Crown vetch, axseed (Coronilla varia)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Prescribed burning in late spring for several successive years Foliar application in early spring with clopyralid, a broadleaf selective herbicide None


Mowing in June and late August Do not use in high quality natural areas    
Mowing for several successive years.        
Appearance: Perennial forb producing 2-6' long stems with a reclining and trailing growth pattern. In winter and early spring crown vetch can be recognized by large brown unsightly patches. Leaves: Pinnately compound (leaflets on both sides of a common stalk), with 15-25 pairs of oblong leaflets. Flower: Clustered in flat-topped umbels on extended stalks which grow from the leaf axils. Flowers bloom from May through August and range from pink, lavender to white. Seed: Slender seeds are contained in finger-like pods; they remain viable in the soil for 15 years. Root: Rhizomatous roots can grow up to 10' long, contributing to extensive vegetative spread.
Crown vetch is now a serious invader of prairies and dunes. It is found in disturbed remnant prairies and woodland edges, gravel bars along streams, agricultural land and roadsides. It prefers open and sunny areas. It was introduced from Europe and southeast Asia during the 1950s as a groundcover, bank and slope stabilizer along roads and waterways, and as a green fertilizer crop. It is still sold commercially.
Wisconsin Manual of Control Recommendations for Ecologically Invasive Plants, 1997