sSo OF THANKFULNESS TO GOD. Book I. 1. It is entirely a free gift; it is one of those things, and the chief of them, which are freely given unto us of God, i Cor. ii. !2. unmerited and undeserved; wholly of free grace, and flowing fi'om the pure love of God, to persons of all the most unworthy, John iii. 16. 2. It is a suitable one; nothing could have been given us more suitable to our case and circum- stances; Such an High-priest became us; such a Pro- phet, such a King, such a Mediator between God and men, such a Redeemer and Saviour, such an Advocate and Intercessor, one so full of grace and truth, who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redempl;ion, who is indeed ALL. in aLL; all that we want, all that we can desire; for, 3. It is a very large and comprehensive gift; God, with Christ, freely gives us all things; and blesses, with all spiritual bless- ings in him, the blessings of grace and of glory, Rom. viii. 32. Eph. i. 3. Christ being ours, all things are ours; and therefore we have reason to be thankful, 1 Cor. iii. 22, 23. -4. It is an unchangeable and irreversible gift; it comes from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablehess, neither shadow of turning; and not only the giver, but the gift itself is unchangeable; . who is Jesus, the same yesterday,, to-day, and for ever; and is one of the gifts of God which are without re- pentance; to which may be added, that it is unspeak- able; none can say how great it is, what is contained in it, and what the benefits arising from it in time and to eternky. Fourthly, For the Spirit of God, and his gifts and graces. The Spirit himself is the gift of God, Luke xi. 13. and a great and glorious gift he is, for which we have reason to be thankful; especially when we consider to what ends and purposes he is given, as to be a Comforter of his people, He shall give you another Comforter, John xiv. 16. and to be a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, and to strengthen the saints with all might in the inward man, and to be the earnest and pledge of their future glory and happiness, 2 Cor. v. 5. Epb. i. 14, 17. and iii. 16. The several graces of the Spirit are gifts and free grace-gifts, and very valuable ones; faith, which is of the operation of the Spirit, is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, which no man has nor can exercise unless it be given him of God; and all men have it not, and therefore it is distinguishing grace to those who have it, and should be thankful for it; a good hope is through grace, and is given both by God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Thess. ii. 16. and so love is from ,trace, 1 Tim. i. 14. These are now the all things for which we should be thankful. II. When, in what cases and circumstances, and for whom thanks are to be given. 1. When; always, this is the rule, giving thanks always for all things ; every day, night and day, constantly, continually, all the days of a man's life; for there are ever new mercies, they are returning every day and every morning: hence says the Psalmist, Every day will I bless thee, Psalm cxlv. 2. and cxlvi. 2,--2. In what cases and circum- stances, it, what state and condition, are we to be thankful? in every one, in every thing, that is, in every state, give thanks, 1 Thess. v. 18.--(1.) Not in prosperity only, when we are to be joyful, cheerful, and thankful; and when we are not to attribute our prosperity to ourselves, nor to second causes, but to God, and be thankful; otherwise we shall only sacrifice to our own net, and burn incense to our own drag, Hub. i. 16.--(2. ) But in adversity also; as Job blessed God, or was thankful, when he was stripped of all; and the people of God have reason to be thankful under afflictions, when the Lord puts underneath his everlasting arms, and supports them under them; when he strengthens them on a bed of languishing, and makes their bed in their sickness; when he chooses them in the furnace of affliction, and knows their souls in adversity; when he manifests his love and fayour; when he is with them passing through the fire and water, so that the one shall not kindle upon them, nor the other overflow them; in short, since he makes all things work together for their good here and hereafter, they should be thankful. Andalso,--(3.) In times of temptation; since the temptation might have been suffered to have been greater and heavier than it is ; and since the grace of God is sufficient to support under it, and carry through it, and the faithfulness of God will not suffer his people to be tempted above what they are able to bear; and since Christ is able to succour..them that are tempted, and sympathizes with them, and prays for them that their faith fail not.--(4.) When in very uncomfortable frames; at least better mightbe wished for, since these might have been worse and have issued in despair, or bordering on it; and in the midst of all it should be considered, that though frames are chano,,'eable things, Jehovah changes not, Christ is the same always, the covenant of grace is sure, and the gifts and calling of God with- out repentance; and the Lord knows them that are his, and they shall never perish.--(5.) Amidst all the reproaches and persecutions of men; so the apostles were thankful that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ; the apostle Peter says such are happy, I Pet. iv. 14. and such who are per- secuted for righteousness-sake are pronounced blessed by Christ, and are exhorted to rejoice, and be exceed- ing glad, Matt. v. 10--12.. 3. For whom; for all men, for kings and all in authority, I Tim. ii. 1, 2. since these are powers ordained of God, and are ministers for the good of men, are terrors to evil doers, and a praise to them that do well; if they are good kings and worthy magistrates, such are to be honoured and obeyed, and thanks to be given for them, which is good and acceptable in the sight of God. We are to be thankful for our relations and friends, and for the continuance of them; children are the gifts of God to parents, and as such to be owned with gratitude, as they were by Jacob and Joseph, Gen. xxxiii. 5. and xlviii. 9. see Psalm cxxvii. 3--5. and likewise for the churches of Christ, and all the saints in them; for their prosperity, for their grace and the increase of it; for their faith, both as a doctrine and a grace, and for their love to one another; these are what the apostle expresses his thankfulness for in almost all his epistles; and so for the ministers of the gospel saints should be thankful, who are the gifts of God to the churches,