and shall glory; in Christ, as the Lord their righteous- Hess; not in themselves, m their own righteousness, holiness, wisdom, and strength, but in this, that Christ is made to them wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, 1 for. i. C H A P. XLVI. THIS chapter contains a prophecy of the taking of: Babylon by Cyrus, and of the deliverance of the Jews; who are encouraged to expect the divine protection, and a continuance of it; are dehorted from idolatry-, and directed to look to the Lord alone for righteous- ness and salvation. The taking of Babylon is signified by the demolition of its idols, which become the plun- der of the enemy, and by the carrying of the inhabitants of it captive, vet. 1, .o. Then follows a promise of grace and mercy to the remnant of Israel that should now be delivered; that the Lord, who had cared for them from the infancy of their. state, would not leave them in their declining times, vet. 3, 4. when they are dehorted from the worship of idols, from the conside- ration of the matter of which they were made, as silver and gold; from their being the works of men's hands; and from their inability to move themselves,. or help others; and from the Lord being.the true God, as appears by his omnipotence and ommscience, ver. 5, t/, 7, 8, 9, 10. A description is given of Cyrus, who should be the instrument of the Jews' deliverance from Babylon, ver. 11. And the chapter is concluded with an address to the stout-hearted and unrighteous Jews, to observe the righteousness and salvation which were brought near and set before them, ver. 12, 13. Vet. 1. Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, &c.] These are names of the idols of Babylon. Bel is by some thought to be the contraction of Baal, the god of the Phoenicians, called by them Beel; so Beelsaminn, in the Phcenician language, is Lord of heaven: but rather this is the Betus of the Babyloninns, who was a re- nowned king of them, and after his death deified; whom Nebuchadnezzar, according to Megasthenes{l}, calls Belus Iris progenitor, and by whom Babylon was walled about. This idol is, no doubt, the same with Jupiter Belus, who had a temple in Babylon with gates of brass, and which was in being in the times of Hero- dotus {k}, as he reports. This name is sometimes taken into the names of their kings, as Bel-shazzar or Belle- sbazaar. Nebo was another of their idols, an oracular one, from whom, by its priests, prophesies of things future were pretended to be given out; for it may have its name from \^abn\^, to prophesy, and answers to the Apollo or Mercury of other nations. The Alex- andfinn copy of the Septuagint has very wrongly, in- stead of it, Dagon the god of the Philistines; and so the Arabic version Dsagon. This name Nebo was also taken into the names of the kings of Babylon, as Nabo- nassar, Nabo-palassar, Nebu-chadnezzar, and others. As Bel is the same with Belus, so Nebo is the same with Beltis, the queen Megasthenes or Abydenus speaks of in the same place; and Bel may design the sun, and Nebo the moon, which may have its name from \^bwn\^, to bud forth, or make fruitful, as the' moon does; see Dent. xxxiii. 14. It is said of both these deities, that they stooped or bowed down; being taken down from the high places where they were set up- right, and looked grand and majestic, and where they might be seen and worshipped by the people. Jarchi gives the words another sense, that it represents in a sarcastic way these idols, as through fear, in a like con- dition that men are in, in a fit of the colic, who not being able to get to the close-stool, are obliged to bend their knees, and ease themselves as they can {i}. Aben Ezra seems to refer to the same signification of the word, when he says the sense was well known, but it was not fit to write it. The prophet goes on in the derision of these idols: their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle; that is, being taken down, and broke to pieces for the sake of the silver, and gold, and brass that were about them, or they were made of, they were put into sacks by the Persians, and laid upon camels, and mules, and horses, and transported into Media and Persia. Jarchi interprets it, their idols are like to beasts, which defile themselves with their dung as they do; and so the Targum renders it, "their "ima es are in the likeness of serpents and beasts." Thesegwere the forms of them: your carriages were heavy losden, they are a burden to the weary beast; this seems to be spoken to the Persians, who loaded their carriages, and their beasts, with this lumber, that their waggons were ready to break down, and their cattle groaned under the weight of it; a sarcastic jeer at the idols which were become the plunder and prey of the soldiers. It was usual at the taking of cities to demolish the idols of them; and this was typical of the demolition of Heathen idols, and the cessation of Heathen oracles in the Gentile world, through the spread of the Gospel in it, in the first times of Christianity. Ver. 2. They stoop, they bow tog'ether, &c.] Either the beasts under their burdens, or other idols besides those mentioned; or rather the Babyloninns them- selves, who were obliged to submit to the conquerors: they could not deliver the burdens; the idols could not save themselves from being laid as burdens upon the beasts, any more than they could save their wor- shippets: so the Targum understands this and the preceding clause of them; "they are cut off, and cut "to pieces together, they could not deliver those that "carried them ;" or else the Babyloninns are designed, who could not save their gods from being used in this shameful manner: but themselves are gone into capti- vity, or their souls{m}; what were as dear to them as {h} Sanchoniatho apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. I. 1. c. 10. p. 34. {i} Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. I. 9. c. 4 I. p. 456. {k} Clio, sive I. 1. c. 181. Vid. Pausan. Messen. p. 261. {l} Vid. gloss. in T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol 63.2. {m} \^Mvpnw\^ et animae eorum, V.L. Munster. Pagninus, Montanus, Cocceius.