CHAP. III. OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 515 them by his word, his ministers, and his Spirit; with him as their priest, who by his sacrifice has made atone- meat for their sins, and by his intercession pleads for every blessing for them; and with him as their king, to rule over them, protect and defend them; and they become willingly subject to his commands and ordi- nances, and esteem all his precepts concerning all things to be right; they know him as their living Re- deemer, as Job did; and their souls rejoice in God their Saviour, as Mary the mother of our Lord did; they know him in the various relations he stands in to them, as their everlasting Father, who bears an ever- lasting love to them, takes an everlasting care of them, and makes everlasting provision for them; as their head of eminence over them, and influence to them; as their husband, who has betrothed them to himself in righteousness and loving-kindness; as their brother, and one that sticks closer than a brother; and as their friend that loves at all times, and of whom they say as the church did, This is my beloved, and this is m2/ friend. And this knowledge which such souls have of Christ is, (I.) Not merely notional and speculative, such a knowledge the devils have: they know Christ to be the holy one of God, and that he is the Sou of God, and the Messiah, Luke iv. 34, 41. and men desti- tute of the grace of God may know and give their assent to those truths, that Christ is truly God, and existed as the Son of God from all eternity; that he assumed human nature in the fulness of time, that he lived a life of sorrow and trouble, died the death of the cross, was buried and rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is set down at the right hand of God, and will come a second time to judge the world in righteousness; but this spiritual special know- ledge gracious souls have is,.. -(s.) An affectionate knowledge, or a knowledge joined with love and affec- tion to Christ; he is in their esteem the chiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely; he is precious to them, and there is none in heaven nor in earth so de- sired by them as he is. (3.) Their knowledge is a knowledge of approbation, they approve of him above all other lovers, and above all other saviours; they re- ject all others, and say, Ashur shall not save us; we will have no regard to our works, duties and services, as saviours; but they say of him as Job did, Though he slay me yet will I trust in him--he also shall be my salvation., I will have no other, Job xiii. 15, 16.. (4.) Their knowledge of him is fiducial; they know his name, his nature, his abilities, his fulness, and suit- ablehess, and therefore they put their trust in him, give up themselves to him, rely and lean upon him, and trust him with all they have, and for all they want, for grace here and glory hereafter.----(&)Their knowledge of him is experimental, they have their spiritualsenses exercised on him; they see the Son and believe on him, see the glories of his person, the riches of his grace, the fulness of his righteousness, the effi- cacy of his blood, and the virtue of his atoning sacri- fice; they hear his voice with pleasure and delight, the voice of his gospel, so as to understand it, approve of it, and distinguish it from the voice of a stranger they feel, they handle him .the word of life by faith, lay hold on him and retain him; they taste that the Lord is gracious, and sayour the things which be of Christ and not of men.... (6.) Their knowledge of Christ is appropriating; it does not lie in generals but in particulars, they know him themselves and for them- selves; they do not only say as the Samaritans did, We know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world, Jolm iv. 42. but that he is their Saviour and Redeemer; and say with Thomas, My Lord, and my God; and with the apostle Paul, Who loved me, and g. ave.himself for me; and with the church, My beloved zs mine, and I am his, John xx. 28. Gal. ii. 20. Cant. ii. 16. 3. Every renewed soul has knowledge of the Spirit of God, the world does not know him, but truly gracious souls do; our Lord speaking of him says, Whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, neither his person, nor his office, nor his operations; But ye know hint, meaning his apostles and followers; and gives a very good reason for it, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you; and therefore they must have a feeling and experi- mental knowledge of him, John xiv. 17. Such as are renewed in the spirit of their minds, have a knowledge of him as a Spirit of conviction and illumination, he having convinced them of sin, the evil nature and sad consequences of it; of righteousness, of the insuffi- ciency of their own righteousness to justify them be- fore God, and of the fulness and suitableness of Christ's righteousness for that purpose; and having had the eyes of their understandings enlightened by him as a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, as an able, willing, and complete Saviour; and having received him as the Spirit which is of God, whereby are made known to them the things that are freely given to them of God; the free-grace gifts of righteousness, peace, pardon, and eternal life. They have knowledge of him as the Comforter, who com- forts them by shedding abroad in their hearts the love of the Father and of the Son; by opening and apply- ing the exceeding great and precious promises of the gospel, and by ta[ing the things of Christ and shewing them to them, and their interest in them; and these comforts they have a feeling experience of, for they de- light their souls amidst the multitude of their thoughts within them; yea they walk in the comforts of the holy Ghost, and are edified by them. They have knowledge of him also as the Spirit of adoption, who manifests to them their interest in this blessing; and not only from his witnessing do they know their rela- tion to God as children, but also from their being led by him out of themselves to Christ, and into the truth as it is in Jesus, for such are the sons of God, Rum. viii. 14--16. Moreover they have knowledge of the Spirit as a Spirit of grace and of supplication, who first works grace in the soul, and then draws it forth into act and exercise; and perhaps there is no season in the christian life in which this-grace is more drawn forth into exer- cise than when in prayer, public and private, under the influence of the Spirit of supplication; who helps saints under alI their infirmities in prayer, and makes intercession in them according to the will of God, im- presses a sense of their wants upon them, puts strength into them, and fills their mouths with arguments to 3T~