the second table of the law; and by all brought de- struction upon themselves, which was near at hand, and would certainly come, as here threatened; though they promised themselves peace, and expected assist- ance from neighbouring nations, but in vain, having made the Lord their enemy, by breaking his. laws: though [ have redeemed them; out of Egypt formerly, and out of the hands of the Moabites, Ammonites, Phillstines, and others, in the times of the judges; and more lately in the times of Joash and Jeroboam the se- cond, who recovered many cities out of the hands of the Syrians. Aben Ezra, Jarchi, and Kimchi, interpret this of the good disposition of God towards them, having it in his heart 'to redeem them now from their present afflictions and distresses, but that they were so impious and wicked, and so unfaithful to him: yet the!/have spoken lies against me , against his being and providence, being atheistically inclined; or pretending repentance for their sins, when they were hypocrites, and returned to their former courses; or setting up idols in opposition to him, which were vanity to him; attributing all their good thingi to them, and charging him with all their evils. Abendana reads the words interrogatively, should I redeem them, when they have spolcen lies against me t ? no, I will not. Ver. 14. And the?! have not cried unto me with thcir heart, &c.] In their distress, indeed, they cried unto the Lord, and said they repented of their sins, and promised reformation, and made a shew of worshipping God; as invocation is sometimes put for the whole worship of God; but then this was not heartily, but hypocritically; their hearts and their mouths did not go together, anti therefore was not reckoned prayer; nothing but howling, as follows: when the?/howled upon their beds; lying sick or wounded there; or, as some, in their idol-temples, those beds of adultery, where they pretended to worship God by them, and to pray to him through them; but such idolstrous prayers were no better than the howlings of clogs to him; even though they expressed outwardly their cries with great vehemency, as the word used denotes, having one letter more in it than common: tltey assemble themselves for corn and wine: either at their banquets, to feast upon them, as Aben Ezra; or to the markets, to buy them. as Kimchi suggests; or rather to their idol-ten,ples, to deprecate a famine, and to pray for rain and fruitful seasons; or if they g:tther together to pray to the Lord, it is only for carnal and worl,lly things; they only seek themselves, and their own interest, and not the glory of God, and ask for these things, to consume them on their lust. The Septuagint version is, for corn and wine they were cut, or cut themselves, as Baal's priests did, whe, they cried to him, 1 Kings xviii. 28. and Theodoret here observes, that they performed the Heathen rites, and in idol-temples made incisions on their bodies: and they rebel against me: not only flee from him. transgt'ess his laws. but cast off' all allegiance to him. and take up arms, and commit hostilities against him. The Targum joins this with the pre- ceding Clause, "because of the multitude of corn and "wine which they have gathered. they have rebelled "against my word ;" and to the saute sense Jarchi; thus, Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked. Vet. 15. 1'hough 1 have bound and strengthened their arms, &c,] As a surgeon sets a broken arm. and swathes and binds it, and so restores it to its former strength. or at least to a goo{l degree of strength again, so the Lord deaIt with Israel; tht'ir arms were broken, and their strength weakened, and they greatly distressed and reduced by the Syrians in the times of Jehoahaz; but they were brought into a better state and condition in the times of Joash and Jeroboam the second; the former retook several cities out of the hands of the Syrians, and the latter restored the border of Israel, and greatly entargetl it; anti as all this was done through the .blessing of divine Proviolence, the Lord is said to do it himself. Some render it, though I have chas- tised, I have strengthened their arms {}; though he cor- rected them for their sins in the times of Jehoahaz, and suffered their arms to be broken by their enemies, for their instruction, and in order to bring them to re- pentance for their sins; yet he strengthened them again in the following reigns: yet do they imagine ndschie. f against me; so ungaateful were they, they contrived to do hurt 16 his prophets that were sent to them in his name, to warn them of their sins and danger, and exhort them to repent, and forsake their 'idolatrous worship, and other sins; and they sought by all means to dishonour the name of the Lord, by imputing their success in the reigns of Joash and Jeroboam to their idols, and not nnto him; arid so hardened them- selves against him, and in their evil ways. Ver. 16. T'hey retttrn, but not to the most High, &c.] To F. gypt, and not to Jerusalem, and the temple there, and the worship of it; to their idols, and not to him whose name alone is Jehovah, and is the most High a11 the earth, the God of gods, and Lord of lords, and King of kings; though they made some feint as if they wouid return, and did begin, and take some steps towards repentance and reformation; but then they presently fell back again, as in Jehu's time, and did not go on to make a thorough retbrmation; nor re- turned to God alone, and to his pure worship they pre- :ended to, and ought to have done: or, not on high, upu,ards, above {w}; their affections and desires are not after things above; they don't look upwards to God in heaven for help and assistance, but to men and things on earth, on which all their affection and dependence are placed: thc!l are like a deceitful bow; which misses the mark it is directed. to; which being designed to send its arrow one way, causes it to go the reverse; or its arrow returns upon the archer, or drops at his feet; so these people deviated from the law of God, acted contrary to their profession and promises, and relapsed into their former idolatries and irapieties, and sunk into earth and earthly things; see Psul. ixxviii..57: their princes shall fall by the sword: either of their con- spirators, as Zachariah, Shallum, Pekahiah, and Pekah; or by the sword of the Assynans, as Hoshea, and the princes with him, by Salmaneser; for the rage oftheir {t} \^Mdpa yknaw\^ "& ego redimerem eos?" so some in Rivet. {u} \^Mtewrz ytqzx ytroy ynaw\^ "castigavi", Junius & Tremellius, Pis- cator, Vatablus, Cocceius, Tarnovius. {w} \^le al\^ "non supra", Montanus; "non sursum", De Dieu, Gussetius; "non erecte", Cocceius.