fication by his righteousness, with every other ;-this the inhabitants of the. islands, or distant countries, the Gentiles, should be desirous of hearing, readily em- _brace and receive, and trust in Christ, made known to them in it. The Septuagint version is, and in his name shall the Gentiles trust; and so in Matt. xii. e0. see Acts xxviii. 28. and xiii. 4e, 48. Ver. 5. TItus saith God the Lord, &c.] The God of the world, as the Targum. This, with what fol- lows, is a preface to the call of Christ, to the great work of redemption; setting forth the greatness of God as a Creator, that calls him to it, and thereby encou- raging him as man and Mediator in it, as well as the faith of his people to regard hint as their Saviour and Redeemer, and believe that this work he was called unto should be performed by him; for what is it that God, the Creator of all things, cannot do? he that created the heavens, and stretched them out: he first madethem outof nothing, and stretched out the firma- ment of them as a curtain and canopy over the earth, and them usa tent for himself to ,dwell in, ch. xl. 22: he that spread forth the earth; into the length and breadth it has, for man and beast to dwell on it: and that which cometh out of it; grass, herbs, and trees, which he has spread all over it: he that giveth breath unto the people upon it; as he did to man at first, he breathed into him the breath of life, and as he gives to all since, Gen. ii. 7. Acts xvii. 25: and spirit to them theft ú walk therein; not only breath in common with the beasts of the field, and other creatures, but a rational spirit, or a reasonable soul, an intellectire faculty, a capacity of understanding things, as brutes have not. Jarchi interprets this of the Holy Spirit, which God gives to them that walk before him. Yet. 6. I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, &c.] Not the Prophet Isaiah, as Jarchi and A. ben Ezra interpret it; nor the people of Israel, as Kimcbi; but the Messiah, whom Jehovah called to the office of Mediator, in a righteous way and manner, consistent with his own perfections; and not against the will of Christ, but with his full consent: or, unto righteous- hess, as some"; so the A. rabic vetslon; to fulfil his righteous purposes, concerning the welfare and salva- lion of his people; to perform his righteous promises of his coming, and of good things by him; to shew hii strict vindictive justice against sin, in the punish- merit of it; and to bring in an everlasting righteousness for his people: or it may be rendered, 1 have called thee with righteousness o; Christ came a righteous Per- son, holy in his nature., harmless in his life, and truly deserved the character of Jesus Christ the righteous: and will ,hold thine hand: denoting his presence with him, and .nearness unto him; his favour and affection for. him; his counsel and direction of him; the support and assistance he .gave him; and the strength he re- ceived from him as man, to go .through his work: and will keep thee; as the apple of his eye, being dear unto him; from being hurt by his enemies tilt the time came to be delivered into their hands; and from miscarry- ing in his work; and from the power of the grave, so as to be long detained in it: and give thee for a cove- nant of thepsople; Christ is a covenantee, a party con- cerned in the covenant of grace; the representative of his people in it; the surety, Mediator, messenger, and ratifier of it; the great blessing in it; the sum and sub- stance of it; all the blessings and promises of it are in him, and as such he is given; it is of God's free grace that he was appointed and intrusted with all this in eternity, and was sent in time to confirm and secure it for the people; given him of his Father, redeemed by him and to whom the Spirit applies the blessings and promises of the covenant; even the elect of God, both among Jews and Gentiles, especially the latter, as fol- lows:for a light of the Gentiles; who were in the dark as to the true knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, and the .way of righteousness and salvation by him, and of all divine and spiritual things; now Christ, through the ministry of the word by his spirit, was a light unto them; by which they were enlightened into their own state and condition by nature, and into the knowledge of himself, and the mysteries of grace. Vet. 7. To open the blind eyes, &c.] Of the idola- trous Gentiles, who werespiritually blind, and knew not the wretchedness of their case; the exceeding sin- Fulness of sin; their need of. a Saviour, and who he was; as they did, when their eyes were opened by means of the GOspel sent among them, through the energy of the divine Spirit; for this is a work of almighty power and efficacious grace: to bring out the the prison; who were concluded in sin, shut up in unbelief, and under the law, the captives of Satan, and held fast prisoners by him and their own lusts, under the dominion of which they were: and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house: of sin, Satan, and the law; being under which, they were in a state of darkness and ignorance as to things di- vine and spiritual. The allusion is to prisons, which are commonly dark places. Vitringa, by the prisoners, understands the Jews shut up under the law; and by those in darkness the Gentiles, destitute of all divine knowledge. Vet. 8. I am the Lord, that is my name, &c.] Je- hovah, a name expressive of his self-existence, eter- nity, and iramutability; a name by which be made himself known to Israel of old, and which is peculiar to him, and does not belong to another, and so distin- uishes him from all false gods; see Exod. iii. 14. and vi. 3. Psal. !xxxiii. 18. or, Hu is my nameP; to which \~autov\~, he himself the same, answers; see Psal. cii. 27, com- pared with Heb. xiii. 8. and this is one ofthe names of God with the Jews{q}; as Hou is with the Turks to this day.; which, in Arabic, signifies him: that is, God, as Monsieur Therenot {r} observes; see oh. xiviii. I2: and my glory will I not give to another; that is, to another god, to a strange god, to an idol; as that has not the nature, it ought not to have the name of deity, nor di- vine worship given to it: this the Lord will not admit of, but will punish those, be they Heathens, or are called Christians, that give the glory to idols that is due unto his name. This is not to be understood to {n} Ad, sive in justitiam, Sanctius. {o} \^qdub\^ cum justitia, Piscator, Forerius, Cocceius. {p} \^ymv awh\^ {q} Seder Tephillot, fol. 1, 2. & 4, 1. Ed. Basil. {r} Travels, part 1. B. 1. ch. 31. p. 41.