========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 23 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 854 Today's Topics: Address/Phone/Dial-out desk accessory GEnie uplink is shut down.. Lynx protocol Populous probs Res Changing test - please ignore The Use of Rapenet USENET -> GEnie uplink now working Wordlists ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 23 Dec 89 07:11:54 GMT From: snorkelwacker!usc!samsung!caesar.cs.montana.edu!milton!blake!ramsiri@bloom-beac on.mit.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: Address/Phone/Dial-out desk accessory Message-ID: <5149@blake.acs.washington.edu> Anyone know of a reliable desk accessory that is a simple address/phone book that does dial-out? thanks in advance. -kc ------------------------------ Date: 23 Dec 89 02:31:08 GMT From: giza.cis.ohio-state.edu!karl@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) Subject: GEnie uplink is shut down.. Message-ID: logajan@ns.network.com writes: You shouldn't let people brow beat you. Doing the right thing does not always win you popularity contests. Some of us would contend that Mr Small is doing precisely the right thing by shutting it down until it fits into the overall environment properly, both technically and politically. His initial implement- ation fit under neither consideration, and he now understands why. Sometimes you have to be a moral/ethical leader rather than a follower. This selfish group of USENET whiners is in desperate need of a model to emulate. You have the credibility to be that model. I don't whine for anybody, Mr Logajan, nor am I in need of a moral or ethical role model. Name-calling accomplishes startlingly little. Further, with as much respect as I can muster for Mr Small, he does not (yet) have the credibility for such things. He said himself that his implementation of things was not exactly up to par, and that he doesn't even know how such matters as email addressing are managed. His suggestions for how to implement an email gateway are, to be blunt, naive. What he requires is experience; that's all. If he re-does the link correctly, he'll get that experience. And then he'll have the credibility, and will have earned the respect of those who are concerned about the care with which such things are implemented. No one has answered my question about why telephone companies, computer companines, modem companies and software companies can all make money off USENET sites and GEnie can't. You appear not to have been reading very closely. Quite a few of us have agreed quite readily that there is no reason GEnie shouldn't make a profit, given especially precedents in the form of Portal and others. Many of us disagreed only with the imbalance of the link, not its existence or the profit to be made from it. I should be offended by your whimping out and leaving the GEnie user in the information poor house. Might it occur to you that he may face somewhat more disagreeable users on the GEnie side, and that turning the link off is quite the opposite of "wimping out?" That he will now have to face them to say, "I had to turn it off because it needs to be redesigned properly?" I daresay he's got quite a bit of work ahead of himself; he's not wimping out in the least. Your predilection toward name-calling completely eradicates any argument you might have had. --Karl ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 89 19:23:21 GMT From: fox!portal!atari!danscott@apple.com (Dan Scott) Subject: Lynx protocol Message-ID: <1914@atari.UUCP> in article <1180@nsscb.UUCP>, tjm@nsscb.UUCP (Timothy J. Murphy) says: > > > Atari, expectedly, isn't forthcoming w/ any decent technical info > on the Lynx, specifically the ComLynx port, so now I turn to the world's > most secret pool of knowledge: you people on the Net! I don't recall seeing much technical information on *ANY* hand-held video game. Unless you consider a hint-book for game play a technical manual. Dan ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 89 15:45:55 GMT From: attcan!ncrcan!hcr!jonathan@uunet.uu.net (Jonathan Fischer) Subject: Populous probs Message-ID: <1989Dec22.154555.11166@hcr.uucp> I know this was discussed some time ago, but I recently purchased Populous -- neat looking game, incidentally -- but it doesn't load properly. The demo works quite tantalizingly (?) but the actual game never loads. I've checked my floppy rotation speed, and it's 299: pretty much bang on. I've got an ancient 520 (1 Meg) and a DS drive. Basically what I'm asking is: is there a hope for me, or do I try to return the game? A plague on EA and all their descendants for their nutso copy protection... -- Jonathan Fischer HCR Corp Toronto, Ontario, Canada ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 89 16:15:33 GMT From: fox!portal!atari!kbad@apple.com (Ken Badertscher) Subject: Res Changing