MKMSGF H1010 HThe current tag contains an invalid option. Recovery: Correct the tag which caused the problem and try again. HClosing parenthesis expected but not found in current tag. Recovery: Correct the tag which caused the problem and try again. HWord/Line option invalid. You specified both word and line options, but they can only be used exclusively. HInvalid Word/Field value specified. You tried to check for more fields or words than you defined. HThe specified value for length, position, or a numeric evaluation is nonnumeric or contains variables which have no numeric values. Recovery: Correct the tag by specifying a numeric value or, if a variable was used, ensure that the variable has a numeric value. HThe specified name for the variable contains non-alphanumeric characters, starts with a digit, is too long, or contains the generic symbol ('*') in the wrong position. Recovery: Correct the variable name and retry. HIn the IF...THEN...ELSE clause of the ASSIGNMENT tag, either one of the keywords THEN or ELSE is missing, or the keywords are in the wrong order. Recovery: Insert the missing keyword, or specify the THEN keyword before the ELSE keyword. HThe syntax of the ASSIGNMENT tag is incorrect. Either the name is missing, or no equal sign for the value was specified. Recovery: Specify the missing name or the missing equals sign and retry. HThe value specified as a condition is not valid, because no valid operator was found in the expression. Recovery: Use one of the valid operators (>,<,<>,=,>=,<=) in the conditional expression and retry. HThe option specified in the ASSIGNMENT tag is unknown, or contains additional operands which are not valid for the selected option. Recovery: Correct the option, remove or correct the additional operands, and retry. HIf the specified variable(s) were replaced by its/their value(s), the resulting tag would exceed the maximum allowed string length. Recovery: Check the contents of the variables used in the tag, correct the ASSIGNMENT tag for them, and retry. HWhile replacing variables with their values, an endless loop was encountered; one of the variables replaced probably contains the name of the variable itself. Recovery: Check the contents of the variables used in the tag, correct the ASSIGNMENT tag for them, and retry. HThe variable used in the tag is unknown. Either the name of the variable is wrong, or no assignment for the variable was performed. Recovery: Check the variable name, or declare the variable using the ASSIGNMENT tag before using the variable. HThe specified variable is a system variable, which cannot be updated using the ASSIGNMENT tag. Recovery: Remove the tag, or correct the name of the variable and retry. HThe character for which the ASCII value is to be evaluated was not specified. Recovery: Correct the ASSIGNMENT tag and retry. HThe value specified for the character position is larger than the current length of the string, or the ASCII value specified in the C option of the ASSIGNMENT tag is not in the range 1 to 255. Recovery: Correct the tag and retry. HThe specified value cannot be used to update the system variable because it is either too long or it is nonnumeric for numeric system variables (e.g. WSERV0). Recovery: Correct the ASSIGNMENT tag and retry. HThe QUESTION tag was defined without answer fields, but there are answer fields defined. Recovery: Either specify the answer fields option in the QUESTION tag, or remove the answer fields from the question. HThere are no answer fields defined for the QUESTION tag, although this is a free format panel. Default action: an answer field is defined. Recovery: Add an answer field to the question, or change the panel to the default layout. HThe answer or hint part of the question contains no processing tags. Recovery: Add the required tags or remove the empty hint or answer part. HThe type of question is unknown or misspelled. Recovery: Change the specified type of the question to a valid type (#, MC, TF) and retry. HThe option specified as special parameter for the QUESTION tag is invalid. Use a combination of valid parameters (-, I, K, L, H). Recovery: Change the parameters and retry. HOne or more of the keys specified in the QUESTION tag is invalid, that is, the specified symbolic key name is not recognized by SEDF/2. Recovery: Change the key name and retry. HThe TEST tag contains invalid parameters. Use a combination of the valid parameters (C, H, =, (, ), digit). Recovery: Correct the TEST tag and retry. HTesting was switched off, but testing is already inactive (probably switched off by another TEST tag). Recovery: No recovery is necessary. HTesting was switched on, but testing is already active (probably switched on by another TEST tag). Recovery: No recovery is necessary. SEDF.MSG or SEDFH.MSG cannot be found. Recovery: Have these files in the current directory or set the SEDF environment variable to the directory containing these files. Example: SET SEDF=C:\SEDF The student option window is already open. Probably there is more than one WINDOW tag (WB) specified in student option window Recovery: Specify only one WINDOW tag (WB) per student option file Hfree The specified tag uses an incorrect number of parameters. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. The same character occurred twice in the DEFINE tag. Recovery: Correct the DEFINE tag and try again. A numeric value was expected for this tag. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. You tried to change to a color set that does not exist. Recovery: Correct the COLOR tag and try again. HThe V option is no longer supported. The variable substitution is done implicitly. It will be ignored. HHelp message too long. The supplied help text is too long. It will be truncated. HSpecified value is not numeric. You specified a nonnumeric value in the answer analysis for a numeric question. In such cases, use the line or word modifier option. The specified file could not be read. Recovery: Ensure that the correct disk is used and the drive door is closed, then retry. The specified filename or pathname is longer than 76 characters. Recovery: Correct the filename or pathname and retry. The specified file could not be found in any of the directories specified with the /D option. Recovery: If the filename is not misspelled, check that you used the /D option correctly when starting the system and retry. The length of a label found in the course file or specified with an APPEND or IMBED tag is too long. Recovery: Correct the label name and retry. The label specified with an APPEND or IMBED tag could not be found. Recovery: Correct the label name and retry. No NEW PANEL tag could be found when trying to move to a selection menu. Recovery: Check the course and index file hierarchy and retry. The specified file could not be opened. Recovery. Check that: 1. The file exists 2. The file is not being used by another process 3. The disk is not write-protected 4. The drive door is closed. Then try again. A record in the specified file exceeds the maximum permitted length. The record is truncated. Recovery: Correct the specified file and retry. An APPEND tag was issued without specifying a file name or label. Maybe an empty variable was used. Recovery: Correct the APPEND tag and retry. An IMBED tag was issued without specifying a file name or path name. Maybe an empty variable was used. Recovery: Correct the IMBED tag and retry. An invalid message number was found while processing the author message file. Recovery: Correct the author message file and retry. No MENU tag could be found in the specified file when trying to position on an index panel. Recovery: Ensure that the specified file contains a valid MENU tag and retry. HThe window is already open for text output. Recovery: Close the window before opening it again, or do not open it a second time. HThe background color is out of range. Recovery: Only numbers from zero to seven are valid as background colors. HCursor position outside active window. Recovery: Use a position inside