Ox-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum or Leucanthemum vulgare)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Repeated pulling on small infestations is effective. None   None


Appearance: The only large white daisy that has escaped gardens. Perennial forb, thin, 1-2' tall, stems typically branch above to produce two or more flower heads; smells strongly like sage. Leaves: Alternate, deeply cut and lobed. Flower: White daisies with yellow central disc, 2" across, bloom all summer. Seed: Tufted, dispersed by wind. Root: Spreads vegetatively by horizontal stems under the soil surface (rhizomes).
Ox-eye daisy is not a threat to intact prairies or savannas. It frequently invades disturbed fields and meadows, competing with native plants, especially under grazing pressure. Probably introduced as an ornamental from Europe and escaped to become one of the most common roadside weeds.