\*Ver. 47. \\[It is] God that avengeth me\\, &c.] Or %gives vengeance unto me%, or %for me% {t}: vengeance only belongs to God, and he repays it for and in behalf of his people. Private revenge is not to be exercised by any; public vengeance on delinquents may be exercised by the civil magistrate, to whom God gives power and authority to exercise it, \\#Ro 13:4\\; as he did to David, as king of Israel; though the phrase rather seems to design the victories which he obtained over his enemies, which were punishments to them, vengeances inflicted on them; and owing to God; so the acceptable year of the Messiah's coming, and the time of his people redeemed by him, is called the day of vengeance of our God, both on his and their enemies, \\#Isa 61:2 63:4\\; \*\\and subdueth the people under me\\; the Edomites, Moabites, and others, as in \\2Sa 8:1,2,5,14\\, or the Gentiles under Christ; \\see Gill on "Ps 18:39"\\; \*Ver. 48. \\He delivereth me from mine enemies\\, &c.] From Saul and his men, from Ishbosheth and Abner, from Absalom, and the conspirators with him; so all believers are delivered out of the hands of their enemies by Christ, as that they can serve the Lord without fear; and so Christ himself is delivered from all his enemies, being raised from the dead, and set at the right hand of God, where he must reign till all enemies are put under his feet; \*\\yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me\\; David was lifted up from a low and mean estate, and placed on the throne of Israel, above all those that rose up against him, and sought to destroy him; and the saints are set upon their high places in Christ, where they are out of the reach of their enemies to do them any hurt; and Christ, he is highly exalted at the right hand of God, above all principality and power, might and dominion, and every name that is named in this world; \*\\thou hast delivered me from the violent man\\; either from Saul, from whom David was delivered; or from Satan the enemy, the son of wickedness, who shall no more exact upon and afflict the Messiah, \\#Ps 89:21,22\\. The Chaldee paraphrase says, from Gog; as the saints will be delivered from antichrist, the man of sin, and son of perdition, who will be destroyed with the breath of Christ's mouth. \*Ver. 49. \\Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the\\ \\Heathen\\, &c.] These words are cited by the apostle, in \\#Ro 15:9\\; and applied to the conversion of the Gentiles, which is manifestly prophesied of in some preceding verses of this psalm: there it is rendered, %I will confess to thee among the Gentiles%; and designs not confession of sin, nor profession of the truth, but an acknowledgment of unworthiness, joined with thankfulness for mercies received; done in the most public manner, not only in the congregation of the righteous, but before the Heathen conquered by him; owning before them all, that the victories he had obtained over them were not to be ascribed to his arm and sword, but to the power of the Lord; \*\\and sing praises unto thy name\\; which is comely for the saints to do, and which Jesus Christ himself did, in the great congregation of his disciples, and among the Gentiles, by his apostles, and others, on the account of the conversion of them. \*Ver. 50. \\Great deliverance giveth he to his king\\, &c.] Not that is king over him; for he is King of kings and Lord of lords; but that is made king by him, as David was; who did not usurp the throne, but was anointed king by the appointment of God, and was placed by him upon the throne; to whom he gave great deliverance from his enemies, or %magnified salvations% to him; which were great in kind, and many in number; and as Christ is, whom God has set as his King on his holy hill of Sion, against whom the Heathen raged, and kings and princes set themselves; but he is delivered from them all, and saved from the power of death and the grave, and ever lives to reign over, protect, and defend his people; in \\#2Sa 22:51\\, it is, he is %the tower of salvation for his king%, with which compare \\#Pr 18:10\\; \*\\and showeth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for\\ \\evermore\\; which may be understood either of David literally, who was the Lord's anointed, and to whom God showed mercy in various instances; and then by his seed is meant the Messiah, who was of his seed according to the flesh; or of the Messiah, whose name signifies Anointed; and who is often called David, \\#Eze 34:23,24 37:24,25 Ho 3:5\\; and so some of the Jewish doctors {u} from this verse prove that the name of the Messiah is David: and by his seed are meant his spiritual seed; all the elect of God, who are given him as his children, to whom he stands in the relation of the everlasting Father: and as mercy is kept with him for evermore, \\#Ps 89:28\\; so it is shown to them in regeneration, in the forgiveness of their sins, and in their everlasting salvation. {t} \^yl twmqn Ntwnh\^ %qui dat ultiones mihi%, Pagninus, Gejerus; so Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Musculus, Cocceius, Michaelis. {u} Echa Rabbati, fol. 50. 2.