the active window only. The available coordinates start with (1,1) if you have defined a border. Otherwise they start with (0,0). HAnswer fields must be defined in the same order as their positions on the panel. Recovery: Ensure that the start position of the new field is behind all fields you have already defined. HAnswer field does not fit into the main window. Recovery: Change the position or length of the answer field. HThe specified cursor position is outside the current window. Recovery: Change the cursor position for text output. HThe minimum size for windows without a border is 1x1, for windows with a border, 3x3. Recovery: Change the window definition. HThe main window is the only one open for output. It is not possible to close it. Recovery: Add a tag to open a window for output, or remove the close window tag. HAll defined windows must be inside the main window. Recovery: Change the location or the size of the window. HThe window is open for text output, or is not defined. Recovery: If the window is open, it must first be closed and then cleared. If the window is not defined, simply remove the clear window tag. HA window must be defined before it can be opened for text output. Recovery: Add the missing window definition, or check that it is executed. HThe QUESTION or SOLUTION tag contains preset values for nonexistent fields, or the preset cursor is not within an existing answer field. Recovery: Specify preset values only for existing answer fields, or correct the values for the preset cursor position. HThe options specified with the EDIT or SPECIAL EDIT tag cannot be used together. Recovery: Remove one or more of the options. HThe field specified with the EDIT tag has not been defined. Recovery: Change the field specification to the number of an existing answer field. HOne or more of the options specified with the EDIT or SPECIAL EDIT tag are invalid. Recovery: Change the specified option to a valid one (A, 1, W, U). HThe EDIT or SPECIAL EDIT tag contains only the string that will replace the student text. The string that it is to replace is missing. Recovery: Add the missing string and retry. An invalid action parameter was detected in the SERVICE tag. Recovery: Correct the SERVICE tag and try again. An unknown function key is specified in the SERVICE tag. Recovery: Correct the SERVICE tag and try again. You must select an option listed in the option window, or press the function key to quit the option window. Unknown key specified with the KEY tag. Recovery: Correct the key name in the KEY tag and try again. There is an odd number of keys specified with the KEY tag. HThe specified word is not valid as a course or language name. Recovery: Course and language names must be one to three characters long and contain letters and digits only. HThe specified parameter is not valid for starting a course. Recovery. Use these parameters only: Author's version /D /L /T /R /B /F /M Student's version /D /L /T /R /B Starting a second level course /D /P /L /R HEither the specified file could not be found, or the file name is invalid. Recovery: Check that the file name is correct and that the file is available in the search path. HEither the specified directory could not be found, or the directory name is invalid. Recovery: Check that the directory name is correct. HToo many directories specified with the /D parameter. Recovery: Specify at most five directories with the /D parameter. HA message file must be specified when starting SEDF/2. Recovery: Specify a message file, using the /L parameter. HThe syntax of the stated message from the SEDFMSG message file is incorrect. Recovery: Edit the SEDFMSG file, find the incorrect message, and correct it. Each message in the file is described by the comments immediately above it. HThere is insufficient memory for the system messages. Recovery: This is an internal program error. Recovery is not possible. HYou can only use the DOWN DISPLAY tag on panels with predefined upper and lower panel areas. Recovery: Change the format of the current panel, or remove the tag. HThe index panel contains more than one answer field. Answer fields other than the first are ignored. Recovery: Change the panel layout and remove additional answer fields. HThe course file specified with the MENU tag could not be found. Recovery: Change the default selection on the menue tag to a valid topic or subtopic name and retry. HThe topic or subtopic name specified with the MENU tag as default selection menu is too long (it has more than three characters). Recovery: Change the default selection on the menue tag to a valid topic or subtopic name and retry. HSETUP files cannot be processed by the built-in editor. Recovery: To make changes to a SETUP file, end SEDF/2 and invoke an external editor. HThe SETUP file specified in the SEDFMSG file could not be found. Recovery: Ensure that the file exists. If a drive or path are specified, check them. Otherwise, ensure that the SETUP file is in the SEDF/2 directory search list specified with the /D parameter. HThis tag is not part of the SEDF/2 language. Recovery: Remove this tag from the course. HThe name can contain from one to twenty characters. Possible characters are letters, digits, underscore (_). Recovery: Change the name. Ensure that is not too long, and contains valid characters only. HPlease report this internal program error to your dealer. HNo package file was specified when starting SEDF/2 student version. Recovery: Specify one to five package files with the /D parameter. HThe color attribute is invalid. Recovery: Correct the color attribute. It must have the format (fore,back), where "fore" can be 0..31, "back" 0..7. HThe specified course file could not be found, or the file name is invalid. Recovery: Check that the file name is correct. The message file has a version different from that of the program. Recovery: Check that you are using the message file delivered with the program. HThe key name was not found in the key name table. Recovery: Edit the SEDFMSG file and change the key name. HThe program could not read from the the SEDFMSG file. Recovery: Ensure that the file exists and is available for reading. HYou cannot present graphics under OS/2 with this program product. Recovery: Run this course under PC DOS if you want to present graphics. HYou must specify the name of the picture file you want to present. Recovery: Add the name of the picture file. HThe picture file could not be found on the disk, or could not be opened for reading. Recovery: Ensure that the correct drive, path, and file name are given with the tag. HAn error occurred while reading from the picture file. Recovery: Ensure that the picture file is available for reading. Then run this tag again. HThe program could not get enough memory to process the picture file. Recovery: Ensure sufficient free memory when starting the course. You could, for example, deactivate some of your device drivers or resident programs. HThe format specified with the course tag is different from the format of the picture file. Recovery: Correct the format given with the course tag. HThe program cannot present this file. Recovery: Not possible because the format of the file is not one of the supported formats. HThe background color value specified with the tag is invalid. Recovery: Select one of the valid background values. The range is from zero to seven. HThe palette value given with the tag is invalid. Recovery: Select either zero or one for the palette. HIt is not possible to select a background for this picture file format. Recovery: Remove the background parameter from the COURSE tag. HIt is not possible to select a color palette for this picture file format. Recovery: Remove the color palette parameter from the COURSE tag. HThe picture file cannot be presented on this hardware configuration. Recovery: None. Run the course on a machine equipped with sufficient graphic adapter and display facilities. HThe program cannot present this file. Recovery: None. The file format is not supported by