himself, and gains more credit and reputation from others. Ver. 17. He that speaketh truth shewethforthrighte- ousne$s, &c.3 He that blows or breathes out truth a, as the word signifies; that utters it freely and fully without any hesitation; that speaks nothing but truth, and speaks out the whole truth without any reserve; such a man upon every occasion will declare that which is just and right, and shew himself to be an honest and uprightman; he that uses himself to speak truth in common conversation, will, in a court of judicature, whether npon his oath or not, testify that which is just and the real matter of fact; there is a connexion between truth and righteousness, for though they are distinct things they go together, what is true is just, and what is just is true; so he that speaks the truth of the Gospel, or is a faithful preacher of it, will shew forth righteousness, what is the righteousness of the law, and what is the righteousness of faith; how insufficient a man's own righteousness is to justify him in the sight of God; the necessity of the righteousness of Christ, how free and full, excellent and glorious, suitable and useful it is, Rom. i. 17. But a false witness deceit; that is, one that is used to lying, when he is called to give testimony upon any affair in judgment, he will declare that which is false and deceitful, having .no regard to truth and justice. So a false teacher, instead ofshewing men the insufficiency of their own righteousuess, and directing them to the righteousness of Christ for justification, will utter deceitful doctrine, and build up their hopes upon'the sandy and deceitful foundation of their own works; as Popish teachers, and such as verge towards them. Vet. 18. There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword, &c.] Whose words are like sharp swords, cut- ting, wounding, dividing, killing; see Psal. lvii. 4. and lix. 7. and lxiv. 3. such are the words of false witnesses, who by their false testimonies and perjuries are as guilty of the murder of men as cut-throats; such are the words of slanderers, backbiters, and talebearers, who grieve the innocent, wound their characters, destroy their good name and credit, and separate chief friends; and such are the words of antichrist, who looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon, Rev. xiii. 11. But the tongue of the wise is health; or healing{c}; by giving a thithful testimony which sets matters right; by clearing and defending the character of those who are falsely accused and wrongfully charged; by making up differences, and reconciling persons at variance through the detracting and lying insinuations of others; and by speaking comfortable, cheerful, and refreshing words to the injured and abused; especially the tongue of a wise minister of the Gospel is health, or healing, to wounded souls, to whom he ministers the Gospel of the grace of God, which directs to Christ for healing, peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life. Ver. 19. The lip of truth shall be established for ever, &c.] The man that speaks truth is and will be esta- blished in his credit and reputation among men; he is uniform and all of a piece, and what he says is believed; truth, though it may be opposed, will prevail against lies and falsehood; the word of truth, the Gospel of Christ, will stand for ever; the ministers of truth and righteousness will be continued to the end or' the world; Christ, who is truth itself, abides the same to-day, yes- terday, and for ever. But a lying tongue is but for a moment; if a liar speaks truth for once, he does not con- tinue in it long, but quickly returns to his former course; or rather the lie he tells is very shortlived, it is soon discovered, and he comes into contempt and disgrace, and loses all Iris credit and reputation among men of honour and honesty, and is sometimes suddenly snatched away by death, as Annhiss and Sapphira; all error and heresy m a short time will cease and be no more; and antichrist, whose coming is with lying won- ders, the direct- opposite of the lip of truth, will be brought to ruin in a moment. A ben Ezra, Kimchi, and Ben Melech, who are followed by sotne Christian interpreters, as Montanus, and some in Vatsbins, render it, but, or for ever, I will cause the lying tongue to cease, or be at rest from speaking; as if they were the words of God, threatening to cut off the lying tongue; but Jarchi and Gersom render it for a moment, or a very short time, as we and others do; or, whilst one winksf, in the twinkling of an eye; so soon is such a person removed. Ver. 20. Deceit is in the heart of them that ima- gine evil, &c.] That secretly devise mischief in their hearts against their neighbours; that plough evil, as the word {g} signifies, and sow discord among men; and by many artful and deceitful methods promote contention and division, in order to answer some base designs of theirs;but sooner or later they are deceived themselves, are disappointed of their views, the consequence of which is vexation and sorrow. But to the counsellots of peace isjoy: such who consult the good of others, who advise to peace, concord, and unity; who seek to cultivate it in their families and neighbou rhoods, and in the church of God, in which, if they succeed, they have joy and pleasure; if not, they have a satisfaction, in their own minds and consciences that they have done what is right and good; such have a conscience-peace now, and an eternal one hereafter; or, as Aben Ezra calls it, the joy of salvation; see Matt. v. 9. Vet. 21. There shah no evil happen to the just, &c.] The evil of sin: no iniquity, as the Targum; which, and the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, inter- pret of sin not being agreeable, convenient, suit. able, and pleasing to a righteous man. Moreover, the Lord, by Iris spirit and grace, weakens the power of sin in them; and, by his providence, prevents and removes occasion of sinning; and by his power preserves from it, from being overcome and carried away with it, at least finally and totally. Or the evil ofpunishment is here meant; no penal evil shall befall them; the pu- nishment of their sin has been inflicted on Christ their surety, and therefore shall never be laid on them; and whatever afflictions may happen to them, which have the name and appearance orevii, these work together for their good, spiritual and eternal; so that, in reality, no {d} \^xypy\^ efflat, Junius & Tremellius; spriat, Schultens. {e} \^aprm\^ medicinae, Junius Tremellius; medicina, Piscator, Coc- ceius; sanatio, Michaelis; sanatrix, Schultens. {f} \^heygra de\^ at dum nictem, Schultens. {g} \^yvrx\^.