Perennial forb, 3-7' tall with multiple (30-50) four, five, or six-sided
stems arising from a single rootstock. Leaves:
Opposite or alternating in 90 degree angles; sometimes appearing in
groups of three; lance-shaped, downy with smooth edges; stalkless.
Magenta flower spikes bloom all summer. Individual flowers have 5
or 6 petals. Seed:
Tiny; about 2.7 million per plant annually. Seeds remain viable in the soil
for many years. Root:
Large, woody taproot with extending fibrous rhizomes forming a dense
mat. |
Purple loosestrife invades
many wetland types including wet meadows, stream banks, pond or
lake edges and ditches. Its ability to also reproduce vegetatively
allows it to expand quickly and form monotypic stands that choke
out native plants. Purple loosestrife was introduced from Europe
as a garden perennial.
Legal status:
Regulations forbid the sale of Purple loosestrife
in 24 states. This plant and any hybrids, cultivars, or varieties
are prohibited exotic species in Minnesota and may not
be possessed, imported, purchased, sold, propagated, transported,
or introduced except by permits allowed by state law.