SEDF/2. No more keys can be redefined with the KEY tag. HThe program was called with invalid parameters. Recovery. Specify at least the following mandatory parameters. course Extension of course files. /L ext Message file extension. Do not enter more than 10 parameters. The TIME-OUT tag contains an unknown type of time interval. The MUSIC tag contains an unknown note. HYou have exceeded the maximum nesting level of ten. Recovery: Simplify the structure of your course. Do not use such deep nesting. HYou tried to close a control structure or a macro, but there is no opening tag. Recovery: Add the tag to open the control structure, or check the sequence in which the tags are interpreted. HYou tried to close a .IF control structure, but another control structure must be closed first. Recovery: Add the .IF tag to open the control structure, or check the sequence in which the tags are interpreted. HYou tried to close a .WH control structure, but another control structure must be closed first. Recovery: Add the opening .WH tag, or check the sequence in which the tags are interpreted. HYou tried to return from a macro, but another structure must be closed first. Recovery: Check the sequence in which the tags are interpreted. HFree HAn open control structure was not closed as required. Recovery: Close the structure before the next QUESTION or NEW PANEL tag, or before the end of the file. HAn open .WH structure was not ended as required. Recovery: Close the structure before the next QUESTION or NEW PANEL tag, or before the end of the file. HOnly one .ELSE tag is possible for a single .IF control structure. Recovery: Ensure that only one .ELSE is given per .IF control structure. HThe header cannot be displayed because the window has no border, or because the header is too long. Recovery: Add a border to the window, or use a shorter header. You must mark a line before you copy, delete, or unmark a line. Hfree HThe maximum number of windows is already defined. Recovery: Close any windows that are not necessary in this part of your course. HThe parameter is not a integer value. Recovery: Change the parameter to a whole number. HThere is either no save area available, or the screen is in graphics mode. Windows can only be saved and restored on text mode screens. Recovery: If the screen is in text mode, be sure to open the window with the save option (S). HThe entire restored area must be inside the main window. Recovery: Change the restore location or the size of the saved window. HThe message in the SEDFMSG file used for defining this window is invalid. Recovery: Edit the SEDFMSG file and correct the message syntax. HWindows can only be saved and restored on text mode screens. Recovery: Change the screen to text mode, or remove the tag attempting the save operation. HThe answer field specified in the LOCATE tag has not been defined. Recovery: Add the answer field definition, or modify the LOCATE tag. HThe displacement given in the LOCATE tag is greater than the length of the answer field. Recovery: Increase the length of the input field or use a smaller displacement in the LOCATE tag. HSwitching the screen mode or using graphics functions is only available under PC DOS. In addition, you need the hardware to support these screen modes. Recovery: Start the course on a machine equipped with graphics hardware and use PC DOS. HThe panel layout specified with the NEW PANEL tag is invalid. Recovery: Correct the panel layout. The built-in editor cannot be used, since it does not allow NEW PANEL tags to be changed. HUp to thirty touch-sensitive fields can be defined by FIELD tags at any one time. Recovery: Reuse or redefine previously defined fields. The FIELD tag without any parameters clears all defined fields. HThe entire field must be inside the main window. Recovery: Correct the coordinates given with the FIELD tag. HRow, column, vertical and horizontal size are mandatory parameters in a FIELD tag. Recovery: Add the missing parameters. You tried to close a file with a READ-WRITE tag (QD), but no file had been opened before. Recovery: If a previous QD tag to open a file exists, check that it was processed without errors. If not, remove the QD tag. The parameters specified with the READ-WRITE tag (QD) are invalid. Either the filename is incorrect, or the record size is not between 1 and 255. Recovery: Correct the tag and retry. The file specified with the READ-WRITE tag (QD) could not be opened. Recovery: Check that the file is not locked by another process, and that the drive door is closed. The file specified with the READ-WRITE tag (QD) already exists, but the given record length does not match the file size. The file size must be a multiple of the record length. (May be exceeded by one byte for the end-of-file marker) Recovery: Correct either the parameter or the file and retry. You tried to access a file with a READ-WRITE tag (QR, QW), but no valid QD tag was found previously. Recovery: Check that a correct QD tag exists and retry. The record number specified with the READ-WRITE tag (QR) does not exist. Recovery: Correct the record number and retry. The file currently being processed with the built-in editor could not be written to disk. Recovery. Check that: 1. The disk is not write-protected 2. There is enough space on the disk 3. The drive door is closed. The name specified with a MACRO tag (.MB, .MD, .MC) is either missing or too long. Recovery: Correct the macro name and retry. The maximum number of macros has already been reached. No more macros can be defined. The macro definition is ignored. Recovery: Rearrange your macro definitions, or delete unused macros using the MACRO CLEAR (.MC) tag. You tried to execute or clear a macro which has not been defined. Recovery: If the macro name is not misspelled, check that the macro definition was executed without errors. A MACRO BEGIN tag (.MB) was found, but the corresponding MACRO END tag (.ME) is missing. The macro definition is ignored. Recovery: Add a MACRO END tag (.ME) to the end of your macro and retry. Error occurred while sending data to the printer using the PRINT1 or PRINT2 tag. Move the cursor to the IMBED tag before loading the imbed file. No end of list tag (LE) could be found amongt the specified LIST tags. You must specify a window to receive your displayed text. HYou cannot call a macro which is currently being executed. Recovery: Correct the course code. Be sure not to call macros before they have ended. HRow, column, direction, final position and object are mandatory parameters in an ANIMATE tag. Recovery: Add the missing parameters. HUp to fifty animation objects can be defined. Recovery: Do not use more than fifty animation objects for a single animation. HAll animation must take place inside the main window. Recovery: Correct the parameters of the ANIMATE tag. HBefore an animation can be executed, some animation objects must be defined. Recovery: Use the ANIMATE tag to define at least one object. HSpecified device not installed. The specified device driver is not installed. Check that message 100 in the SEDFMSG file contains the correct device driver name. HSpecified device not installed for R/W. The specified device driver is not installed for read/write. Recovery: Check that the device is properly installed. HError writing to device. An error was detected when writing to the device. This problem can occur when the connection breaks down. Recovery: Check the connection and try again. HError reading from device. An error was detected when reading from the device. This problem can occur when the connection breaks down. Recovery: Check the connection and try again. HSpecified offset is not within the allowed range. The specified value for the offset is not in the allowed range. Recovery: Specify an offset value between 0 and 52000. HTouch screen not responding. An error was detected when reading from the touch screen. This problem can occur when the connection breaks down. Recovery: Check the connection and try again. HThe specified option is incorrect. The specified option is not allowed. Recovery: Correct the statement. HNot applicable (student version only). You specified too many parameters with a MACRO DO tag (.MD). Only 9 parameters are allowed. The macro is not executed. Recovery: Correct the MACRO DO tag and retry. HThe course was already in the second level when a NESTING tag was found. Recovery: Remove the NESTING tag from the second level course. Invalid tag in course file detected. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag in imbed file detected. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag in AS/400 simulation detected. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag in answer analysis detected. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag in CUA list detected. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag detected in information or glossary file. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag detected in macro. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag detected in option file. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag detected in question. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. Invalid tag detected in SETUP file. Recovery: Correct the tag and try again. The specified file could not be written. Recovery. Check that: 1. The disk is not write-protected 2. There is enough space on the disk 3. The drive door is closed. The specified file contains too many lines (the maximum is 1000). The remaining lines are ignored. Recovery: Shorten the file and retry. There is insufficient space to define the specified macro. All macros together may occupy only 1000 records. Recovery: Shorten your macros, or delete unused macros using the MACRO CLEAR tag (.MC). HVideo Device Return The video device returned the specified error code. Consult the reference manual of the specific video device for further information. The program needs more main storage to perform this function. HOnly the I option is allowed with the MENU tag. Recovery: Remove the invalid option, or correct it. HThe key specified with the SIMULATE KEY tag is not valid. Only the Menu, Exit, PgUp, PgDn, and Restart keys can be specified. Recovery: Change the specified key to a valid key name and retry. HThe program detected an internal processing error. Please report this error to your dealer. Recovery: There is no recovery possible. H not applicable (student version only) The device name specified with the OPERATE tag is not A, B, C, or D. Recovery: Specify a device name A, B, C, or D and try again. Error occurred when opening the specified device. Error occurred when closing the specified device. You did not specify a file name to receive comments. Recovery: Use the RECORD tag to define a file name. You did not specify a value from 0 to 2 on the COURSE-END tag. You tried to delete or redefine a macro that is currently executed. The MACRO tag used requires a macro name. Recovery: Correct the MACRO tag and retry. There are too many labels in the specified file. Only 100 labels are allowed. The remaining labels are ignored. Recovery: Correct the file and retry. The specified file exeeds 64 K. Recovery: Shorten the file and retry. HThe definition of an additional input field is not possible, because the maximum number of input fields is already defined. Recovery : Remove some of the input fields Macro definition contains only comments or statements not valid within macros. Recovery: Correct or delete the macro definition and retry. The restart file can not be processed because it has a different version number. Invalid or misplaced tag in PARAMIN.SEF detected. The file PARAMIN.SEF must contain ASSIGN tags only. Hfree the specified program could not be called. HOne or more of the specified tag options are not valid for the currently processed tag. Recovery: Correct the command and retry. HOne or more of the specified colors is invalid. Valid for foreground colors are the values 0 to 31 and for background colors the values 0 to 7. Recovery: Correct the tag and retry. A list begin tag contains no list name. Recovery: correct the list begin tag and try again. A CUA list contains no list item. Recovery: insert the desired list items in your CUA list. HUnauthorized copy Maximum number of variables reached. You can define up to 3500 Variables. Recovery: erase some variables you do not need any more. Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree HEdit Screen HDebug Course HAuthor Variables HSystem Variables HHelp Index HVideo Log ON HVideo Log OFF Hfree Hfree Hfree HLocation: HFile: HLine: HCOURSE HIMBED HMACRO HOPTION HUNDEFINED ; remove/add stars and keep length during translation H ************ top of SEDF screen ************* H ************ end of SEDF screen ************* Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree ; Help texts available by help index HAND Tag (&) PURPOSE Use the AND tag (&) to extend the definitions of WRONG ANSWER tags (-) and CORRECT ANSWER tags (+), by defining an "AND" relationship. FORMAT To define a set of expected correct answers: + [(modifier)] [expected student answer] & [(modifier)] [expected student answer] To define a set of expected wrong answers: - [(modifier)] [expected student answer] & [(modifier)] [expected student answer] WHERE (modifier) To be more flexible in your answer analysis, you can specify modifiers. expected student answer The student answer you expect for your question. Enter this text directly following the AND tag on the same line. HANIMATE Tag (SA) PURPOSE Use the ANIMATE tag (SA) to specify simple animation sequences. FORMAT 1. The SA tag to start the animation: SA 2. The SA tag that contains the definition of the animation. You can define several SA tags defining the animation; however, they must be preceded by an SA tag to start the definition. SA r,c,{,V|H},[pm]d,o[,s[,p[,d]]] 3. The SA tag that defines the overall speed of the animation: SA wait WHERE r Is the row of the start position. c Is the column of the original position. V Indicates a vertical movement. H Indicates a horizontal movement. pm Is either + or - indicating the direction of the movement. d Defines the number of rows or columns that the string or object should move. o Is the object to be moved. s Is the object that fills the positions the object leaves when moving on. p Changes the relative speed of objects. d Delays the start of movement. wait Controls the overall speed of the movement. HAPPEND Tag (A) PURPOSE Use the APPEND tag (A) to define an "unconditional" branch. It is normally used at the end of a course file to send the student to the beginning of the next course file. However, you can also define an APPEND tag together with a label or file name, referred to as "address", to predefine the sequence of the course. FORMAT A address1 [address2] WHERE address1 Here you can specify: - A file name. You must also define the extension, if it differs from the extension of the course files: A0020AB00 - A label. Define a label if you want to predefine that a student should continue with a certain part of the course file. You must precede the label with a slash: A/LABEL2 - Both, a file name and a label, to define that a student should continue with a certain part of another course file: A0020AB00/LABEL2 address2 Here you can specify a second address, as described in parameter address1. Use address2 if you want to branch to another course file and predefine where to continue after taking this course file, such as: A0020AB00/LABEL2 005DEF00/QUEST4 The first address tells SEDF/2 which course file and label to append, the specified course file can end with the system variable CONT, which indicates that SEDF/2 should return to a second address defined. If SEDF/2 reaches the end of the first file and encounters an A&CONT tag definition, it continues with the second address. HCOURSE-END Tag (Z) PURPOSE Use the COURSE-END tag (Z) to mark a return code for the AS/400 Administration System. FORMAT Z n WHERE n Can be one of the following values: 0 To exit the module. 1 To exit the module and mark it as complete. 2 To exit the module and set a bookmark. HASSIGNMENT Tag (S=) PURPOSE Use the ASSIGNMENT tag (S=) to define new variables, or to assign a value to a variable. FORMAT S=varname,T[,[pn][,cn]]=text1 S=varname[,N][n]=expression S=varname,L=text2 S=varname,A=character S=varname,C=number S=varname,F,char=variable S=varname,R=text3 S=varname,Z,m,=text4 S=varsetname,S=text5 S=varname,[spec]=IFcondTHENvalue1ELSEvalue2 WHERE varname Variable name; up to 13 uppercase letters or digits. The first character must be a letter. T Variable with text value. pn Integer; a position within text1. cn Integer; number of characters to be stored (length of text variable) text1 Text string. n Digit form 0 to 4; decimal places of numeric value. L Specifies length of string. text2 Text whose length is required. HBRANCH Tag (^) PURPOSE Use the BRANCH tag (^) to define a conditional branch. You can predefine the sequence in your course. Its usage is similar to the APPEND tag. FORMAT ^ address1 [address2] WHERE address1 Here you can specify: - A file name. You must also define the extension, if it differs from the extension of the course files: ^0020AB00 - A label. Define a label if you want to predefine that a student should continue with a certain part of the course file. You must precede the label with a slash: ^/LABEL2 - Both, a file name and a label, to define that a student should continue with a certain part of another course file: ^0020AB00/LABEL2 address2 Here you can specify a second address, as described in parameter address1. Use address2 if you want to branch to another course file and predefine where to continue after taking this course file, such as: ^0020AB00/LABEL2 005DEF00/QUEST4 The first address tells SEDF/2 which course file and label to append. The specified course file can end with the system variable CONT, which indicates that SEDF/2 should return to a second defined address. If SEDF/2 reaches the end of the first file and encounters an A&CONT tag definition, it continues with the second address. HCOLOR Tag (CC) PURPOSE Use the COLOR tag (CC) to define different color sets for your course. SEDF/2 offers a color set, defined in the message file SEDFMSG. You can define up to five different color sets at a time. You can also allow the student to change the default color set you provide with your course. FORMAT CC n WHERE n Can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. These numbers refer to the color sets defined in the message file. HCOMMENT Tag (*) PURPOSE Use the COMMENT tag (*) to insert comments in your course files that are not displayed to the student. FORMAT * text of comment HCONTROL STRUCTURE Tags(.IF .ELSE .EIF) PURPOSE Use the CONTROL STRUCTURE tags (.IF, .ELSE, .EIF) to define control structures. Use the CONTROL STRUCTURE tags .IF, .ELSE, and .EIF to perform parts of a course under certain conditions only. FORMAT To define that SEDF/2 performs parts of a course under certain conditions, you can specify the CONTROL STRUCTURE tag .IF as follows: You can define .IF and .EIF: .IF expression SEDF/2_tags course_text .EIF You can define .IF, .ELSE, and .EIF: .IF expression SEDF/2_tags course_text .ELSE SEDF/2_tags course_text .EIF WHERE expression This is the expression, defined in the ASSIGN tag (S=), for specifying conditions. It can also contain operators. SEDF/2_tags Any tags you define to display the course text. course_text Any text you define in your course files. HCONTROL STRUCTURE Tags(.WH .EWH) PURPOSE Use the CONTROL STRUCTURE tags (.WH, .EWH) to define control structures. Use the CONTROL STRUCTURE tags .IF, .ELSE, and .EIF to perform parts of a course under certain conditions only. FORMAT To define that SEDF/2 repeats parts of a course several times, you can specify the CONTROL STRUCTURE tag .WH as follows: .WH expression SEDF/2_tags course_text .EWH WHERE expression This is the expression, defined in the ASSIGN tag (S=), for specifying conditions. It can also contain operators. SEDF/2_tags Any tags you define to display the course text. course_text Any text you define in your course files. HCORRECT ANSWER Tag + PURPOSE Use the CORRECT ANSWER tag (+) to specify the correct answers you expect the student to enter when a question was asked. You can define a set of correct answers or several individual answers for your answer analysis. FORMAT + [(modifier)] [expected student answer] WHERE (modifier) To be more flexible in your answer analysis, you can specify modifiers. expected student answer The student answer you expect for your question. Enter this text directly following the CORRECT ANSWER tag on the same line. HDEFINE Tag (D) PURPOSE Use the DEFINE tag (D) to define your own set of special characters which you can use to specify: - Partial answer processing. - Special display attributes of the panel. - Variables. - Field separators in the student answer when using several answer fields. FORMAT D smfvtd WHERE s Replaces a single character of the student answer within partial answer processing in the answer analysis. Default: ? m Replaces several characters of the student answer within partial answer processing during answer analysis. Default: * f Is the display or color character you use when defining attributes for text and answer fields. For example, "#1" indicates the default text display of a course. You must also use this character to define answer fields on panels, if you do not use the default panel layout. Default: # v Is the system prefix you use when defining variables, such as &INPED. Default: & t Is the token character which separates the answer fields, if you have defined several answer fields. Default: ^ d Is the delimiter you use in the the EDIT tag definition, if you want to use one term only, and replace other terms. You must also use this character when defining a range of numbers in your answer analysis, such as a range "from 8 to 34" is defined as "8/34" in your answer analysis. Default: / HDISPLAY TEXT (blank) PURPOSE Use the DISPLAY TEXT tag (blank) to enter the course text you want to present on a panel or in a window. FORMAT blank [course text] WHERE blank Leave the first column, where you enter SEDF/2 tags, blank. course text You can enter course text, including any extended ASCII characters, variables, and color or display characters. You can also leave a blank line to display a blank line. HDOWN DISPLAY Tag (/) PURPOSE Use the DOWN DISPLAY tag (/) to clear the text presented in the lower panel area and to display course text in the lower panel area. If you want to display more than one row, you must use DISPLAY TEXT tags to display the text in the lower panel area. FORMAT / [course text] WHERE course text You can enter any course text, including any extended ASCII characters, variables, and color or display characters. You can enter text directly following this tag on the same line, or you only enter the tag without any text. HEDIT Tag (E) PURPOSE Use the EDIT tag (E) to edit student answers before answer analysis starts. This tag helps you to simplify and modify the student answer before it is compared to the expected answers you defined in the answer analysis. FORMAT E [Fn][A|1|W][U][/replacer/string1/.../stringN] WHERE Fn To edit the student answer entered in a certain answer field (Fn) before answer analysis starts. You can define answer field F1 through F25. If you do not define this parameter, SEDF/2 uses field 1 (F1) by default. A Removes all blanks contained in the student answer. Use this parameter if you define a line modifier in the answer analysis. 1 Removes all blanks at the beginning and end of the student answer, but leaves one blank between each word. If the student answer contains several blanks between two words, they are replaced by one blank. W Adds a blank between all non-blank characters in the student answer. U Converts the student answer to uppercase, and continues with the answer analysis. /replacer Is a string of characters, such as a term or a sign, to replace selected character strings contained in the student answer. /string1/.../stringN Is a string, or a set of strings of characters, to be replaced by the replacer string. HFIELD Tag (SF) PURPOSE Use the FIELD tag (SF) to define: - Touch-sensitive fields on a touch-sensitive screen. - Mouse support for answer fields, if a mouse is connected to the personal computer. You can specify that students use the mouse as an alternative to entering answers via a keyboard. FORMAT SF [r1,c1-r2,c2=name] WHERE r1,c1-r2,c2 Are the coordinates of the top left and bottom right hand corners of a touch-sensitive rectangle. r1 defines the row where the top-left corner of the rectangle is. c1 defines the column where the top-left corner of the rectangle is. r2 defines the row where the bottom-left corner of the rectangle is. c2 defines the column where the bottom-left corner of the rectangle is. You can define up to 30 rectangular fields on a panel. Is the reference name you choose for a rectangular field. It can consist of up to eight characters. This name is taken as the student answer, and evaluated in your answer analysis, if the students click a field with a mouse or touch it on a touch-sensitive screen. They can also enter this name via the keyboard. HGRAPHICS Tag (SG) PURPOSE Use the GRAPHICS tag (SG) to load and display graphic pictures on the color display of a personal computer. These pictures must have been created previously using Storyboard Plus or PC Paintbrush Plus (*). (*) Paintbrush is a registered trademark of ZSoft Corporation. NOTE: The GRAPHICS tag is only supported under DOS. You can load medium- and high-resolution graphics in your course files. SEDF/2 supports the following graphics modes: - The color graphics adapter (CGA): Format: 320 x 200 pixels, 4 colors. - PC Paintbrush Plus (*) - Storyboard Plus - The video graphics array (VGA), or the enhanced graphics adapter (EGA) and at least 128K bytes display memory: Format: 640 x 350 pixels, 16 colors: - PC Paintbrush Plus (*) - Storyboard Plus FORMAT SG [drive] file format WHERE drive Is the drive where the file is located. If the drive is omitted, the directories are searched in the order specified by the /D parameter when SEFAUT2 is started. Is the file name according to the DOS file naming convention. If you do not enter an extension, SEDF/2 uses the extension of the course file. format Is the format you have chosen for the graphics. You can define STB or PCX. HHINT Tag (H) PURPOSE Use the HINT tag (H) to specify hints for the students in a hint window, named WHINT. They can obtain these hints by pressing the Hint key. FORMAT H text WHERE Is the hint information you want to provide for your course. Enter this text in the row following the H tag. If you use the default definition of the hint window (WHINT), the hint information is displayed in the lower panel area, row 21 to 24. You can define up to four rows, each of which can have 79 characters. If you do not want to use this default definition of the hint window, you must redefine the window definition. HIMBED Tag (I) PURPOSE Use the IMBED tag (I) to include a separate file that you want to display frequently when the students take the course. It also allows you to define "subroutines" or read in parts of a special file. FORMAT I filename [/startlb[/endlb]] WHERE filename Is the file name of the file you want to imbed. Specify the extension of the imbed file, if it differs from the extension of the course files. startlb Is the label in the imbed file where you start imbedding. endlb Is the label in the imbed file where you want the imbed to end. HINTERRUPT Tag (SI) PURPOSE Use the INTERRUPT tag (SI) to define that students can interrupt a video sequence at any point by touching the touch-sensitive screen or pressing the Enter key. After such an interruption, they can continue with another part of the course, and then resume the video sequence, whenever they want. You define the interruption of a video sequence using the INTERRUPT tag together with FIELD tags. You can also specify a point to return to after the interruption. FORMAT SI [[ address1] address2] WHERE address1 Is an address, which receives control when the video sequence is interrupted. Here you can specify: - A file name. You must also define the extension, if it differs from the extension of the course files: SI0020AB00 - A label. Define a label if you want to predefine that a student should continue with a certain part of the course file. You must precede the label with a slash: SI/LABEL2 - Both, a file name and a label, to define that a student should continue with a certain part of another course file: SI0020AB00/LABEL2 address2 Here you can specify a second address, as described in parameter address1. Use address2, if you want to branch to another course file and predefine where to continue after taking this course file, such as: SI0020AB00/LABEL2 005DEF00/QUEST4 HKEY Tags ( KD KE KT KX ) PURPOSE Use the KEY tags (KX, KD, KE, KT) to redefine keys for your course or for certain panels. Changes are valid throughout the course. This is useful for simulating application programs, if you want to activate, deactivate, reactivate, or modify special or function keys on a panel. FORMAT Use the KX tag to make special keys or function keys inactive. KX resets all keys to their default meaning and locks the keys listed in the KX tag definition: KX [key1,...,keyn] Use the KD tag to disable special keys or function keys: KD [key1,...,keyn] Use the KE tag to reactivate special keys or function keys: KE [key1,...,keyn] Use the KT tag to reset all special keys or function keys to their default meaning, and change the meaning of the keys listed: KT [new1,orig1,...,newN,origN] WHERE keyn1,...,keyn Is the name of a special key or a function key. new1,orig1...,newN,origN Are the names of a special keys or a function keys (Fn). To define two keys with the same meaning or function, you specify the new key first (new1), followed by the original key (original1). The new key obtains the same meaning and function as the original one, which keeps its meaning and function. You can define several pairs of key modifications. HLABEL Tag (:) PURPOSE Use the LABEL tag (:) to mark certain parts of the course, to which you want to branch to, or from which you want to branch to other parts of the course. You can, for example, interrupt a learning unit and define that SEDF/2 branches to a different topic or subtopic, and then returns to the previous learning unit. FORMAT :name WHERE label Is the label name, which can be up to eight characters long. HLINK Tag (SQ) PURPOSE Use the LINK tag (SQ) to call and access other external programs. SEDF/2 can pass parameters to and from this program. SEDF/2 remains resident while the external program runs under OS/2 or if you specify /RES under PC DOS. FORMAT SQ progname [parameters] [/RES] WHERE progname Is the name of the program to be linked to. parameters Are the variables and constants that you want to pass to the program, you want to call. Each variable is first replaced by its current value and length. HLIST Tag (LB LI LE) PURPOSE Use the LIST tags (LB, LE, and LI) to define lists the students can scroll through and from which they can select items using the keyboard or mouse. With these tags you can extend the menu structure provided by SEDF/2 and create your own selection menus. FORMAT LB listname,row,col,vert,horz,Bla,n LI text LE WHERE listname Is the name of the list. It is used as a reference identification, when referring to this list definition. Is the row where the list starts. Is the column where the list starts. Is the vertical length of the list. Is the horizontal length of the list. B Is the specification of the list border. l You can specify parameter B followed by l to define the border line. Can be either: S To define a single line D To define a double line. a Is the color attribute to be used for the foreground of the list border. You can define values 0 through 7. n Defines the display or color attribute of the list background. You can define a value from 0 through 9. Is the text you define for the list, such as items of a selection menu. HLOCATE Tag (SL) PURPOSE Use the LOCATE tag (SL) to arrange course text, symbols, or the cursor in particular positions on the panel. You can also overwrite text that is already displayed on the panel. FORMAT Define the following SL tag definition to position a word: SL row[,col[,C]] Define the following SL tag definition to refer to an answer field and to position the cursor in this field: SL Fn,offset,[C] WHERE Is the number of the row on the panel where the characters should be displayed. You can define row 1 through 25. If you do not enter a row number, SEDF/2 positions the character in the first row by default. Is the number of the column on the panel where you want to start presenting the text. You can specify column 1 through 80. If you do not enter a column number, SEDF/2 positions the character in first column by default. Specifies in which answer field the cursor is positioned. You can define 25 answer fields: F1 through F25. offset Specifies the position of the cursor within the answer field. C Tells SEDF/2 to clear the row before the defined text is displayed, starting after the last position of the new text. If you do not use this parameter, the text being displayed remains in the row, and part of it is overwritten by the new text, depending on the text length. If you define this parameter together with text that is shorter than the text being displayed, the characters on the left-hand side of the new text are deleted. HMACRO Tag (.MB .MC .ME .MD) PURPOSE Use the MACRO tags (.MB, .ME, .MD, and .MC) to define several SEDF/2 tags as a macro and refer to this macro throughout your course, instead of entering all SEDF/2 tags each time you want to use them. You can define up to 20 macros in your course. You can also assign variables to certain macro definitions and reuse them in your course. If a macro is no longer used, you can delete its definition. FORMAT To start the definition of the macro, define the .MB tag: .MB name To end the definition of the macro, define the .ME tag: .ME To perform the defined macro in your course, define the .MD tag: .MD name,parameters To delete a previously defined macro, use the .MC tag: .MC name WHERE Is the name of the macro, which can be up to eight characters long. It is the reference identification used in the .MB tag, .MD tag, and .MC tag. parameters You can define up to 9 parameters, separated by commas, to be passed to the macro. Each parameter has a variable assigned that is only valid within the macro definition. Within the macro, parameters can be accessed as the variable names: name1 to name9, where name is the name of the macro. HMENU Tag (X) PURPOSE Use the MENU tag (X) to go to the course part, such as topic or subtopic, that the student selects on a selection menu. FORMAT X [choice ][,I] X [address][,I] WHERE choice You can predefine a character taken from the selection menu, such as A, B, or C. If the students press Enter instead of entering any of these characters, SEDF/2 continues with the character you specified in the MENU tag definition, such as XB. address Here you can specify: - A file name. You must also define the extension, if it differs from the extension of the course files: X00A00000 - A file name and a label to define that a student should continue with a certain part of another course file: X00A01200/LABEL2 I This parameter defines that the students need not press Enter to continue. Any key they press is taken as a single character selected from the selection menu. HMUSIC Tag (SM) PURPOSE Use the MUSIC tag (SM) to liven up your course by defining music that is played on the personal computer's internal speaker. You specify the MUSIC tag together with a character string that contains the tune specification. FORMAT SM tunestring WHERE tunestring Is the tune string, consisting of single characters representing tune tags. You can define a tone in the range of A through G together with any of the following symbols: #, +, or -. A "#" or a "+" after the note specifies a sharp tone; a "-" specifies a flat tone. If you define these characters, SEDF/2 plays the given tune string according to the notes defined: SM G * Plays note G SM G+ * Plays note GIS, you could * have also defined G# SM G- * Plays note FIS SMMNL4O1BBO2CDDCO1BAGGABB.L8AL2AP8 *Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. HNESTING Tag (CN CO) PURPOSE Use the NESTING tag (CO or CN) to branch from a master course to a "lower level" SEDF/2 course. The students return to the original place in the master course when they have taken the lower level course. FORMAT Use the CO tag to return to the same position in the master course, when the student presses the Exit key in the lower level course: CO crs [/Lmsgext][/Rrestart][/Dpath][/Ppackage] Use the CN tag to tell SEDF/2 to continue with the next tag following this NESTING tag if the student presses the Exit key in the lower level course: CN crs [/Lmsgext][/Rrestart][/Dpath][/Ppackage] WHERE Is the course name (up to three characters) of the lower level course. /Lmsgext Is the extension of the SEDFMSG message file used. /Rrestart Is the name and extension of the restart file, to be created when the students want to set a bookmark when leaving the course. /Dpath Is the DOS path name where the lower level course is located. This parameter is active for the authors version only. /Ppackage Is the list of package files to use. This parameter is active for the student version only. HNEW PANEL Tag (!) PURPOSE Use the PANEL tag (!) to define a course panel. SEDF/2 starts a new panel when a PANEL tag is encountered. Students have to press the Enter key to display the next panel. FORMAT ! [type][,option] WHERE Defines the panel layout. You can specify: 80 This parameter defines the default panel layout. 40 This parameter defines a panel layout, which contains 25 rows with 40 columns each, and predefined areas. 80F This parameter defines a free-format panel layout. 40F This parameter defines a free-format panel layout, which contains 25 rows with 40 columns each. 40FG This parameter defines a free-format panel layout, which contains 25 rows with 40 columns each. (40-column mode, CGA graphics mode). option This parameter can have one of the following values: V To define that the video mode is still set on. K To define that SEDF/2 keeps the screen and does not clear the video display. HOPERATE Tag (O) PURPOSE Use the OPERATE tag (O) to control up to four user-written devices (named A, B, C, and D). FORMAT To open or close a device define the following: O device=drivername To define the data sent to the device, specify: O device data WHERE device Is one of the letters A, B, C, or D. drivername Is the name of a device driver, which has been specified in the CONFIG.SYS file of the DOS version. Is the data to be sent to the device currently open for this device letter. HPRINT1 Tag (SP) PURPOSE Use the PRINT1 tag (SP) to print a line of text on the personal computer printer with the line printer address :LPT1. FORMAT SP text WHERE A line of course text you want to print. HPRINT2 Tag (SB) PURPOSE Use the PRINT2 tag (SB) to print a line of text on the personal computer printer with the line printer address :LPT2. NOTE: Identical to the PRINT1 tag (SP) except that it prints on :LPT2 instead of :LPT1. FORMAT SB text HQUESTION Tag (?) PURPOSE Use the QUESTION tag (?) to define a question in your course files. FORMAT ? qtype[,special][/[qnumber]/[preset] [(Fn,position)]/[keys]] WHERE qtype Specifies the type of question you want to ask. You can define this tag without any parameters to specify an open question. However, you can specify the following parameters to define certain types of questions: # To define a question that asks for numbers. TF To define a question asking for "true or false" or "yes or no". MC To define a multiple-choice question. special Here you can enter any combination of the following parameters, or none: K To define that SEDF/2 must