\*Ver. 17. \\He moveth his tail like a cedar\\, &c.] To which it is compared, not for the length and largeness of it; for the tail both of the elephant and of the river horse is short; though Vartomannus {c} says, the tail of the elephant is like a buffalo's, and is four hands long, and thin of hair: but because of the smoothness, roundness, thickness, and firmness of it; such is the tail of the river horse, being like that of a hog or boar {d}; which is crooked, twisted, and which it is said to turn back and about at pleasure, as the word used is thought to signify. Aben Ezra interprets it, %maketh to stand%: that is, stiff and strong, and firm like a cedar. One writer {e} speaks of the horse of the Nile, as having a scaly tail; but he seems to confound it with the sea horse. Junius interprets it of its penis, its genital part; to which the Targum in the King's Bible is inclined: and Cicero {f} says, the ancients used to call that the tail; but that of the elephant, according to Aristotle {g}, is but small, and not in proportion to the bigness of its body; and not in sight, and therefore can hardly be thought to be described; though the next clause seems to favour this sense: \*\\the sinews of his stones are wrapped together\\; if by these are meant the testicles, as some think, so the Targums; the sinews of which were wreathed, implicated and ramified, like branches of trees, as Montanus renders it. Bochart interprets this of the sinews or nerves of the river horse, which having such plenty of them, are exceeding strong; so that, as some report, this creature will with one foot sink a boat {h}; I have known him open his mouth, says a traveller {i}, and set one tooth on the gunnel of a boat, and another on the second strake from the keel, more than four feet distant, and there bite a hole through the plank, and sink the boat. \*Ver. 18. \\His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass: his bones [are] as\\ \\bars of iron\\.] Than which nothing is stronger. The repetition is made for greater illustration and confirmation; but what is said is not applicable to the elephant, whose bones are porous and famous, light and spongy for the most part, as appears from the osteology {k} of it; excepting its teeth, which are the ivory; though the teeth of the river horse are said to exceed them in hardness {l}; and artificers say {m} they are wrought with greater difficulty than ivory. The ancients, according to Pausanias {n}, used them instead of it; who relates, that the face of the image of the goddess Cybele was made of them: and Kircher {o} says, in India they make beads, crucifixes, and statues of saints of them; and that they are as hard or harder than a flint, and fire may be struck out of them. So the teeth of the morss, a creature of the like kind in the northern countries, are valued by the inhabitants as ivory {p}, for hardness, whiteness, and weight, beyond it, and are dearer and much traded in; \\see Gill on "Job 40:20"\\; but no doubt not the teeth only, but the other bones of the creature in the text are meant. \*Ver. 19. \\He [is] the chief of the ways of God\\, &c.] Or the beginning of them, that is, of the works of God in creation; which must be restrained to animals, otherwise there were works wrought before any of them were created. There were none made before the fifth day of the creation, and on that day was the river horse made; in which respect it has the preference to the elephant, not made till the sixth day. But if this phrase is expressive of the superexcellency of behemoth over other works of God, as it seems to be, it must be limited to the kind of which it is; otherwise man is the chief of all God's ways or works, made either on the fifth or sixth day: and so as the elephant may be observed to be the chief of the beasts of the earth, or of land animals, for its largeness and strength, its sagacity, docility, gentleness, and the like; so the river horse may be said to be the chief of its kind, of the aquatic animals, or of the amphibious ones, for the bulk of its body, which is not unlike that of the elephant, as says Diodorus Siculus {q}; and it has been by some called the Egyptian elephant {r}; and also from its great sagacity, of which instances are given by some writers {s}. However, it is one of the chief works of God, or a famous, excellent, and remarkable one, which may be the sense of the expression; see \\#Nu 24:20\\. It might be remarked in favour of the elephant, that it seems to have its name from \^Pla\^, the first and chief; as the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is called %aleph%; unless it should have its name from this root, on account of its docility; \*\\he that made him can make his sword to approach [unto him]\\; not the sword of God, as if this creature could not be killed by any but by him that made it; for whether the elephant or river horse be understood, they are both to be taken and slain: but the sword of behemoth is that which he himself is furnished with; which some understand of the trunk of the elephant, with which he defends himself and annoys others; but that has no likeness of a sword. Bochart {t} renders the word by %harpe%, which signifies a crooked instrument, sickle or scythe; and interprets it of the teeth of the river horse, which are sharp and long, and bent like a scythe. That which Thevenot {u} saw had four great teeth in the lower jaw, half a foot long, two whereof were crooked; and one on each side of the jaw; the other two were straight, and of the same length as the crooked, but standing out in the length: see the figure of it in Scheuchzer {w}; by which it also appears to have six teeth. Another traveller says {x}, of the teeth of the sea horse, that they are round like a bow, and about sixteen inches long, and in the biggest part more than six inches about: but another relation {y} agrees more nearly with Thevenot and Scheuchzer; that four of its teeth are longer than the rest, two in the upper jaw, one on each side, and two more in the under; these last are four or five inches long, the other two shorter; with which it mows down the corn and grass in great quantities: so that Diodorus Siculus {z} observes, that if this animal was very fruitful, and brought forth many young and frequently, the fields in Egypt would be utterly destroyed. This interpretation agrees with what follows. {c} Navigat. l. 4. c. 9. {d} Aristot. Plin. Solin. & Isidore ut supra. {e} Nicet. Choniat. apud Fabrit. Gr. Bibliothec. vol. 6. p. 410. {f} Epist. l. 9. ep. 22. {g} Hist. Amimal. l. 2. c. 1. {h} Apud Hierozoic, par. 2. l. 5. c. 14. col. 758. {i} Dampier's Voyages, vol. 2. part 2. p. 105. {k} In Philosoph. Transact. vol. 5. p. 155, 156. {l} Odoardus Barbosa apud Bochart. ut supra. {m} Diepenses apud ib. {n} Arcadica, sive, l. 8. p. 530. {o} China cum Monument. p. 193. {p} Olaus Magnus, ut supra, l. 2. c. 19. Voyage to Spitzbergen, p. 115. {q} Ut supra. {r} Achilles Tatius, l. 4. {s} Ammian. Marcellin. Plin. Solin. ut supra. Vid. Plin. l. 28. c. 8. {t} Ut supra, col. 760. {u} Travels, part 1. c. 72. {w} Physic. Sacr. tab. 532. {x} Dampier's Voyages, vol. 2. part 2. p. 105. {y} Capt. Rogers apud Dampier, ib. p. 106. {z} Ut supra.