================================================================ Title : BradPac1 Filename : Bradpac1.zip Author : Brad Edgeworth E-mail Address : c/o Spewster@mail.utexas.edu Misc. Author Info : One of the best Dukers in all time , college student, etc...... Description : This is a compilation of 27 Duke Match levels. You can switch to a different level via the menu system, used in Duke Matches. Additional Credits to : William Langford & Brad Caplan (Beta-testing) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Maps Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Time to Build : Too long to find good maps. Known Bugs : Don't use the option for Brad&co7-9 unless you have a copy of it in the same directory. Brad&co7-9 maps have not been created yet, but it will be easy to upgrade this pack by unzipping and adding into the same directory. * Where to get this MAP file * ftp.cdrom.com www.kinglink.com in the duke section Other: via my contact e-mail, and hopefully some ftp sites ************************************************************************************* Running of BradPac1 1) Just unzip bradpac1.zip into your duke directory 2) Run Bradpac1.bat which will load the proper con files. ***Although their are altered con files being used do not worry, as you are using the confiles: bradpac1.con, bradpac1.u, bradpac.d files so it won't mess with the original files*********************************************** 3) Once setup has been loaded, connect by using either the network or the modem functions 4) Master selects the level.......... and you enjoy playing different user maps. *****Important Note**** Do not select maps Brad&co7-9 unless they, have been downloaded and put in.