ú the world to come; a phrase often used in the .New 'Testament, though never before in the Old; expr. essiye of that felicity and bliss which the saints en3oy in heaven after this life is over, first in the separate state of the' soul, and then, at the resurrection, in soul and body, and of the everlasting continuance of it; they that shall enjoy this are those that are written in the Larnb's book of life, or are ordained unto eternal life; who are redeemed by the blood of Christ, regenerated by his spirit and grace, justified by his righteousness, adopted into the family of God, are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; these are the dead'in Christ, which rise first: and some to shame and everlasting con- tempt; wicked m.en, who lived in a eourse of sin in this world, without any remorse orshame; but, when they shall rise from the dead, they'll rise with all their sins upon them., and with a full conviction of them in their consciences; and w, ill be ashamed of them, and to ap- pear before God the Judge of all; and will. be had in contempt by the LOrd, by .elect angels, and all good men; and this reproach shall never be wiped off; see Isa. lxvi. 24. Our Lord seems manifestly to have re- spect to this passage, when he speaks of men co. ming out of their graves at the last day, some unto the resur- rection of life, and others unto the resurrection of damna- tion, John v. 28, 29- and upon these words it may well bethought the Apostle Paul grounded his faith of the resurrection of the dead', both just and unjust, Acts 'xxiv. 15. and though the resurrection of both is spoken of here and elsewhere together, yet it will be at distinct periods of time; the resurrection of the just at the be- ginning of the thousand years, and that of the wicked at the end of them, Rev. xx. 5, 6. between which will be the intermediate state of the saints dwelling with Christ on earth; where they will be favoured with his presence, and the rewards of his grace, to which the following verse has respect. Vet. 3. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, &c.] That are wise, not in things natural and civil, but in things spiritual; who are wise unto salvation; that are wise to know them- selves, their state and condition by nature; their im-, purityand impotence; the insufficiency of their own righteousness; the exeeedingsinfulness of sin, and the dangerous circumstances they are in; that are wise to know Christ, and him crucified; to believe in him, and trust in him for everlasting life and salvation: these at the resurrection shall shine, both .in body and soul; 'their bodies shall be fashioned like to the glorious body of Christ; their souls shall be filled with perfect light .and knowledge, and be completely holy, without an'y .sin up. on them; ahd this light and glory that will be upon both soul and body will be like the brightness of the henvens when the sun is risen; yea, it will be like the brightness and g!ory of the sun itself, as our Lord affirms; having, as it steins, respect to this pas.sage, Matt. xiii. 43. Some render it, they that instruct {}; or make others wise, and so restrain it to ministers of the word; but the more general sense is best; and, besides, they are more particularly described in the next clause: and'they that turn many to righteousness as the starsJbr ecer and ever; or, that justify many {k}; that teach the doc- trine of a sinner's' free justification by the righteous- ness of Christ; that lead and direct souls sensible of sin, and of the weakness of their own righteousness, to the righteousness of Christ, as being that only which justifies before God; otherwise it is God alone that justifies men, by imputing the righteousness of' his Son unto them: but these shew men the way of justitica- tion, or that which God takes to justify sinners i and this being the principal doctrine of the GospeL, they are denominated from. i.t; and no man deserves the name of a Gospelminister that does not preach it, though this is not all that they preach; they preach all other doctrines of the Gospel in connexion with it, and also instruct men thus justified to live soberly, righteously, and godly: now, as these are stars in the church of Christ below, who receive their light from Christ the sun of righteousness, and communicate it to his peo- ple; so they will continue stars in theMillennium-state, and appear exceeding glorious, having the glory of God and Christ upo, them, and not only- then, but to all eternity.. These words are applied to the days of the Messiah by the Jews {}. Vet. 4. But thou, 0 .Daniel, shut up the words, &c.] Of the book, in which he had wrote the visions and prophecies delivered to him: this he is bid to shut up. to keep it from the common and profane people, who would only burlesque it; and to keep it to himself, ass peculiar treasure committed to his care; and though it was not kept from the saints and people of God, froth their reading it, yet he was not to interpret and ex- plain it to them; it was to remain a secret until tim time of its accomplishment was come, or, however, near at hand; so that this denotesthe obscurity of the prophecy, and the great difficulty'of understanding it; it being like a book that is shut and sealed, as tbllows- see Rev. v. 1---5: and seal the book, even to the time of the end; till the time comes appointed for the fulfil- ment of it, which shews that it reached to times a.t a great distance; that till these times were come, or near, it would be as a sealed book, and yet the accom- plishment of it would be sure and certain, 'as what is sealed is: many shall run to and fro, and knotvleelge shall be increased; that is, towards the end of the time ap- pointed, many persons will be stirred tip to inquire into these things delivered in this book, and will spare no pains or cost to get knowledge of them; will read and study the Scriptures, and meditate on them; c.om- pare one passage with another; spiritual things with spiritual, in order' to obtain the mind of Christ; will per- use carefully the writings ofsuch who have gone before them, Who have attempted any thing of this kind; and will go far and near to converse with persons that have any understanding of such things: and by such means, with the blessing of God upon them, the knowledge of this book of prophecy will be increased; and things will appear plainer the nearer the accomplishment of them is; and especially when accomplished, when pro- phecy and facts can be compared together: and not {i} \^Mylykvm\^ "erudiunt", Munster; "erudientes", Junius & Tremellius; "qui alios instituerint", Grotius. {k} \^yqydum\^ "justificantes", Pagninus, Montanus, Junius & Tremellius; "qui justificaverint", Calvin, Piscator. {l} Shemot Rabba sect. 15. fol. 102. 4.