by the Father, adopted through him, regenerated by his Spirit and grace, begotten through his Gospel, and the ministry of it, and born again in his church, and to whom he stands in the relation of the everlasting Father, Isa. ix. {5. and lilt. 10. The enduring of these for ever may denote the final perseverance of particu- lar believers; which may be Concluded from the rela- tion of Christ, as an everlasting Father to them, who therefore must continue as his children; from his af- fection to them, from which there can be no separa- tion; fi'om their security in and by him, being in his hand, and in his heart; from their adoption, which is never revoked, being sons they are no more servants; from their regeneration of incorruptible seed; and from the nature of faith, which can never be lost: they that trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which endures for ever, Psal. cxxv. 1. or it may be expressive of the duration of the church of Christ in general, throughout all periods of time, notwithstanding the malice and opposition of men and devils against it; see Matt. xvi. 18. and his throne as the days of bee, yen; a phrase signifying a great length of time, Dent. xi. 2l. yea, invariable constancy_and duration, Jer. xxxi. 35, 36. Matt. v. 18. and indeed the throne of Christ is for ever and ever, and will be when the present earth and heavens are fled away, Psal. xlv. 6. Rev. xx. 11. Christ is upon a throne now in heaven, the same with his divineFather's; and here he must sit and reign, till all enemies are put under him; and he will be on a throne of glory when he judges the world, and in the New-Jerusalem state for the space of a thousand years; and, after that, he'll reign with his saints, and they with him, for evermore; his throne and kingdom are everlasting, Isa. ix. 7. Dan. it. 44. Ver. 30. If his children forsake my law, &c.] The same with the seed before mentioned, the children of the Messiah: it is not said if he forsakes, which cannot be supposed of Christ, because he knew no sin, nor did any; which yet might be supposed of David, had he been literally meant; but not he, nor his natural children, but the spiritual seed of mystical David, are here designed, who may sin, and do sin, of which there is too much proof and evidence; and who sin not only through infirmity, but sometimes very grossly, and which sins are here expressed by various phrases: they sometime,forsake the law of God; do not attend to it, as they should, as the rule of their walk and conversa- tion; are remiss in their observance of it, and obedi- ence to it, and transgress its precepts; or his doctrine {h}, even the doctrine of the Gospel; which may be said to be forsaken when men grow indifferent to it; go off from it in any measure, drop their profession of it, or hold it remissly, or become careless in their attendance on it: forsaking the assembling together to hear it, in some sense, is a forsaking of it; and this the Lord takes notice of, and resents, in his people: and walk not in my judgments; those laws of his house by which he judges, regulates, and governs his people; by which they are directed by him, as their Judge and Lawgiver, how to behave themselves in the church of God; and m which they are to walk, and continue in the obser- vance of; and so to do is to walk as becomes the Gospel, and worthy of their vocation; but to do other- wise is to walk disorderly; and such are cognizable by the Lord, and by his people. Ver. 31. If they break my statutes, &c.] Fixed, settled, appointed ordinances; such as are baptism and the Lord's supper, under th, New-Testament dis- pensation; which are the things that are unshaken, and will remain until the second coming of Christ: these are to be kept as they were first delivered; no change and alteration ought to be made in them; so to do is to break and violate them, or profane them, as the word {i} here used signifies; and which may be done by an unbecoming, irreverent, and indecent attendance on them; as was by some in the Corinthian church, of which the apostle complains, and who for it were taken notice of, and chastened by the Lord, 1 Cot. xi. 2, 20, 2l, 22, 30, 32. and keep not my commandments; which should be kept imparttally, with great affection to them, from a principle of love to the Lord, with a view to his glory, and without trusting to and depend- ing upon an obedience to them; for they are not grievous; and, besides, in, though not for, keeping them, there is great reward; and a contrary behaviour is displeasing to God: now this particular enumera- tion ofoffences, that may be committed by the children of God to Christ, ,hew that all sorts of sins may be committed by them; sins of omission and commission; sins against the law, and against the Gospel; all but the unpardonable one; and that these, though they are observed in a way hereafter mentioned, yet are all forgiven. Vet. 32. Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, &c.] That is, of men; as in 2 Sam. vii. 14. the Lord making use of men to chastise his people by, as he did of the neighbouring nations of the Jews, when they sinned against him; and so the Targum interprets it here," I will visit thei-r transgressions by the hands "of the tribes of the ungodly ;" or with such afflictions as are common to men, 1 Cor. x. 13. in a kind, humane, moderate way, in measure, in judgment, and not in wrath and hot displeasure; or in such-like manner as a man chastises his children, which is ,in love, Deut. viii. 5. and their iniquity with stripes; such as diseases of body, loss of relations, crosses and disappointments in the world; not with the stripes of divine vengeance, of vindictive justice, such as Christ, the surety of his people, endured for them; but with the tcourges of a father, Isa. liii. 8. Heb. xii. 6. Ver. 33. Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, &c.] Or make it void {k}, not fi'om Christ, who always was, and ever will be, the dear Son of his love, even whilst he was obeying, suffering, and dying; nor from all those that are in him, loved and chosen in him., from every one of his spiritual seed, who are all dear sons, and pleasant children; and the love of God to his people is in Christ; and therefore there can he no separation from it; nor will it ever depart from them, or be utterly or at all taken from {h} \^ytrwt\^ verbum meaum revelatum, Gejerus; legem & doctrinam meam, Michaelis. {i} \^wllxy\^ prophanaverint, V. L. Pagninus, Montanus, Tigurine ver- sion, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, &c. {k} \^rypa\^ not irritam faciam, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Gejerus.