of the earth. The .spiritual sense may be, ac,'or, ling to Schmidt, Christ is he on whom all ble. ssings depend; heaven may signify the Holy Spirit Ci:rist gives, who intercedes with him for the saints; the earth the ministratiou of the word and ordinances, by which the Spirit is given, invoked by the ministers of them. Or, as Cocceius, the heavens may design the nliuis- tern of the cllurch, who govern in it, and who pray and plead fbr help, assistance, and success; and tile earth the audience, the common people, who also pray, and are heard and answered, when ministers let down the dew and rain of' evangelical doctrine upon them, and water them, and refresh thein with it; and such precious seasons as these, as tile fruit of prayer, will the saints have in the latter day. Vet. 22. And the earth shall hear .the corn, and the wine, and the oil, &c.] Or answer. here the corn, and vines, and olive-trees, are represented as reqtiest- ing the earth to be let into it, and receive moisture from it, ttiat they may grow slid increase, and bring forth fruit; by which may be meant the fruits and graces of the Spirit, ann all spiritual gifts, com- municated by means of the word and ordinances; or the fruits brought .forth by the ctlurch, under the miilistry of the word; which serves like corn to nourish and strengthen; like wine to comfort, cheer, and revive; and like oil to heal and soften, as well as make glad, And they shall hear dezreel ; or an- swer; that is, these trees and frttits shall answer to the requests and desires of Jezreel, who shall be abun- dantly blessed with them. By Jezreel is not meant the name of a place, as Aben Ezra; but the people of Israel, who had before beeli signified by a son of the prophet of this name, ch. i. 4. and which name is here continued, to shew how unworthy they were of such favours in themselves, and the riches of God's grace in bestowing them on them: or else the word here has a different signification; whereas before it signified their being scattered and dispersed, here their being the seed of God; and which is confirmed by the fol- lowing words, I will sow her unto me, &c.: the sum of the whole is, that at the prayers of tile Lord's people abundance of spiritual blessings shall be bestowed upon them from Christ by the Spirit, under the ministration of the wdrd and ordinances. The Targum of both verses is," I will command the heavens, and they "shall let down rain upon the earth; and the earth "shall produce corn, and wine, and oil, and they nOn]" "shall be sufficient for the captivity of the r Kimchi says this belongs to the time of salvation; and Aben Ezra to time to come. Vet. 23. And I will sow her unto me in the earth, &c.] That is, Jezreel, or the people oF God, the church betrothed; this is another blessing following upon the marriage-relation between ChriSt and his people, both Jews and Gentiles, in the latter day, a mul- tiplication of a spiritual seed and offspring. So Kimchi and Aben Ezra observe, that the words signify that the people of Israel shall increase and be fruitful as the seed of the earth. These now are good seed which tile Lord sows; such as are born not of corruptible but incorrup- tible seed; are quickened by the spirit of God; have a good work of grace begun in them; and though they may lie for some time.u.ntler the c1ods in darkness and obscurity, yet shall rise up in the green blade of a lively profession, and bring forth the fruits of righteousness. Seed for' sowing is the choicest and most precious, and of greatest esteent and value, and is separated from the rest tbr that use, though but little and small in quantity in comparison of it; all which is applicable to the people of God. This is said to be sown in the earth or !and; either in their own land, the land of Israel, into which they shall now be brought, xxxvii. 21. 22. Amos ix. 15. or in the field of the World, the nations and people of the earth, according to Zech. x. 9. or rather in the churches of Christ on earth, the churches in the Gentile world, into which the Jews, when converted, shall be brought, and in- crease and multiply; and this will be all the Lortl's tloing. iwill sow her: he will quicken and convert them, and place and plant them in Gospel churches, though ministers may be instruments in his hands; and all their fruitfulness and increase will be unto him, for his service, the promotion of his interest, and for his honour and glory. The Targum is," I will esta- "blish you before me in the land of my Shechinah or "majesty." And I will have mercy on her that had not "obtained mercy; upon Lo-Ruhamah, or the people of Israel, signified by her, ch. i. 6. and also the Gen- tiles, for to both Jews anti Gentiles the apostle applies the words in Rom. ix. 24, c25. and they were fulfilled in part in his time, by the conversion of some of the Jews, and by the calling of the Gentiles; but will have a larger accomplishment in the latter day, whcn all Israel shall obtain mercy, and be saved; see Rom. xi. 26, 30, 31, 32. and are applicable to tile people of God at all times, when called by grace; for thongh be- fore conversion there is mercy for them in the heart of God, which is fi'om everlasting; and in his purpose and resolution to bestow; and which is displayed in his choice of them, considered in the decree of the means as fallen creatures, and so vessels of mercy; and which is laid up in covenant for them, which is frill of the sure mer- cies of David; and appears in the mission of Christ, and their redemption by him; and in sparing and saving them before calling; as well as, in their regeneration, which is the fruit of abundant mercy; yet is not ma- nifested to them till converted, when they openly ob- tain it: the Lord has mercy on them, and brings them out of the horrible pit of the state of nature; plucks them as brands out of the burning; opens the prison- doors, knocks off their fetters, and sets them fi'ee; feeds their hungry and clothes their naked souls; heals their diseases, and pardons their iniquities, and saves them with an eyerlasting salvation. And I will say to them which were not my people, thou art my peo- ple; or to Lo-ammi, the people of Israel, signified by the prophet's child of that name, ch. i. 9. who should no more be called so, but Ammi, my people, ch. ii. 1. which, as before observed, was in part fulfilled in the first times of the Gospel; but will be more fully ac- complished at the conversion of tile Jews, and the bringing in the fulness of the Gentlies; who tDough chosen to be the people of God, and are so federally, nod were given in covenant to Christ as such, and so redeemed and saved by him from their sins; yet are