white horses, and clothed in white; when he shall go forth to battle with the kings of the earth, beast, and false prophet,. let the people under them flee, or they shall flee, and not be able to stand before so puissant a General, and so powerful an army; see Rev. xvii. 14. and xix. 14: at the. lifting up of thyself, the nations were scattered; so it has been in times past, when the Lord has lifted up himself, and appeared on behalf of his people, and has exerted himself, and displayed. his power; and so it will be again; or so let it be: let the nations be scattered; the antichristian nations, as they will be, when the Lord shall lift up his hand, and pour out the vials of his wrath upon them. Ver. 4. And your spoil shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar, &c.] This is the answer of the Lord to the prayer of his church, signifying that their enemies 'should flee, be scattered,. and perish, and that they .should be victorious, a.nd enjoy the spoils of them; which they should gather as easily as the caterpillar or locust, as some render it, gathers and consumes .herbs, and every green thing; or aS easily as they are gathered, and laid on heaps, being weak and unable to defend themselves: most understand it of the Jews going into the camp of the Assyriaus, after the destruction of them by the angel, and gathering their spoil. Teh Targum is, "and the house of Israel "shall gather the substance of the people, their "enemies, as they gather a locust :" the antichristian locusts or caterpillars are here meant, whose substance shall fall into the hands of the followers of Christ, when they shall have got the victory of them; this is. the flesh of the whore, her worldly substance, which the kings of the earth, the Christian .kings, shall eat ar enjoy, Rev. xvii. 16: as the running to and fro of locusts shall he run upon them : or upon it; the spoil; as these locusts, of which see Rev. ix. 3, 4. run to and fro, and pillaged them in- times past, as the creatures, to whom they are compared, run to and rio and de- stroy the fruits of the earth, so now every one of the followers of Christ shall run and seize upon the spoil of the antichristian states, Ver. 5. The Lord is exalted, &c.] These are the words of the 'church, or of true believers, setting the praise and glory of Goal, on account of the victory and spoil of their enemies; by which the Lord is exalted, magnified, and honoured, as he will be in the hearts and mouths of his people when these times shall come; see Rev. xi. 15. and xv. 1, 2. and xix. 1, 2. this will be true of Christ, and indeed this will be the time when he., and he alone, shall be exalted, Isa. iS. 17:for he dwelleth on high; in the highest heaven, and is above his greatest enemies, and can, and will, pour down his wrath and vengeance on them: he hath filled Zion with judgment and righte- ousness; the church of God, where Christ her King will reign in righteousness, and when all the admini- strations of his kingly power and government will appear to be just and true; where his word shall be faithfully preached, and his ordinances duly ad- ministered; and when all his subjects and. people shall be righteous, and live soberly and righteously. The Targum is, "with those that do true judgment "and righteousness." Vet. 6. And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, &c.] Some take these words to be directed to Hezekiah; but rather they are an apostrophe to the Messiah, and respect the later times of Christ, when many shall run to and fro, and the knowledge of hitn shall be increased, and the earth shall-be covered with it, as the waters cover the sea; and which, as it will make these times comfortable and pleasant, so firm, durable, and lasting: or else they are the Words of believers in those times, ad- dressed to Zion the church, before spoken of, observ- ing the great increase of spiritual wisdom and know- ledge after the destruction of antichrist; by means of which there would be settled tiimes of peace..joy, and comfort to the church: and stre,gth of salvation; or salvatio,s{x}; or strong and lasting salvations; eternal salvation by JesusChrist, and complete salvation from antichrist, and from every other enemy; which, to- gether with spiritual wisdom, and experimental know- ledge of Christ, and his Gospel, will be the stability of those happy times, which will make the spiritua[. reign of Christ. The whole may be rendered, accord- ing to the accents {y}, and he (that is, the Lord, before spoken of) shall be the stability of thy times; the strength of salvations shall be wisdom and knowledge: the fear of the Lord is his treasure; either Hezekiah's, as some. who esteemed the fear of the Lord above all his treasure; and was more zealous in settling and es- tablishing the true worship of God than in amassing treasures to himself: or rather the Lord's treasure, from which he receives a tribute of honour, of more value than the greatest treasure: or, best of all, the church's treasure, and every true believer's; this being the be- ginning of wisdom, or true grace, the best of riches. and which secures the saints' final perseverance to glory, the better and more enduring substance. Vet. 7. Behold. their valiant ones-shall cry without, &c.] Or, in the street: this, and the two following verses. describe the sad and desolate condition of the people of God, before the above happy times take Volace; their valiant oneS, such who have been valiant r the truth on earth; or their angels, as Aben Ezra, Kimchi, and Ben Melech interpret the word; these are the angels and pastors of the churches, the two wit- nesses that prophesy in sackcloth openly and publicly. and who will be slain, and their bodies lie unburied in the street of the great city, Rev. xi. 3, 8: the am- bassadors of peace shall weep bitterly; most interpreters understand this of the ambassadors which Hezekiah sent to the king of Assyria to obtain peace, but could not succeed, on account of which they are said to weep bitterly; but the character of ambassadors ofpeace well agrees with the ministers of the Gospel, who are ambassadors in Christ's stead, and whose work it is to exhort men to be reconciled to God, and to preach the Gospel of peace to sinrid men; these now will weep bitterly, when they are removed into corners, and are silenced, and not suffered to deliver their messages of peace, to the comfort of the Lord's people, and the {x} \^tewvy Nox\^ fortitudo salutum, Pagninus, Moatanus; rebur ominis, vel multiplicis salutis, Junius & Trenaellius, Piscator. {y} Vid. Reinbeck de Accent. Heb. p. 405.