sound of them, which will then go into all the earth; for the swiftness in which they shall proceed; for their rapidity and force in bearing all before them; for the great spread of them; and for their virtue and efficacy in cooling those who are inflamed with the fiery law; refreshing thirsty souls; purifying the hearts and lives of sinners, and making those that are barren fruitful: and to living waters, because they are the means of quickening dead sinners, and of reviving drooping saints; and because they serve to support and maintain a spiritual life, and nourish up unto eternal life, and direct the way to it, as well as give the best account of it: and these Will come out of Jerusalem; which may design Jerusalem literally,. which will be rebuilt at the time of the Jews' converston; or mystically the church, the spiritual and heavenly Jerusalem; see Heb. xii. 22. Ezek. xlvii. 1. Joel iii. 18. reference seems to be had to the first ministration of the Gospel, which, according to prophecy, came out of Jerusalem, Isa. ii. 3. Half of them towards the former sea; or the eastern sea, as the Targum, the Persian sea; and may signify that-the Gospel shall be carried into the eastern parts of the world, into-Persia, Tartary, and China, and other nations; and those great kingdoms shall be- come the kingdoms of Christ: and half of them toward the hinder sea; or tile western sea, as the Targum, the Mediterranean sea; and m. ay denote the progress and success of the Gospel in the European parts of the world: and the meaning of the whole is, that the Gos- pel shall be carried from east to west, and preached all the world over, to the conversion of Jews and Gentiles, who, some think, are designed by the two seas; when the abundance of the sea shall be converted by it, and the forces and fulness of the Gentiles brought in, and all Israel saved: in summer and in winter shah it be; there will be no summer of persecution, nor winter of cold- ness and indifference to hinder the ministry of the word: the phrase denotes the constant ininistry of the word, and the duration of it; it shall be constantly preached all the year long, and as long as summer ar, d winter last. Ver. 9. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth, &c.] This refers to the spiritual reign of Christ in the latter day; upon the success of the Gospel every- where, there will be great conversions in all places; Gospel churches will be set up and ordinances admi- nistered everywhere; the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord; his kingdom will be from sea tO sea, from the eastern to the western one, and his dominion will reach to the ends of the earth; Popish nations, Mahometan kingdoms, Pagan ones, and all the kings of'the earth, will' become Christian, and submit to the sceptre of Christ's kingdom: in that day shall there be one Lord; there is but one Lord in right now, and there is but one in fact that is owned by real Christians; and there will be' but One in the spiritual reign, among all that are called Christians; there will be but one Lord and Head to Jews and Gentiles, Hos. i. 11. the pope Of Rome will be no more owned as head of the church, nor any other: and his nam.e, one; this refers not to any particular name by which Christ shall be called; but rattler to that by which his people shall be tallied; all names.of distinction being now laid aside, .and only that of Christians retained; though it chiefly designs unity of doctrine, uniibrmity 'of worship, one and the same way of administering ordinances: it sig- nifies that there will be one true, spiritual, uniform worship and religion; there will be no different senti- ments and principles in religion; nor different practices and modes of worship; nor different sects; but all agreeing in the same faith and practice, under one Lord and King, Christ Jesus. So the Targum, "they "shall serve betbre the Lord with one shoulder; for "his name is firm in the world, and there is none be- '' sides it." This passage is referred by the ancient Jews {} to the times of the Messiah. Ver. 10. All the land shall be turned as a plain, &c.] That is, all the land of Israel round about Jerusalem, which was encompassed with mountains, Psal. cxxv. 2. but now these mountains shall become a plain, that that may be seen; since it follows, from Geba to Rim. mort south of Jerusalem; Geba was a city in the tribe of Benjamin, on the northern border of the land, Josh. xxi. 17. and Rimmonwas in the tribe of Judah, given to Simeon on the southern part, Josh. xv. 32. and xix. 7. so that from Geba to Rimmort was the same as from Geba to Beer-sheba, which was in the same tribe, 2 Kings xxiii. 8. and, according to the Jewish writers, the south of Jerusalem was a plain; wherefore the meaning seems to be, that the whole land, from Geba to Rimmdn, should be like that. Jerom makes men- tion of a village called Reramon in his time, fifteen miles to the north of Jerusalem, which cannot be the place here meant, and yet speaks of it as in the tribe of Simeon or Judah; and afterwards takes notice of another village called Remmus in Daroma, or the south {m}; to me it seems that Geba and Rimmon were places near one to another, and both in the tribe of Benjamin; see 1 Sam. xiv. 4. where the word ren- dered pomegranate is Rimmon, and is the proper name of a place, according to some; the same with that in Judg. xx. 47. where was a rock called the rock Rimmon; and Jonathan ben Uzziel, on l Sam. xiv. renders it, the plain of the pomegranate; or rather the plain of Rimmon: and-the Jews make mention in their Talmud {n} of the valley of Rimmort, where seven elders met to intercalate the year; and here, they say, was a marble rock, in which every one fastened a nail, and therefore it is called the rock of nails. Now the sense seems to be, that all the land of Israel should be- come a plain, like the valley that was between Geba and Rimmort. Jarchi interprets it 0fthe whole world. And this will be literally true of the new earth, in the thousand-years' reign, which will be without hills mountains, and seas, Rev. xxi. 1. It may be ,mystically understood of the spiritual reign of Christ, when the whole world will become Christian; when Jews and Gentiles, and even the kings of the earth, shall bow the knee to Christ, and be subject to him. And it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place; that is, Jerusa- lem, which shall appear very high, all the land round about being a plain; and, being rebuilt, shall be in- {l} Zohar in Deut. fol. 110. 2. {m} De locis Heb. fol. 94. A. C. {n} t. Hieros. Chargiga, fol. 78. 4.