and which therefore is said to dwell upon many waters, Jet. If. l& hence it has this name of the desert of the sea; besides, 'Abydenus {l}, from Megasthenes, informs us, that all the places about Babylon were from the beginning water, and were called a sea; and it should be observed that mystical Babylon is represented by a woman in a desert, sitting on many waters, which are interpreted of a multitude of people and -nations, Rev. xvii. 1, 3, 5, 15. and some here by sea understand the multitude of its riches, power, and people. The Targum is," the burden of the armies, which come "from the wilderness, as the waters of the sea ;" un- derstanding it not of Babylon, but of its enemies and invaders, as follows: as whirlwinds in the south pass through; and nothing can hinder them, such is their force and power; they bear all before them, come sud- denly, blow strongly, and 'there's no resisting them; see Zech. ix. 14: so it cometh from the desert; or he, that is, Cyrus; or it, the army under him, would come with like irresistible force and power as the southern whirlwinds do, which come from a desert country; at least that part of it in which their soldiers were trained up, and which in their march to Babylon must come through the desert, that lay, as before observed, between that and their country, and through which Cyrus did pass {m} : from a terrible land; a land of ser- Kents and scorpions, as Jarchi; or a !and afar off, as imchi and Ben Melech; whose power and usage, or customs, were not known, and so dreaded, as the Medes and Persians were by Nitocris queen of Baby- lon, who took care to preserve her people, and pre- vent their falling into their hands. The Targum is, "from a land in which terrible things are done." Ver. 2. A grievous vision is declared unto me, &c.] The prophet; meaning the vision of Babylon's destruc- tion, which was hard, as the word signifies, and might seem harsh and cruel; not to him, nor to the Jews, but to the Chaldeans: the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth ;, accord- ing to Jarchi, one treacherous dealer deals treacherously with another, and one spoiler spoils another; the ]Viedes and Persians deal treacherously with and spoil the Babylonfans, who had dealt treacherously with and spoiled other nations: and to this sense some read the words, the treacherous dealer hath found a trea- cherous dealer, and the spoiler one that spoileth {n}: some take it to be a compellation of the Medes and P, ersians, calling upon them, under these characters, to go up and besiege Babylon, as, O treacherous dealer, 0 spoilerø; though the words may be understood of the perfidy and treachery of the Babylonfans, of which they had been frequently guilty, and which is given as a reason of their fall and ruin; or rather they suggest the trea- cherous means by which they should be ruined, even by some from among themselves; particularly, his- tory {p} informs us, that Gobrias and Gadales, two noble- men of the king of Babylon, being used ill by him, re- volted from him, and joined with Cyrus; and when the river Euphrates was drained, went at the head of his army in two parties, and guided them into the city, and took it; or rather Belshazzar king of Babylon hint- self is meant, who acted, and continued to act, most irapiously and wickedly: and therefore, go up, 0 Elam; or Elamites, as the Targum and Septuagint; see Acts if. 9. these were Persians, so called from Elam, a pro- vince in Persia; who are here called upon by the Lord of armies, through the mouth of the prophet, to go up to war against Babylon; and these are mentioned first, because'Cyrus, who commanded the whole army, was a Persian: or if Elam is taken tbr a province, which was indeed subject to Babylon, of which Shushan was the capital city, Dan. viii. 2. the governor of it, Abra- dates, revolted from the Babylot, inns, and joined Cyrus, and fought with him {q}: besiege, 0 Media; or, O ye Medes, join with the Persians in the siege of Babylon; as they did: all the sighing thereof have I made to cease; either of the army of the Medes and Persians, who, by reason of long and tedious marehes, frequent battles, and hard sieges, groaned and sighed; but now it would be over with them, when Babylon was taken; or of the Babylonfans themselves, who would have no mercy shewn them, nor have any time for sighing, being cut off suddenly, and in a moment; or rather of other people oppressed by them, and particularly the Lord's people the Jews, who had been in captivity for the space of seventy years, during which they had sighed and groaned, because of the hardships they endured; but nowsighing would be at an end, and they shoula have deliverance, as they had, by Cyrus the Persian. The sighing is not that with which they sighed, but which they caused in others. Ver. 3. Therefore are my loins filled with pain, &e.] As a woman at the time of childbirth, as the follow- ing words shew: these words are spoken by the pro- phet, not with respect to himself, as if he was pained at heart at the prophecy and vision he had of the ruin of Babylon, since that was a mortal enemy of his peo- ple; and besides, their sighing being made to cease could never be a reason of distress in him, but of joy: these words are spoken by him in the person of the Babyloninns, and particularly of Belshazzar their king: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth; which come suddenly and at once, are very sharp and strong, and inevitable, which cannot be escaped; so the sudden destruction of the wicked, and particularly of antichrist at the last day, and the terror that shall attend it, are expressed by the same metaphor, 2 Thess. v. 2, 3: I was bowed down at the hearing of it; distorted and convulsed; not the prophet at the hearing of the prophecy, but Belshazzar, whom he pcrsonated, at hearing that Cyrus had entered the city, and was at the gates of his palace: I was dis- mayed at the seeing of it; the hand-writhing upon the wall, at which his countenance changed, his thoughts were troubled, his loins loosed, and his knees smote one against another, Dan. v. 6. Ver. 4. My heart panted, &c.] Fluttered about, and could hardly keep its place: or, my mind wandered {r}; {l} Apud Euseb. Prepar. Evangel. I. 9. c. 41. {m} Xenophon. Cyropaedia, I. 5. c. 5, 6. {n} \^ddwv ddwvhw dgwb dgwbh\^ praevaricator pr~evaricatorem & vas- tator, vastatorem sub. inveniet; so some in Vatablus; also Gataker. {o} O perfide, perfidus; O vastator, vastator, De Dieu. {p} Xenophon. Cyropaedia, I. 4.c. 24. I. 5. c. 11. & I. 7. c. 23. {q} Ib. I. 6. sect. 7, 8~ 9, 26. & I. 7. sect. 4, 8. {r} \^ybbl het\^ erravit cor meum, Montanus; errat animus meus, Janius & Tremellius; errat cor meum, Piscator.