Butter and eggs or common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Frequent mowing to weaken the plant None  

Two European beetles that feed on buds, flowers and seed capsules

Appearance: Butter and eggs is a 1-2' high perennial forb with multiple erect stems growing from rootstocks. Leaves: Alternate, smooth, long narrow leaves, 1/2-1 1/2" long. Flower: Bright yellow flowers with a long spur are arranged in an elongated cluster of 15-20 flowers along each stem. Blooming time is from mid-July until late September. Seed: Small seeds are easily dispersed by wind and water and stay viable in the soil for up to 8 years. Root: Root buds form on the taproot and lateral roots. Spreads also vegetatively, root fragments the size of 1/2" are capable of producing a new plant.
This plant has the ability to adapt to various site conditions. In Minnesota it grows on gravelly to sandy soil along roadsides, railroad yards, waste places, dry fields, pastures and croplands. It competes well against less aggressive native species in gravelly and sandy soils; its capability to also spread vegetatively is largely responsible for its invasive behavior. It presents a problem in prairie reconstruction projects, once it has established itself. Butter and eggs is a serious problem in Alberta and is on the state noxious weed list in New Mexico and Arizona. This plant was introduced into North America as an ornamental from the steppes of Europe and Asia in the 1700s, and is still commercially available.
Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains, James Stubbendieck and Geir Friisoe, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, 1994/95.Southwest Exotic Plant Mapping Program www.usgs.nau.edu/swemp/Info_pages/plants/Linaria/