488 OF THE LAST AND GENERAL JUDGMENT. Book VII, Now the dead will be judged out of those things which are written in the books, according to their works, Rev. xx. 12. which must be understood of the wicked dead, when raised and brought to stand before God who will have sentence pronounced upon them accord- ing to their wicked works; between which, and the punishment adjudged to, will be a just proportion; the wages of sin is death; eternal death is the just de- merit of it: but as there is a difference in the sins of the wicked; some more, others fewer; some greater, others less; some more, and others less aggravated; their punishment will be proportioned to them, as will be seen in the next chapter: and so every one will be judged according to his works, in the most just and equitable manner. Indeed, good men also will be .judged according to their works; but not adjudged to eternal life according to them; for there is no propor- tion between the best works of men and eternal life; eternal life is the free gift of God through Christ: but upon the judgment of them, the distribution of re- wards, or of peculiar and distinguished fayours, more or less, in the kingdom-state, will be according to every man's works. This judgment out of the books, and according to works, is designed to show with what ac- curacy and exactness, with what justice and equity, it will be executed, in allusion to statute-books in courts of judicature, to be referred unto in any case of diffi- culty. V. The circumstances of the judgment, as to time and place.. First, The time of it; the particular judgment of men, or of particular persons in their souls, will be immediately after death; according to Heb. ix. the general judgment, or the judgment of all men, in soul and body, will be after the resurrection; the judgment of the righteous, after the first resurrection; 'and the judgment of the wicked, after the second re- surrection. It is often spoken of in scripture as though it would be quickly, particularly in Rev. xxii. 7, 12, 2O. to alarm men, and keep up a constant expectation of it. There is a day appointed for it, as may be rea- sonably thought; for if there is a time to every pur- pose, a time appointed to every thing done under the heavens, then certainly for a business of such moment, and of so great importance, as the general judgment is; and, indeed, this is expressly affirmed; he hath ap- pointed a day in which he will judge the world in righte- ousness, Acts xvii. 31. the time of it is unknown to men, Matt. xxiv. 36. Acts i. 6, 7. hence the Judge is represented as coming at an unawares, as a thief in the night, at an hour unthought of; and therefore men s'.,;ould watch and pray, and be ready to meet him. Secondly, The place. This is also uncertain. Some, because of some passages in Joel iii. 2, 12. have thought of the valley of Jehoshaphat; but no valley can be sup- posed large enough to hold all that will be judged at the day of judgment; nor does it appear from scrip- ture that there ever was such a valley of such a name; nor does this seem to be the proper name of the valley, whatever valley is intended; in v 14. it is called, the valley of decision; it properly signifies, the judgment of the Lord, and so is applicable to any place where the Lord should judge the enemies of his people, and destruction upon them: and to me it seems to to the battle, at Armageddon, where will be a great slaughter of the kings of the earth; which will make way for the latter-day-glory. The two more probable opinions are, that the judgment will be either in the air or on the earth. Some think it will be in the air, because the Judge will come in the clouds of hea- ven, and the living saints will then be changed, and the dead saints raised; and both will be caught up to- gether unto the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. But I rather think it will be on earth; the judgment of the saints will be on the new earth, on which they will descend from the air with Christ; and which will be the seat of his reign with the saints, and of theirs with him; and which will be the time of their judg- ing: and as for the wicked dead, who will live again after the thousand years are ended, they will come upon the breadth of the earth, where will be the camp of the saints, the beloved city, and encompass that; and being defeated in their design, they will be at once brought to judgment, and stand before God, the Judge of all, and receive their sentence. VI. The properties of this judgment, as may be gathered from what has been said about it, and from express passages of scripture.-----t. It is future, yet to come: the apostle Paul reasoned before Felix, among' other things, of judgment to come, Acts xxiv. 25. But because it seems to be deferred, and does not imme- diately take place, some have their hearts set in them to do evil, and put away this evil day far from them, as they reckon it, and put it very far away indeed, and fancy it will never be. But, , ----2. It is certain; pur- pose and prophecy make it so: God has, in his pur- poses, appointed a day for it, and he will keep it; and fis purpose is never disannulled; Enoch, the seventh Adam, prophesied of it, as well as others; and the word of prophecy is a sure one, and will certainly be fulfilled: therefore let young and old know, that for the things they have committed God will bring them into judgment, Eccles. xi. 9. ..3. It will be univer- sal, both as to persons and things. All men will be judged, sooner or later; in the morning, or in the eve- ning of that day; none shall escape it: and all works will be brought into it, good or bad. 4. It will be a righteous judgment; so it is called, Rom. it. 5. The world will be judged in righteousness; the Judge of all the earth will do right; Christ the Lord will be a righte- ous Judge, and his judgment just. ----5. It will be the last judgment: it will be when the last trumpet shall sound, that the dead shall rise in order to be judged; and it will be at the last day, when the word of Christ, and Christ according to it shall judge men. 1 Cot. xv. 52. John xii. 48.. 6. It is called eternal judgment, Heb. vi. 2. not only because it will be a long time about, as has been observed; but because it will issue in the final state of men; either in their everlasting destruction, or in their everlasting happiness, Matt. xxv. 46. which are next to be considered.