the soul, yet will not make use of the least mite out of them, that they may receive eternal life. Ver. 0.5. Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware, &c.] That is, give reproof to a man that scoffs at religion, and makes a jest of all that is good; for though it may be of no use to him who will despise it, yet it may be observed, and be useful to another that hears it; who, though void of understanding, yet not hardened in impiety as the other, but open to convic- tion, will become cunning {x}, as it may be rendered; or learns wisdom, and becomes hereby a knowing and understanding man; he hears another reproved, and fears, and becomes a wise man; so that though re- proof may be lost on one, it succeeds in another, which is an encouragement to give it. And reprove one that hath understanding, and he will understand knowledge; he will grow wiser and wiser; he will im- prove in the knowledge of things; see oh. ix. 8. Ver. 26. lie that wasteth his father, &c.] His fa- ther's substance, which he gave him first as his por- tion, and afterwards by paying his debts, and getting him out of prison and out of broils, and that wastes Iris spirits and his health, and brings his gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. And chaseth away his mo- ther: alienates her affections from him, who once had too great a fondness for him; causes her to quit her house, not being able to bear the sight of him and of his actions: is a son that causeth shame, and bringeth reproach; causes shame to his parents, as well as to himself; and a reproach upon them, as well as on his own character. It may be read thus, "a son that "causeth shame, and bringeth reproach, wasteth his "father, and chaseth away his mother {y}." Vet. 27. Cease, my son, to hear the instruction, &c.] The counsel of bad men, or the doctrine of false teachers. The words are spoken either by Solomon to his son; or by Wisdom, that is, Christ, to every one of his children, to beware of false prophets, and take heed what they hear; see Matt. vii. 15. Mark iv. 24. such as the doctrines of the church of Rome; concerning the Scriptures, forbidding the people to read them; setting unwritten traditions upon a level with them, and making the pope an infallible interpreter of them; con- cerning merit, works of supererogation, indulgences, pardons, penance, purgatory, &c. such as the instruc- tion of the Arians, Sabellians, Socinians, Pelagians, and Arminians, concerning the Trinity, the deity of Christ, his satisfaction, imputed righteousness, the power and purity of human nature, and man's free will. That canseth to err from the words of knowledge; the words of the living God, the Scriptures of truth ; which communicate knowledge, and are profitable for instruction in righteousness; are the means of the true knowledge of God; that there is one, and that he is possessed of all perfections: particularly that he is gracious and merciful, and pardons all manner of sin; that he is in Christ, the God of all grace; that he is the God and Father of Christ, and the covenant God and Father of all his people in him; they give knowledge of his mind and will concerning the salvation of men, and of his ways and worship. The wholesome words of our Lord Jesus, the salutary doctrines of the Gospel, may be here meant; those words of grace, wisdom, and knowledge, which come from him, and give know- ledge of his person, offices, relations, incarnation, and blessings of grace by him; from whence they are called the word of peace and reconciliation, the word of righteousness, the word of life, and the word of salva- tion. Now these are all words of knowledge; and are the means of a spiritual, experimental, and fiducial knowledge of Christ, which is preferable to all other knowledge, and even to every thing in the world; and therefore care should be taken, and every thing avoided that tends to cause to err from these words and doc- trines, which convey, promote, and improve this know- ledge. Jarchi and Aben Ezra transpose the words, thus; "cease, my son, to err from the words of "knowledge, to or that thou mayest hear instruction and the latter makes mention of such an interpretation, "cease, my son, from the words of knowledge, if thou "wouldest hear instruction, and after that err :" that is, better never hear and know at all, than to turn from those doctrines and instructions; see 2 Pet. iS. 2O, 21. Ver. 28. An ungodly witness scorneth judgment, &c.] Or, a witness of Beliai {z}. A false witness is not awed by the place of judgment where he is; nor by the judge before whom he is; nor by the law, the rule of judg- ment, nor by the punishment of perjury; he scorns all these, and scoffs at them, and proceeds in bear- ing a false testimony: or he covers that which is right and just, and eludes judgment by specious and sophistic arguments and pretences. Or this may be understood of a false teacher, that scorns the-rule of judgment, or colours over things, to make them plau- sible, and seem to be agreeable to it. And the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity; greedily, and with pleasure commits it; as a hungry man' takes in his food; or a thirsty man drinks down water: and in like manner are false doctrines imbibed by men of perverse minds. Ver. 29. Judgments are prepared for scorners, &c.] Either by the civil magistrate, or by the Lord, and in- deed by both; and if they miss the one, they will cer- tainly meet the other; though they mock at present punishment and a future judgment, yet everlasting fire is prepared for them, Matt. xxv. 41. .dud stripes for the back o.f fools; as scorners are; which shall be inflicted on them sooner or later; if they are not stricken with the stripes of men, they shall endure the strokes of divine justice and vengeance hereafter. {x} \^Mrey\^ astutus efficietur, Pagninus, Montanus; astutus fiet, Junius & Tremellius, Cocceius; astutior fiet, Michaelis; solertiam parabit, Schultens. {y} So Gejerus, Schultens. {z} \^leylb de\^ testis Belijahal, Montanus, Tigurine version, Baynus.