and pernicious to it, as injustice and oppression; see ch. v. 7. Ver. 13. Ye which rejoice in a thing of nought, &c.] In their wealth and riches, which are things that are not, because of the uncertainty of them; and, in com- parison of true riches, have no solidity and substance m them, Prov. xxiii. 5. or in any of the things of this world, the lusts of it, the honours of it, human wis- dom or strength; all are things of nought, of no worth, give no satisfaction, and are of no continuance, and not to be gloried in, Jer. ix. 23. or. in their idols, for an idol is nothing in the world, 1 Cor. viii. 4. and yet they rejoiced in them, Acts vii. 41. or in their own works of righteousness, as men of a pharisaical temper do, as these people were; these indeed are something, when done in obedience to the will of God, and according to that, and from right principles, and in the exercise of faith and love, and with a view to the glory of God, and as they are evidences of true grace, and profitable to men, and tend to glorify God, and serve the interest of religion; but they are things of nought, and not to be rejoiced and gloried in, in the business of justification before God, and in the affair of salvation: the same may be said of a mere .outward profession of religion depended on, and all external rites and ceremonies, or submission to out- ward ordinances, whether legal or evangelical. The phrase may be rendered, in that tohic.h is no word!; is not the word of God, nor according to it; indeed every thing short of Christ and his righteousness, and salva- tion by him, are things of nought, aud not to be re- joiced in, Phil. iii. 3, 4, 5, ahd iv. 4. Which say, have we not taken to us horns by our own strength ? by which we ha ? pushed our enemies, got victory over them, and obtained power, dominion, and authority; all which horns are an emblem of. So Sanchouiatho {k} says, Astarte put upon her own head a bull's head, as an ensign of royalty, or a mark of sovereignty; by which, as Bishop Cumberland {} thinks, is plainly meant the bu!l's horns, since it is certain that a horn, in the eastern languages, is an emblem or expression noting royal power, as in 1 Sam. iS. 10. and in other places; see Dan. vii. 24. thus the kings of Egypt wore horns, as Diodo- rue relates; and perhaps for the same reason the Egyp- tians adorned Isis with horns {m}. And ,a, il this they ascribed not to God, but to themselves. Fhe Targum interprets horns by riches; but it rather signifies vic- tory {n}, and power and government, which they took to themselves, and imputed to their own strength, valour, and courage: very probably here is an allusion to their ensigns, banners, shields, or helmets, on which horns might be figured or engraven, being the arms of Ephraim, the son of Joseph, the chief of the ten tribes, who are here spoken of. Ephraim is often put for the ten tribes, or the kingdom of Israel; and Joseph, whose son he was, his glory was like the firstling of a bullock, and his horns are said to be like the horns of unicorns: with them, it is promised, he shall push the people to- AMOS. gerber, to the ends of the .earth, and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh, Deut.' xxxiii. 17. and it may-be, as the lion seems to be the ensign of the tribe of Judah, to which he is by Jacob compared; so the ox or the uni- corn might be the ensign of the tribe of Ephraim: and so the ancient Jews, as Aben Ezra on Numb. iS. 2. ob- serves, say, that the form of a man was on the standard of Reuben; and the form of a lion on the stand- ard of Judah; and the form of an ox on the standard of Ephraim, &c.; and others {o} of them say that the standard of Joseph was died very black, and was figured for the two princes of Ephraim and Manas- seh; upon the standard of Ephraim was figured an ox, because thefirstling of a bullock; and on the stand- ard of Manasseh was figured an unicorn, because his horns are like the horns of unicorns. Now the Israel- ites, or those of the ten tribes, at the head of which phraim was, set up their banners, not in the name the Lord, but in their own strength; and attri- .buted their conquests and dominions to their own con- duct and courage, the horns of their .owu strength, and not to God {p}. And this 'also is the language of such personS, who ascribe regeneration and conversion, faith, repentance, the cleansing of a man's heart, and the reformation of his life, yea, his whole salvation, to the power and strength of his free will, when man has no strength at all to effect any of these things; these are all vain boasts, and very disagreeable and offensive to the-Lord; and for suchdike things persons stand here reproved by him, and threatened with woes; for woe must be here-supplied from vet. 1. Vet. 14. But, behold, I will raise up against you a na- tion, 0 house of Israel, saith the Lord, the God of hosts, &c.] The Assyrian nation, under its king, Salmaneser; who invaded Israel, came up to Samaria, and after a three-years' siege took it, and carried Israel captive into foreign lands, 2 Kings xvii. 5, .6: and they shall a. afflict .you; by battles, sieges, forages, plunders, and burn- ing of cities and towns, and putting the inhabitants to the sword: from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of the wilderness; from Hamath the less, said by Josephus {q} and Jerom {r} to be called Epiphania, in their times, from Antiochus Epiphanes; it was at the en- trance on the land of Israel, and at the northern border of it; s0_ that the river of the wilderness, whatever is meant by it, lay to the south; by which it appears that this affliction and distress would be very general, from one end of it to the other. Some, by this river, understand the river of Egypt, at the entrance-of Egypt in the wilderness of Ethan; Sihor or Nile; which, Jarchi says, lay south-west of Israel, as Hamash lay north-west of it. And a late trave!!er {} observes, that the south and south-west border of the tribe of judah, containing within it the whole or the greatest xpart of what was called the way of the spies, Numb. xi, 1, and afterwards Idumea, extended itself from the Elenitic gulf of the Red sea, along by that of Hiero- {i} \^rbd all\^ "in non verbo", Montanus. {k} Apud Euseb. Evangel. Prepar. 1.2. p. 38. {l} Sanchoniatho's History, p. 35. {m} Vid. Pignorii Mensa lsiaca, p. 30. {n} Vicimus, & domitum pedibus calcamus amorem, Venerunt capiti cornua sera meo", Ovid. Amor. 1. 3. Eleg. 10. {o} Bemidbar Rabba, sect. 2. fol. 178. 3. {p} Vid. Lydium de Re Militari, 1. 4. c. 4. p. 164. {q} Antiqu. I. 1. c. 6. sect. 2. {r} Comment. in lsa. x. fol. 20. G. & in Zech. ix, fol. 116, L, De locis Heb. fol. 88. E. & Quaest. in Gen. fol. 67. B. {s} Dr. Shaw's Travels, p. 287, 288. Ed. 2.