The Inner City II By H3llspawn Version 3.0 (Final) ================================================================== Title : Inner City II Filename : Version : Inner City, Version 3.0 (Final!) Author : H3llspawn Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Uh...No...get that elsewhere...uh huh huh... Description : A really cool sequel to tha first city level, you even get off the same plane you left on! This level is too big for 2 player deathmatch, though it might kick in 8 player mode, awesome in single. Additional Credits to : 3DRealms for such a great game! And Jimmbo!!!, Coolio, Lowt3k, Eras3r, & obLivion for testing. Additional Cursing to : Strange people that build levels that are fit for a 10 foot tall Duke Nukem... ================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level : Single Player : Its possible without codes you pathetic cheaters. You can clearly tell who cheats in a deathmatch, just look at the score. Anywhere from a lead of 10-20 against your opponent means he is midsized cheater. 20 and above needs no explanation. Dukematch Level : Enjoy!!! Co-op up to 8 too!!! Difficulty Settings : None implemented, though beginners and cheaters might curse at this one! Funny words to say : &#$@!, *@#!, $&#*!, and any others you find fitting... * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD editor Known Bugs : BATS! {Read Calvin and Hobbes...} Sometimes, a divine intervention causes strange things to happen. Just ignore theses events and continue on your merry way. * Where to get this .MAP file * Perhaps from the internet, you could start there.