========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 30 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 731 Today's Topics: A LEGAL Mac emulator! Craft & TOS 1.4 INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #718 LaserPrinters and the ST (2 msgs) looking for a portable 68K C compiler Monochrome Monitor Wanted Xformer II (or whatever) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 30 Nov 89 21:25:40 GMT From: brunix!iris.brown.edu!mjv@uunet.uu.net (Marshall Vale) Subject: A LEGAL Mac emulator! Message-ID: <21924@brunix.UUCP> In article <1989Nov30.185438.6755@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> opielask@clutx.clarkson.edu (Scott K. Opiela,,,2684025) writes: > (Now the 128k roms, which can only be > LEGALLY attained from Apple Computer Inc.) When I was searching for the ROMS, I did call an authorized Apple dealer and they would sell me ROMs. This might depend on the dealer though. > (AND the System and Finder software that > ARE ALSO COPYRIGHTED BY Apple Computer > Inc. for use exclusively on Macs) You can go into any Apple dealer and purchase the latest system software for around USD$45. > (Apple has a nice little package that includes > the 128k roms, and the System software, > PLUS they throw in a Mac Plus for free! > [minus roms and System software]) Mac Plus package... $909 (edu. price) Not everyone has access to the educational discount. Also take note that you get to use the discount ONCE, that's it (you also can't sell it for a period of time thereafter either.) Also, each university is on a different price reduction level depending on Mac use. Brown is at the highest level, but some other college may have to offer it for several hundred more. Since you would use your one time discount, you'd probably also buy an Imagewriter and (/or only if you're a masochist) a hard drive. Then add that all to the cost of the discounted Mac. I would certainly use my one time discount to choose a set that I would be able to use for a long time (like one from the Mac II line but then, that's me). If Apple really thought that places that sell used HD (and therefore ROMS) were illegal, I doubt that you would see those places still around. For example, say a person has a dead Plus that they want to sell. Joe's Used Macs buys it and then proceeds to gut the dead Plus and sell its parts. That's probably still legal, hence we are able to get ROMS. Don't forget that the Plus has a very short life span left as new apple product. It won't be much time before the SE is bottom of the line and that's around $1400-2000USD with the edu discount! (Add HD and its crazy). I won't even get into want "constitutes" a Mac. ROMS? Apple logo? Chips? I hope this makes everyone feel a bit more legit. -- mjv@iris.brown.edu "And, oh! Father Christmas, if you love me at all, Bring me a big, red india-rubber ball." A.A. Milne "Now We are Six" ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 22:47:41 GMT From: phoenix!alleyne@princeton.edu (Brian Derek Alleyne) Subject: Craft & TOS 1.4 Message-ID: <11842@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> I tried posting this once from my site already but there seems to be something wrong with our news program, as I can't read it from this site. NOTE: This message is from depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca; please do not reply to this address. I just upgraded my 1040ST to tos 1.4. I really like the speedup of the hard disk but there are a few questions I have about it. 1] When I format a disk from the desktop, nomatter what disk or what drive I am using, I get 'bad disk' errors when it nears track 79 or so. These disks format and work fine if I use Neodesk,. Anyone else have simmilar problems? 2] I used to use PQ.PRG, a background print buffer by Wayne S. Arczyinski, but this no longer works on tos 1.4. I sent mail to him asking about new versions but haven't gotten a reply from him yet. Does anyone know of a program whic does the same basic thing but also works on tos 1.4? Spool11.Tos will not do as it is much too slow for my printer. I need one very urgently!! 3] I have a supra 30mb hard disk which at the moment is setup to autoboot. When I had tos 1.0 and if I wanted to disable autoboot for one session (i.e. to play games) I held ctrl-alt-lshift and the floppy would boot instead of the hard disk. This doesn't work on tos 1.4. Does anyone know how I can remedy this? (At the moment I have to unplug the DMA cord whenever I want to boot directly from floppy). any and all help would be appreciated, and my sincere apologies if my previous messages did get posted to your site and this is the third time you are seeing them, but I want to make sure... -S. Alan Ezust depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca McGill University Dept of Computer Science. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Nov 89 19:39:13 EST From: mb Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #718 Rich Covert asks for suggestions on how to increase their club membership. Here's my 2 cent suggestion. Since you seem to have a good relationship with your dealer(s), why not convince them to give you a list of costumers who have bought ST or ST software from them. Send these guys a flyer about your club and why they should join. This is the cheapest approach with the highest chance of success. ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 21:21:36 GMT From: haven!uvaarpa!hudson!bessel.acc.Virginia.EDU!gl8f@purdue.edu (Greg Lindahl) Subject: LaserPrinters and the ST Message-ID: <2368@hudson.acc.virginia.edu> In article <4725e878.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: > The [Panasonic] 4450 [laser printer] is 11 ppm, which is faster >than the slm804. Of course, this is just the physical speed. In applications where you are sending full-page graphics to the laser printer, the SLM804 will win hands down because of high transfer rate between the ST and the printer. Just like CPUs, you have to benchmark the printers printing the kind of stuff you print before you know their relative speeds. ------ Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 23:33:26 GMT From: unmvax!ogccse!blake!ramsiri@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: LaserPrinters and the ST Message-ID: <4701@blake.acs.washington.edu> In article <2368@hudson.acc.virginia.edu> gl8f@bessel.acc.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) writes: >In article <4725e878.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: > >> The [Panasonic] 4450 [laser printer] is 11 ppm, which is faster >>than the slm804. > >Of course, this is just the physical speed. In applications where you are >sending full-page graphics to the laser printer, the SLM804 will win hands >down because of high transfer rate between the ST and the printer. > >Just like CPUs, you have to benchmark the printers printing the kind of >stuff you print before you know their relative speeds. > >------ >Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice I am glad this discussion has surfaced. I just printed out a short score - 3 parts/148 measures - on my dealer's slm804. Took about 7 minutes - 7 pages. The same score takes 45+ minutes on my Epson LQ-800 . I am deliberating over getting the ATARI.. or the Panasonic 4450. Unfortunately, i have yet to see NOTATOR's performance on the Panasonic. If what Greg is saying is true... the ATARI, for my purposes, would be better.. as most of my printing time is consumed by graphics. However, the Panasonic seems to be a "better" system. Wish i could have both! AN advantage to buying the Panasonic is that it may be used with lots of other systems.... if one ever decides ST's no longer cut it. Has anybody out there seen/used NOTATOR with the 4450? Incidentally, i had a lengthy discussion with the rep from NOTATOR today. Great guy.. lots of information about NOTATOR's future... Particularly relating to the TT. C-LAB has had 2 TT's on order for over 10 months. THey are now told it will only be 30-60 days before they get one. Now if developers don't even have the TT yet (and mind you, C-LAB is out of GERMANY!) we'll all be out of breath before the general public ever sees one. Oh yeah.. there are rumours that NOTATOR is being ported to the MAC. Ain't so. -kevin ramsiri@blake.acs.washington.edu ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 22:19:18 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!db.toronto.edu!jonah@tut.cis.ohio-state.e du (Jeffrey Lee) Subject: looking for a portable 68K C compiler Message-ID: <1989Nov30.171918.15050@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> I'm looking for source to a portable C compiler. My (current) target system is an Atari ST (mc68000), but I am planning to look at operating systems and languages to the extent that I *must* have the source code for the compiler and it should be portable enough so that I can make it run under new environments that I develop. Pointers to FTP sites are acceptable. -- Jeff Lee jonah@cs.toronto.edu jonah@ai.toronto.edu jonah@cs.utoronto.ca ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 89 00:39:06 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!psurge@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Troy Carpenter) Subject: Monochrome Monitor Wanted Message-ID: <7263@cs.utexas.edu> If anyone out there has a monchome monitor that they would like to sell, please send me mail and let me know. I am looking for a monochome monitor to use with some programs that don't take too kindly to the various monochrome emulation programs. Troy Carpenter Computer Sciences, THE University of Texas, Austin psurge@cs.utexas.edu Disclaimer: Why? ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 89 00:45:37 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!psurge@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Troy Carpenter) Subject: Xformer II (or whatever) Message-ID: <7264@cs.utexas.edu> I have a few questions about Xformer: 1. What is the current version 2. What systems does it support now (ie.8bit,c64 appleII) 3. Just how fast is it now? 4. How easy is it to get the .SD files over now? 5. Where do I get a copy of the latest version? I Thank you in advance for your information. Troy Carpenter Computer Sciences, THE University of Texas, Austin psurge@cs.utexas.edu Disclaimer: Why? ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #731 *****************************************