This chapter either begins a new sermon, discourse, or prophecy, or it is a continuation of the former; at least it seems to be of the same argument with the latter part of it, only it is directed to Israel alone; and consists of complaints against them because of their manifold sins, and of denunciations of punishment for them. They are charged with ingratitude to God, sin- ning in a daring manner against mercy, and with false- hood, thefts, and robberies, ver. 1. with want ofconside- ration of the omniscience of God, and his notice of their sins, which surrounded them, yet. 2. with flattery to their king and princes, ver. 3. with adultery, which lust raged in them like a heated oven, vet. 4. with drunken- Hess, aggravated by drawing their king into it, vet. 5. with raging lusts, which devoured their judges, made their kings to fall, and brought on such a general cor- ruption, that there were none that called upon the Lord, vet. 6, 7. with mixing themselves with the nations of the earth, and so learning their ways, and bringing their su- perstition and idolatry into the worship of God, so that they were nothing in religion, like a half-baked cake, ver. 8. with stupidity and insensibility of their declining state, ver. 9. with pride, irapenitence, and stubbornness, ver. 10. with folly, in seeking to Egypt and Assyria for help, and not to the Lord; for which they would be taken as birds in a net, and sorely chastised, ver. 11, lc2. with ingratitude, hypocrisy, and. deceitfulness; for all which they are threatened with destruction, ver. 13, 14, 15, 16. Vet. 1. When I would have healed Israel, &c.] Or rather, when I healed Israel {k}; for this is not to be un- derstood of a ve!!eity, wish, or desire of healing and saving them, as Jarchi; nor of a bare attempt to do it by the admonitions of the prophets, and by corrections in Providence; but of actual healing them; and by which is meant, not healing them in a spiritual and re- ligious sense, as in ch. vi. 1. but in a political sense, of the restoring of their civil state to a more flourishing condition; which was done in the times of Jeroboam the son of Joash, as Kimchi rightly observes; who re- stored the coast of Israel, from the entering of Hamath, unto the sea of the plain, 2 Kings xiv. 25, 26: then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria; some refer this to the times of Jeroboam the first, and that the sense is, that the Lord having cured Israel of the idolatry introduced by Solomon, quickly a new scene of idolatry broke out in Ephraim, or the ten tribes, of which Samaria was the me- tropolis; for Jeroboam soon set up the calves at Dan and Beth-el to be worshipped; but it does not ap. pear that Israel was corrupted with the idolatry of Solomon, and needed a cure then; nor was Samaria built in Jeroboam's time: others apply it to the times of Jehu, who, though he slew the worshippers of Baal, and broke his images, and destroyed him out of Israel, yet retained the worship of the calves at Dan and Beth-el, 2 Kings x. 25--30. so, though they were healed of one sort of idolatry, another prevailed. It is right, in both these senses, that the iniquity of Ephraim, and wickedness or wickednesses of Samaria, are taken for the idolatrous worship of the golden calves; but then it respects the times of Jeroboam the second, the son of Joash, in whose days Israel was prosperous; and yet these superstitious and idolatrous practices of wor- ship were flagrant and notorious, were countenanced by the king and his courtiers that dwelt at Samaria, as is clear from Amos vii. 10--13. which was an instance of great ingratitude to the Lord. For they commit falsehood; among themselves, lying to one another, and deceiving each other; or to God, deal falsely with him, are guilty of false worship, worshipping idols, which are vanities and lies: and the thiefcomcth in, and the troop of robbers spoileth without; which may be interpreted either of their sins, their sins in general, both private and public; and their sins of theft and robbery in particular; both such as were committed in houses by the thief privately entering there, and by a gang of robbers in the streets, or on the highway: so the Targum, "in the night they thieve in houses, and "in the day they rob on the plain," or fields: or else of punishment for their sins; and then the words may be rendered {l}, therefore the thief entereth in, and the troop or arm. y spreads without; this thief was Shallum, who came m to kill and to steal; he slew Zachariah the son of Jeroboam, after he had reigned six months, and usurped the kingdom, and so put an end to the family of Jehu, according as the Lord had threatened, 2 Kings viii. l2. the troop or army is the Assyrian army under Pul, who came against Menahem, king of Israel, of whom he exacted a tribute, and departed, 2 Kings xv. 19, 20. so Cocceius. Ver. 2. And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wiclcedness, &c.] That is, the peo- ple of the ten tribes, and the inhabitants of Samaria, whose iniquity and wickedness are said to be disco- vered, and to be very notorious: and yet they said not to their hearts {m}, as in the original text; they did not think willfin themselves; they did not commune with their own hearts; they did not put themselves in mind, or put this to their consciences, that the Lord saw all their wicked actions, their idolatry, falsehood, thefts, and robberies, and whatsoever they were guilty of; that the Lord took notice of them, and put them down in the book of his remembrance, in order to call them to an account, and punish them for them: now their own 'doings have beset them about; or, that now their own doings, &c. {n}; they don't consider in their hearts that their sins are all around them, on every side, com- mitted by them openly, and in abundance, and are notorious to all their neighbours, and much more to {k} \^yaprk\^ "dum curo", Junius & Tremellius; "dum medeor", Piscator, Zanchius, Calvin; "quando sanavi, vel sano", Schmidt. {l} \^Uwxb dwdg jvp awby bngw\^ "ideo fur ingreditur", Munster. So some in Drusius. {m} \^Mbbll wrmay lbw\^ "& non dicebant ad cor suum", Cocceius; "& non dicunt cordi suo", Schmidt {n} \^Mhyllem Mwbbo hte\^ "quod circumdent ipsos opera eorum", Schmidt.