Bird's-foot trefoil, deer vetch (Lotus corniculatus)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Mowing frequently at a height of less than 2" for several years, (this will be stressful to native plants as well) Spot spraying affected areas with clopyralid after re-greening from a burn or mowing. Clopyralid is a selective herbicide that also kills native plants of the sunflower and pea families) None


Appearance: Bird's-foot trefoil is a perennial forb. The clover-like plant has a sprawling to erect growth pattern, and gets 12-24" tall. Leaves: Three clover-like leaflets on a short stem with two additional leaflets at the base of the stem. Flower: Yellow pea-like flowers occur typically in flat-topped clusters of 3-12, are about 1/2 " long, sometimes tinged with red. Blooms during most of the summer. Fruit: One-inch long brown seed pods are produced in clusters resembling a bird's foot.
Bird's-foot trefoil forms dense mats choking and shading out most other vegetation. It grows best in the Midwest and is most problematic in prairies and disturbed open areas such as roadsides. Prescribed burns increase seed germination making it troublesome in native prairies. This European species has been introduced to the U.S. and Canada for livestock forage and erosion control along roadsides. It is still sold commercially.
Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Inc.