Smooth brome grass (Bromus inermis)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Late spring prescribed burns will decrease it Mowing and then after a growth flush spraying repeatedly with glyphosate


Appearance: Perennial cool season grass, 2-3' high, hairless erect stem. Leaves: Conspicuous "M"- or "W"-shaped constriction, blade about 1/4" wide. Flower: Open panicle (main axis with subdivided branching), erect with ascending branches, blooming in June and July. Reproduces sexually by seed and vegetatively by rhizomes.
Smooth brome grass spreads into degraded prairies, roadsides and ditches, and moist wooded areas. It is widely planted as a forage grass and for hay production. Smooth brome was imported in the late 1800s for use as forage grass and for erosion control. It is tolerant of a wide variety of conditions, but prefers moist soils and sunny locations.
Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains, by James Stubbendieck and Geir Friisoe, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, 1994/95