hearing the word, making a profession of religion, and attending on ordinances; and, as opportuuity serves, should do good to all men, especially to the sainfs, Gal. vi. 10. and whatsoever is in the power of their hands, as this phrase signifies,,Lev. xii. 8. I Sam. xxv. 8. Aben Ezra refers it to the delights and pleasures of life, such as before mentioned; which may be allowed, when used in a lawful and moderate manner. Do it with thy might; or strength; for though men have no might or strength of their own to do good, which is }ost by sin; yea, even good men, of themselves, and without Christ, his spirit and grace, can do nothing sph'itually good; yet there is strength in him, and to be had from him; and who should be applied to for it, and who gives it, Isa. xi. 29--31. and xlv. 24. Phil. iv. 13. the phrase denotes intensehess of spirit, vigour of mind, activity and fervency; doing that which is good, cheerfully and diligently, and not in a negligent care- less manner; see Dent. vi. 5. Jer. xlviii. 10. For there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest; this, and not then, is our working-time; good men at death cease from their labours in the grave, as the night in which no man can work, Rev. xiv. 13. John ix. 4. then the liberal man can no more devise liberal ways and means of doing good; his purposes of doing good are broken"off; and no more plans can be laid, or designs formed, for the glory of God and the good of feliow-creatures: and no more lcnowledge of objects to do good unto; nor any improvement in any kind of knowledge, natural or spiritual: nor wisdom and prudence in the management of affairs, to answer some good ends and purposes; nor opportunity of attaining that wisdom by the Scrip- tures, .and by the ministry of the word, which make men wtse unto salvation: and now, since every man is going to the grave, Iris 1ong home, the place appointed for all living, and thiS, is the way of all flesh; and every step he has taken, and does take, is a step to the grave; therefore it is incumbent on him to do all the good he can in life. Ver. 11. I returned, and saw under the sun, &c.'] The wise man returned to his former subject, concerning the same events happening to all sorts of persons, righteous and wicked, wise and unwise, ver. 1, o.. and enlarged upon it in his mind; and took notice of va- rious things done under the sun, and made the follow- ing remarkt: and whereas he had exhorted men to use all their might in doing the duties of their calling while they lived here; he suggests, that they should not de- pend- upon, and promise themselves, any thing from their own strength and wisdom; but have a regard to the providence of God, that superintends all affairs, and gives or withholds success as he pleases; since it may be observed, that the race is not to the swift; swift- ness oftentimes is of no service to a man to escape dangers, as may be seen in the case of Asahel and others, 2 Sam. ft. 18, 23. Amos iS. 14, 15. so the Tar- gum, "men who are swift as eagles are not helped by "running to escape from death in battle." Or .the sense may be, that the swift are not always made use of in running a race; or, if they are, they do not al- ways win the. prize, something or other Imppens to hinder them; they fall, or become lame, when one more slow gets the advantage of them, 1 Cot. ix. 24. and so in spiritual things, one that is ready to halt, as David says of himself, gets to heaven, and is saved, Psal. xxxviii. 17. Zcph. iii. 19. when others, at first starting or setting Out in a profession, run well for a while, as the Galatiaus did, ch. v. 7- but afterwards drop and fall short; for it is not of him that willeth, nor' of him that runneth, but of God, that sheweth mercy, Rom. ix. 16. Nor the battle to the strong: as not to the Midianites, nor to Goliath, nor to Abner, in whom Jarchi instances; victory is not always on the side of the mighty and the many, but oftentimes on the side of the weak and few; see 2 Chron. xiv. 9--15. Psal. xxxiii. 16, 17. so in spirituals, such who go forth in their own strength against an enemy, trusting in it, fall; whilst weak believers, depending on the grace and strength of Christ, wrestle with principalities and powers, and come off victorious. Neither yet bread ta the wise: the Targum adds, in a time of famine, when. their wisdom cannot help them; but the sense rather is, that skilfuI artificers, in any trade or business, do not always get the best livelihood, yea, sometimes want the necessaries of life, or eat the bread of sorrow, when persons of meaner capacities shall thrive and flourish; and even the wisest of men sometimes have been obliged to others for bread, as was the case of David, 1 Sam. xxi. 3. and xxv. 8. and even of a wiser than he, our Lord himself, Luke viii. 2. and as for the wise men of this world, the bread of life, Christ Jesus, is neither enjoyed nor sought after by them. Nor yet riches to men of understanding ; mention is afterwards made of a wise man that was poor, Jarchi instances ia Job; and, on the other hand, sometimes fools are rich, as Nabal and others; and as for the riches of grace, and treasures of spiritual knowledge, they are not usually given to the wise and prudent Mnt~ vl O~ ~Y ..... ~ ~.~.., , ,o favour to men of skill; to men of knowledge and learn- lug, whose genius and abilities might be thought suf- ficient to recommend them to the favour, affection, and applause of men, and yet oftentimes fall herein; such who have the art of address and persuasion are not always able to ingratiate themselves, and gain the esteem of men: Jarchi interprets it of the fayour of God, and instances in Moses; than whom there was not a more knowing and understanding man in Israel, yet could not by his prayer find grace and favour to enter into the land: but the Targum is better; "nei- "ther they that know understanding are helped by "their knowledgee tO find favour in tile eyes of a king." But time and chance happeneth to them all; to the swift and strong, the wise, understanding, and skilful; or to the swift and slow, to the strong and weak, to the wise and unwise; every thing befalls them just as it is or- dered by divine Providence; for there is a certain time fixed by the Lord for every event; and whatever seems casual and contingent to man, and which he is ready to call chance, is noticing but decree with God, firm and unalterable; Plato {e} has the same expression. Tile word signifies occurrence f, or event, which is {e} \~meta yeou tuch kai kairov\~, Plato de Leg. l. 4. p. 827. {f} \^egp\^ occursus, Montanus; sive eventus, Mercerus, Rambachius; occurrent, Broughton.