Ver. 22. And they shall be gathered together, &c.] First to the battle of the great day of God Almighty at Armageddon, _Rev. xvi. 14, 16y. and xix. 19. and there being overcome and taken, they shall be gathered to- gether as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shah be shut up in the prison; in the prison or' the grave," and in hell; as captiv/es are, till such time as something is determined and ordered what to be done with them: and after many days shah they be visited; or pttnished, that is, after the thousand years are ended, when the wicked dead will be all raised; after the battle of Gog and Magog, when Satan, the beast, and false prophet, and all their adherents, shall be cast into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, Rev. xix. 2O, 21. and xx. 5, 8, 9, 10. Ver. 23. Then the moon shah be confounded, and the sun ashamed, &c.] Either literally understood; and the meaning is, that they shall be darkened, their light being eclipsed by the superior light of Christ, the sun of righteousness; see Matt. xxiv. 29, 30. the New-Je- rusalem church-state, which is referred to, will have no need of the light of the sun, or of the moon, Christ being the light thereof, Rev. xxi. 23. figuratively it may be interpreted of the kings and great men of the earth, as Aben Ezra; whose glory will be outshone by the transcendent lustre and glory' of Christ, the King of saints. The Targum paraphrases it of idolaters thus, "and they shall be confounded that worship the "moon, and they shall be ashamed that worship the "sun ;" perhaps this may have reference to the fourth vial, which shall be poured out upoh the pope and his clergy, Rev. xvi. 8: when the Lord of hosts .shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem; who is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the true Jehovah, the Lord of hpsts or armies, of the sun, moon, and.stars, the host of heaven, and of the heavenly host of angels, and of men on earth; who was King from eternity, arid re!Sued during the Old Festament dispensation; came a King into this world, though his kingdom was not of it, nor was with observation: upon his ascension to heaven was made and declared Lord and Christ; and now rules in the hearts of his people by his spirit and grace, and whose spiritual reign will more manifestly appear in the latter day; but here it is to be under- stood of his reign on earth, which-will be personal, visible, and glorious, and in a different manner from what it now is, when he will be King. overall the earth. Zion and Jerusalem, where he will reign, may be lite- rally understood as the chief place of his residence during this state, the spot o,f ground whe. re he was most despised and ill treated; see Zech. xiv. 4, 5, 9. or mystically, the church in the New-Jerusalem state, Rev. xxi. 2, 3. here he will reign, be. fore his ancients gloriously: or, in glory; in his own glory, both as God and as man, and Mediator; and in his Father's glory, and in the glory of his holy angels, in which he will come and appear; and therefore his appearing is called a glorious one, Luke ix. 26. Tit. ii. 13. and this before his ancients, the ancient patriarchs both before the flood, as Adam, Abel, &c. and after the flood, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others; the old Jewish church, the prophets and saints of the Old-Testament dispensation; the apostles and elders of the Gospel churches under the New; the four-and-twenty elders, the rep'resentatives of the Gospel churches, so often spoken of in the book of the Revelation; very probably with reference to this text;and all the saints, in all ages, who will now be raised from the dead, and live and reign with him; these are his ancients, who are loved with an everlasting love, chosen in him before the foundation of the world, with whom a covenant was made in him, and grace given to them in him, be- fore' the world began; in the midst and presence of these he'll reign, and they shall behold his glory; yea, these shall appear in glory; for so the words may be construed, before his ancients, who are glory, or in glory {b}; for they shall appear with him in glory, both in soul and body, having the glory of God upon them, Col, iii. 4. Rev. xxi. 11. C H A P. XXV. THIS chapter cofftains a thanksgiving, or a triumph- ant song, upon the destruction of antichrist, and the antichristian states, for benefits and blessings bestowed upon the church, and for the setting up of the glorious kingdom of Christ in the Jerusalem state. It begins with a form of praise, and the reason of it in general, yet. 1. the particular instances of wonderful things are, the ruin of a certain city described, vet. 2. which will issue in the fear and glory of God, ver. & the great ap- pearance of the Lord .for his poor people, in being strength, refuge, and a shadow to them, yet. 4, 5. a rich feast m'ade for them, vet. 6. the removal of the veil from all people, vet. 7- the abolition of death, and every affliction, ver. 8. the personal appearance of Christ unto salvation, vet. 9. the protection of the church, and the certain and utter destruction of her enemies, under the name of Moab, vet. 10, 11, l2. Vet. 1. 0 Lord, thou art my God, &c.] Not by creation and providence only, but by covenant and grace. This is the first and foundation-blessing of grace, and secures all the rest; in this true happiness consists, and is preferable to every other enjoyment; the knowledge of it is come at in effectual vocation, and by the withessings of the spirit; it is the highest attainment of grace to be assured of it; and though it is not always seen and known, it will always remain, and will be the glory of the New-Jerusalem state, Rev. xxi. 3, 7. These are the words, Aben Ezra says, either of the prophet, or of the ancients, before whom the Lord will reign, ch. xxiv. 23. Kimchi says of the latter, which seems very probable, these are the elders and representatives of the ohurch; see Rev. xi. 16, 17. arid xix. 1, 2, 4: I will exalt thee; the Lord God, Father, Son, and Spirit; the Father, by attributing {b} \^dwbk wynqz dgnw\^ & coram senibus suis, gloria, Pagninus, Moatanus.