Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Pulling seedlings when soil is moist Cut-stump treatment with glyphosphate or triclopyr


Appearance: Large deciduous tree; dense canopy, 60' high when mature. Similar to native sugar maple except: broken leaf emits milky sap; upright green flower clusters; widely spreading winged fruit; regularly grooved bark; fall color always yellow. Leaves: Opposite, five-lobed, coarsely toothed, pointed. Flower: Flat-topped upright cluster, yellowish green, appearing with the leaves; blooming in May. Fruit: Widely spreading winged fruit, ripens in autumn.
The Norway Maple invades native woodlands by out-competing sugar maple as it is also very shade tolerant. Wildflower diversity is reduced beneath because it forms a more dense canopy. Although sold primarily as a boulevard tree, it spreads by seeds into disturbed forest communities. It is native to Europe and Asia and widely sold in nurseries in the U.S.
Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc.