Made with 3Space Assistant

Template Graphics Software
The Standard in Graphics Software™

Template Graphics Software, located in San Diego, California, is the premier vendor of 3D/VRML graphics tools and publishing products. TGS provides OpenGL® for HP, Sun and Apple products, and has the premier implementations of Open Inventor™ for non-SGI UNIX and PC systems.

3D OpenGL Applications!

The Visual 3Space™ Control is a professional 3D ActiveX™ component that supports Autodesk DXF™, Silicon Graphics' Open Inventor™ and Internet VRML files. Webmasters and Visual Basic® users can deliver powerful 3D applications using over 200 property and method settings! Supports JavaScript™ and VBScript®.

3D Clipart in Word!

3Space Assistant adds interactive 3D to Microsoft® Office applications! Take 3D/VRML clipart and create powerful newsletters and technical documents in seconds. 3Space Assistant even lets you email 3D files!

Create Cool 3D Stuff

3Space Publisher is a powerful 3D desktop publishing applications that is used to create 3D/VRML scenes, photo-realistic images and animated video titles. Included are hundreds of 3D clipart objects and scenes! WebMasters, desktop publishers and 3D enthusiasts love 3Space Publisher!

About TGS

TGS provides the broadest range of cross-platform graphics software to professional developers and end-users around the world. TGS has sales/support offices in San Diego, San Jose, Houston, Atlanta, Montreal and Paris. G5G, a TGS company in Europe, is based in Bordeaux, France and provides direct support to all of Europe. TGS has significant distribution partners throughout the world.

TGS is the world's largest supplier of professional graphics tools based upon PHIGS+, OpenGL and Open Inventor. Over 2500 sites world-wide use TGS products to develop 2D and 3D applications. In the past year, applications developed using Open Inventor for Win32 from TGS have been distributed to over 300,000 PC systems world-wide!

Made with Open InventorGeneral Information

For Developers, TGS provides the best in established cross-platform 2D/3D/VRML graphics standards and technology, including:

3Space Assistant For End-Users, TGS provides the best in desktop graphics applications for UNIX and PC systems.

TGS FTP, Partners and Related Sites

Last update: 7/11/96.
Copyright © 1994-1996 Template Graphics Software, Inc.
Trademarks and Disclaimer All trademarks belong to their respective companies.
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