Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea)
 Native Substitutes:
 Control Methods  
Mowing mid-June and October to reduce seed and encourage native species Application of glyphosate. Preliminary research indicates that fall chemical application may be most effective None


Consecutive annual burns spring or fall        
Frequent cultivation followed by fall seeding        
Appearance: Perennial coarse cool season grass that grows 2-6' high. Selected for its vigor, it is one of the first to sprout in spring. Erect hairless stems. Leaves: Blades 1/4-1/3" wide, gradually tapering, up to 10" long. It has a highly transparent ligule (a membrane where blade and sheath meet) that distinguishes it from the native bluejoint grass. Flower: Densely clustered single florets, green to purple changing to beige over time. Blooms May to mid-June. Root: Rhizomatous, (stems that grow under or along the ground sending new shoots above the ground and roots below), creating a thick impenetrable mat directly below or at the soil surface.
Reed canary is a major threat to natural wetlands. It out-competes most native species. It presents a major challenge in wetland mitigation efforts. It forms large, single-species stands, with which other species cannot compete. If cut during the growing season a second growth spurt occurs in the fall. Invasion is associated with disturbances, such as ditch building, stream channeling, sedimentation and intentional planting. This Eurasian species has been planted throughout the U.S. since the 1800's for forage and erosion control and is still being planted.
Wisconsin Manual of Control Recommendations for Ecologically Invasive Plants, 1997.Plant Conservation Alliance: Alien Plant Working Group The Nature Conservancy Element Stewardship Abstract.C. Reinhardt and S. Galatowitsch. 2000. Best management practices for minimizing reed canary grass prior to wetland restoration. Final report to Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources, Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District and Minnesota Dept. of Transportation. Dec. 5, 2000. 40 pp.