96 OF A PLURALITY IN THE GODHEAD, &c, BOoK I. three, inasmuch as they, are not only said to be one, that is, one God; and their witness is called the witness of God, v 9. but of a Trinity of Persons, in the unity of the divine essence; unity of essence, or nature, is asserted and secured, by their being said to be one; which re- spects not a mere unity of testimony, but of nature; for it is not said of them, as of the witnesses on earth, that they agree in one; but that they are one. And they may be called a Trinity, inasmuch as they are three; and a Trinity of PersonS, since they are not only spoken of as distinct from each other, the Father fi'om the Word and Holy Ghost, the Word from the Father and the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost from the Father and 'the Word; but a personal action is ascribed to each of them; for they are all three said to be testifiers, or to bear re- cord; which cannot be said of mere names and characters; nor be understood of..one person under different names; for if the one living and true God only bears record, first under the character of a Father, theu under the character Of a Son, or the Word, and then under the character 6f the Holy Ghost; testimony, indeed, would be bore three times, but there would be but one testifier, and not three, as the apostle asserts. Suppose one man should, for one man may bear the characters, and stand in the rela-- tions of father, son, and master; of a father to a child of his own; of a son, Iris father being living; and of a master to servants imder him; suppose, I say, this man should come into a court of judicature, and be admitted to bear testimony in an affair there depending, and should give his testimony first under the character of a thther, then under the character of a son, and next under the character of a master; every one will conclude, that though here was a testimony three times bore, yet there was but one, and not three, that bore record. This text is so glaring a proof of the doctrine of the Trinity, that the enemies of it have done all they can to weaken its authority, and have pushed hard to extirpate it from a place in the sacred writings. They object, that it is wanting in the Syriac version; that the old Latin inter- preter has it not; that it is not to be found in many Greek manuscripts; and is not quoted by the ancient fathers who wrote against the Arians, when it might have been of great service to them. To all which it may be replied; that as to the Syriac version, though an ancient one, it is but a version, and till of late appeared a very defective one; the history of the adulterous woman in the eighth of John, the second epistle of Peter, the second and third epistles of John, the epistle of Jude, and the book of Revelatibn, were all wanting, till re- stored from a copy of archbishop Usher's, by De Dieu and Dr. Pocock; and who also, from an Eastern copy, has supplied the version with this text, so that now it stands in it. And as to the old Latin interpreter, it is certain that it is to be seen in many Latin manuscripts of an early date, and is in the vulgate Latin version of the London Polyglot Bible; and the Latin translation which bears the name of Jerom has it; and who, in an episle to Eustochium, prefixed to his translation of those canonical epistles, complains of the omission of it, by :z Vid. Wittichii Theolog. Pacific. c. 17. s. e54. ~a Vid. Socrat. Eccl. tlist. 1.7. c. 3~. ~4 Respons. contr. Arian- Obj. 10. et de Trinitate, c. 4. ts Contr. Ariare, p. 109. de Unit. Deitat. Trin. ad Theoph. 1. l. p. 399. unthithful interpreters. As to its being wanting in some Greek manuscripts, it need only be said, it is found in many others; it is in the Complutensian edition, the compilers of which made use of various copies; out of sixteen ancient copies of Robert Stephens's, ~fine of them had it; and it is also said to be in an old British copy. As. to its not being quoted by some of the ancient fathers, this can be no proof of its not being genuine; since it might be in the original copy, and not in that used by them, through the c. arelessness aud unfaithfulness of tran- scribers; or through copies erased falling into their hands, such as had been corrupted before the times of Arius, even by Artemon, or Iris disciples, who lived in the second century; who held that Christ was a mere man; by ,,vhom it is said {12}, this passage was erased; and certain it is, that this epistle was very early corrupted; as the ancient writers t --~ ,3 tesuxy: or it might be in the copies used by the fathers, and yet not quoted by them, having scrip- tures enow withont it, .to prove and defend the doctrine of it; and yet, after all, it appears plainly to be quoted by many of them; by Fulgentius {14}, in the begii. ming of the sixth century, against the Arians, without any scruple or hesitation: and Jerom, as before observed, has it in his translation, made iu the latter end of the fourth cen- tury: and it is quoted by Athauasius {15}, about the middle of it; and before him by Cyprian {16}, in the middle of the third century: and is manifestly referred to by Tertul- lian {17}, in the beginning of it; and by Clemens of Alex- andria % towards the end of the second century: so that it is to be traced up within a hundred years, or less, the writing or' the epistle; which is enough to satisfy any one of the genuineness of this text. And, besides, it should be observed, that there never was any dispute about it, until Erasmus left it out in the first edition of Iris translation of the New Testament; and yet he him- self, upon the credit of the old British copy, before mentioned, put it into another e›!ition of his translation. Yea, the Socinians themselves have not dared to leave it out iu their German Racovian version, A. C. 1630. To which may be added, that the context requires it; the connection with the preceding verse shows it, as well as its opposition to, and distinction fi'om, the following verse; and in v 9. is a plain reference to the divine wit- nesses in this; for the inference in it would not be' clear, if there was no mention before made of a aivine testi- mony. But I shall not rest the proof of the doctrine of the Trinity on this single passage; but on the whole current and universal consent of scripture, where it is written as with a sun-beam; according to which, a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead appears in the works of creation, providence, and grace; in all things respecting the office and work of Christ; in God's acts of grace towards and upon Iris people; and in their worship and duties of religion enjoined them, and practised by them. 1. In the works of creation:. as by these the eternal power and godhead are made .manliest, so in them are plain traces of a Trinity of persons; that God the Father made the heavens, earth and sea, and all that are. in them, tinder which character the aposties addressed him as dis- ~6 De Unitat. Eccles. p. '255. et in Ep. 73. ad Iubajan. p. 18~t. ~ Adv. Praxeam, c. ~5. ,s Pa~dagog. I. 3. in fine.