Message-ID: <1913@atari.UUCP> Neil asks if there are magic negative-offset line A variables which can be stuffed with appropriate values to fool GEM if an application changes res. The answer is: No. The line A variables are essentially the BSS of the VDI. The AES, on the other hand, has no published variables. Never had 'em, never will. So you can diddle with line A variables all day long, but the AES will still be working in the original resolution when it's time to show a menu, or draw a window, or put up an alert box. Derek Mui is very wise in the ways of the AES, and when he says there is no way, legal or illegal... believe him! -- ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad) ||| Atari R&D System Software Engine / | \ #include ------------------------------ Date: 23 Dec 89 06:59:01 GMT From: cs.yale.edu!beck-chris@CS.YALE.EDU (Chris Beck) Subject: test - please ignore Message-ID: <9526@cs.yale.edu> This is a test. Please ignore. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 89 20:01:21 GMT From: usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!gryphon!richard@apple.com (Richard Sexton) Subject: The Use of Rapenet Message-ID: <23728@gryphon.COM> In article <946@crash.cts.com> canada@crash.cts.com (Diane Barlow Close) writes: >This message was posted by Dave Small to the atari newsgroup, and I have >many objections and some questions I'd like to pose to the net (so as not >to waste net $$ please direct all followups to news.misc or alt.flame): (posting to additional groups only costs one extra inode, whose $$ value is rather small) >-> It's time to announce that there is now a working uplink >-> from USENET to GEnie. > >I object to this ONE WAY transfer of information. Sigh. We just did this with Brad's r.h.f group. There was a four month flak about him gatewaying jokes onto GEnie. The net effect to Usenet was zero, presumably GEnie users got something out of it. No one person can say ``this will stop NOW!'' If you feel strongly, put something in your .signature file like: ``Redistribution to GEnie prohibited''. This prevents YOUR postings from being propagated to GEnie. If a lot of people do this, it will send a message to GEnie. If a lot of people don't do it, it will send a message to USENET. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 89 23:17:22 GMT From: pyramid!infmx!robert@hplabs.hp.com (Robert Coleman) Subject: USENET -> GEnie uplink now working Message-ID: <2911@infmx.UUCP> Well, I was annoyed at first at providing info to a profit organization, but think of it this way: the Net is a *free* information source. Would you object to genie loading on other free info sources, such as pamphlets from the US govt, transcripts of press talks, written works out of copyright, etc? The point is that the info published here is FREE to everyone, and that INCLUDES corporations, governments, and places that charge for making this info convenient to their clientele. Remember, they are charging not for the info itself, but for making the information available in one place to the users who are interested or who may not HAVE another way of getting to this source. I have access free but my company pays an access fee (I believe, and it would be the same for genie). If my company wanted to pass this cost on to the employees who use the service, would that be wrong? Disclaimer: I do not use Genie, nor do I work for Genie, nor do I know anyone who is in any way related to Genies, Djinn, Efreets, etc. Robert C. -- "Helen's the only one who knows what scruples are, and she won't tell us" John said. "Have we got scruples about it, Helen?" "Not a trace," Helen affirmed. -The Reefs of Earth, R.A.Lafferty ------------------------------ Date: 23 Dec 89 06:22:53 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!caesar.cs.montana.edu!ogicse! blake!ramsiri@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: Wordlists Message-ID: <5148@blake.acs.washington.edu> Thanks to all those who responded to my request for information leading to wordlists. Both Austin Code Works of Austin Texas and Moby Words by Illumind of Monterey, CA. were suggested with about equal enthusisam. Given the lists from each of the companies run about the same price, I opted for Illumind's MOBY WORDS.. a 530,000 word list.. or about twice as large as the one from Austin Code Works. . Other products I'd like to buy in the future include a phonetic listing and a parts of speech library... All offered by Illumind. The disks arrived in MS-DOS 720k format at my request since i have a 1040ST... all i had to do was load them onto my hard drive and run the files through compress -d .. and there they were.... all 6.5 MBytes! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. -kevin ramsiri@blake.acs.washington.edu ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #854 *****************************************