double sided disk drive. (Doesn't everyone?!) A Spectre. (Not the GCR, if you have that you're set!) A MFS (Not HFS!) Partition on your hard disk with 720K free. OR A MFS formatted double sided disk. (Note, Spectre double sided disk are usually formatted HFS, you will need a special program to do this.) Transverter. (This came with Spectre) A Macintosh with a FDHD. (The new 1.44 meg Mac drive) Stuffit on the Macintosh and on the ST. I realize that is quite a large list. Most Spectre owners have all of that except for the FDHD Mac. This you will need to use at your rich friends house. Part 1: The Mac 1. Run Stuffit on the Macintosh. Create a new archive on a hard disk or floppy, and add whatever files you wish to port to the ST into it. Be sure that the Archive gets no larger than ?710K or it will not fit on an MSDOS disk. I'll assume you called this archive the default, archive.sit. 2. Run the Apple File Exchange program on the Macintosh. Format an MSDOS 720K disk. Now Convert the archive.sit from the Macintosh disk to the MSDOS disk. Part 2: The ST 1. If you have a hard disk with an MFS partition, go to 2. Otherwise, get a hold of a utility which will format a double sided HFS disk. 2. Run Transverter. Put the MSDOS disk in drive A and set the ST source drive to A:. Set the destination Mac drive to where ever your MFS disk or partition is. When it asks you if you want to strip linefeeds, say NO. When it asks for creator name and type for both, say "SIT!". (No quotes). (I have heard reports that if your ST is one meg or less, you will have trouble transverting large files) 3. After all your disks are converted, run Spectre and unstuff the files! Can't believe how easy that was? Neither can I. I stumbled across that late one night when I had an ST an a IIcx in the same room. It works like a champ. I was hesitant in releasing this information because I thought it might affect Spectre GCR sales. When I realized that you must own a Spectre for this process to work, I forgot about my worries. While this process is easier than others, it is still an inconvenience. There is no better way to move Mac disks to the ST than the Spectre GCR. This is just to hold you over while yours arrives in the mail. Have fun, Ax. (Special thanks to Frank and Clarence!) P.S. I think if you format a disk on the Mac as MSDOS, then put it in an ST, and copy ST files to it, then put it back in the mac, you might be able to port ST files to the Mac... c60b2@garnet.berkeley.EDU Axel K. Olmos EECS/C UC Berkeley "But who can do more?" ------------------------------ Date: 31 Oct 89 17:03:37 GMT From:!usc!!!peregrine!ccic pg!cci632!rit!ultb! (C.L. Freemesser) Subject: which 5.25 drive on the ST? I recently got a bunch of Zenith external 5.25 inch disk drives, and got em to work on the ST. Built in power supply and all. REALLY nice units. Anyways, they use the Panasonic mechanism. It is my opinion that 99% of all 5.25 inch drives have a 150 OHM resistor on the +5V line. No matter what you get, chances are you will have to replace it with a 1K OHM. It's pretty easy to do, just as long as you know which resistor to replace. By the way: the 5.25 inch drives I mentioned are for sale. Price is $140 plus shipping. Most are Zenith, but I have a few mixed brands of external drives. If interested, reply to one of the addresses below, or call me at (716)328-1703 after 5pm EST. Chris Freemesser, Rochester Institute of Technology | What I like : BITNET: %clf3678@RITVAX GEnie: C.FREEMESSER | 1) My Atari ST USENET: Just reply and hope it gets through | 2) My '77 Mercury Call the ACORN BBS (716)436-3078, 300/1200 baud | 3) Coke Classic ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 89 16:44:37 GMT From: crash! (Diane Barlow Close) Subject: WordPerfect for the Atari ST In article <469e19ab.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: >Yes, but do they support the Atari SLM804 laser printer?? That was my Not only do they support the Atari SLM804 printer, but they also support Ultrascript. -- Diane Barlow Close ?nosc, ucsd?!crash!canada Free Canada -- Trade Mulroney ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 22:42:37 HST From: INDEX INFO-A16 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 22:46:43 HST From: SUBSCRIBE INFO-A16 Jack W. Wine ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Nov 89 09:14:42 EST From: ahelget@ATHENA.MIT.EDU SUBSCRIBE INFO-ATARI16 REV INFO-ATARI16 ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #607 ***************************************** ========================================================================