not display an answer field for a question. H To define that SEDF/2 automatically displays the specified hint information for each unexpected answer entered for this question, if the students enter an unexpected answer for the second time. L To define that SEDF/2 checks in the answer analysis whether the answer contains uppercase or lowercase letters. - To define that SEDF/2 does not confirm the student answer in the confirmation field. I To define that SEDF/2 starts the answer analysis immediately after the students have pressed a single key. qnumber To define a specific question number, such as "Question 5a": preset To place text into the answer field, when displaying the question. (Fn,position) To define the cursor position within an answer field. To specify function keys. SEDF/2 checks the usage of the specified keys during the answer analysis of this question. You can define up to 12 keys separated by commas. HREAD-WRITE Tag (QD QR QW) PURPOSE Use the READ-WRITE tags (QD, QR, and QW) to record information in an external file, on a diskette or a fixed disk, when taking a course. FORMAT To define the recording of information use the QD tag: QD [[path]filename,recordlength] To read an entry from an external file and present it in your course, use the QR tag: QR recno To write an entry into an external file, use the QW tag: QW recno,field WHERE To define a path and a directory, where to search for the specified file. filename Is the name of the external file you want to use. recordlength Defines the length of the record in bytes. Each record of the external file has a fixed length. The maximum length is 256 bytes. This parameter is mandatory. recno Is a record number of the external file where the entry is stored. If you use this parameter with: - The QR tag. You must specify record number "0", if you want to read the external file sequentially and present the next record, contained in the external file, in your text. The record is always read into the variable SEFQREC. - The QW tag. You must specify record number "0", if you want to append the entry as the next record to the existing records in the external file. NOTE: To overwrite an existing record of the external file, specify the record number of the entry you want to change. field Is a text string or the name of the variable, to which you must assign the value of the entry, you want to record. HRECORD2 Tag (SC) PURPOSE Use the RECORD2 tag (SC) to write a record into an external ASCII file on a diskette or a fixed disk, when taking the course. You can, for example, record student answers, comments, or the course sequence the students have selected. FORMAT SC=[path]filename SC text WHERE Defines the path where the external file is located or is to be created. filename Is the name of the external ASCII file in which the information you want to record is stored. Is a line of information you want to store in the external file. It can also include variables. This information is appended to the external file. Each line of text is a new record. HSERVICE WINDOW Tag (MC MX) PURPOSE Use the SERVICE tags (MC, MX) to define service windows for free-format panel layouts. These service windows can provide the same information as the function key line, which is displayed for the default panel layout. If SEDF/2 simulates an application program, for example, it can also simulate the keys according to the key definitions. If you want to offer hint information or solutions, you should define a service window, which is displayed when the students press the Service key. On a service window they can select, for example, to leave the course, by entering the corresponding character string. FORMAT MC ,answer,action MX ,keyname WHERE answer This is the number or letter you want the students to enter when selecting an action, such as "leave the course" or "display hint information". action This is the action the student has selected. This parameter can have the following values if defined in the MC tag: H To provide hint information. = To provide the solution. + To skip a question or to continue as if the PgDn key was pressed. - To skip backwards as if the PgUp key was pressed. E To exit the course as if the Exit key is pressed. X To go to the Menu, as if the Menu key was pressed. I To display the information window, as if the Info key was pressed. G To display the glossary window, as if the Glossary key was pressed. keyname This is the symbolic key name. SEDF/2 displays the Escape key (Esc key) by default. HSIMULATE KEY Tag (SK) PURPOSE Use the SIMULATE KEY tag (SK) to simulate function keys, such as F1, or special keys, such as PGUP, in a course. This tag specifies that SEDF/2 acts as if the student had pressed a certain key. FORMAT SK keyname WHERE keyname Is the name of a function key (Fn) or special key (for example, PgUp). You can have the keys for the following functions simulated: - Menu key (go to menu) - Exit key (end course) - PgUp key (go backward) - Skip key or PgDn key (go forward) - Restart key (set bookmark in restart file). HSOLUTION Tag (=) PURPOSE Use the SOLUTION tag (=) to specify the solution for a question. The students can obtain this solution by pressing the solution key. SEDF/2 displays the solution in the answer field or in a a solution window, named WSOL. FORMAT = solution WHERE solution Is the solution you want to provide for a question. If you specify the solution text in the same row as the SOLUTION tag, the solution is displayed in the answer field. If you define the solution in the row following the SOLUTION tag, SEDF/2 displays the solution text in the solution window (WSOL) in the lower panel area, row 21 to 24. You can define up to four rows, each of which can have 79 characters. If you do not want to use this default definition of the solution window, you must redefine the window. HSPECIAL EDIT Tag (SE) PURPOSE Use the SPECIAL EDIT tag (SE) to edit student answers during answer analysis. This tag must follow the CORRECT ANSWER or WRONG ANSWER tag to which it applies. Once a student answer is edited by the SPECIAL EDIT tag, SEDF/2 continues to evaluate this edited answer in the answer analysis. You can, for example, remove unwanted blanks or punctuation marks before the answer analysis begins, or reduce all possible abbreviations to their shortest form before checking for that form. FORMAT SE [Fn][A|1|W][U][/replacer/string1/.../stringN] WHERE Fn To edit the student answer entered in a particular answer field (Fn) if the CORRECT ANSWER or WRONG ANSWER tag definition for this answer field applies and is followed by a SPECIAL EDIT tag. A Removes all blanks contained in the student answer. Use this parameter if you define a line modifier in the answer analysis. 1 Removes all blanks at the beginning and end of the student answer, but leaves one blank between each word. If the student answer contains several blanks between two words, they are replaced by one blank. W Adds a blank between all non-blank characters in the student answer. U Converts the student answer into uppercase, and continues with the answer analysis. /replacer Is a string of characters, such as a term or a sign, to replace selected character strings contained in the student answer. /string1/.../stringN Is one or a set of strings of characters to be replaced by the replacer string. HTEST Tag (T) PURPOSE Use the TEST tag (T) to define a test. You can record and present the results gained in such a test using the test variables TST1 through TST7. You can also keep a cumulative score over several tests. FORMAT Define the following parameters to open the test: T ([n][C][H][=] Define the following parameter to close the test: T ) WHERE ( Indicates the beginning or the resumption of a test. n Is a digit between 1 and 9. It indicates the number of attempts the students are allowed to answer a question. If they exceed the allowed number of attempts to find the correct answer, the current value of test variable TST5 is not incremented. C Tells SEDF/2 to resume incrementing the test variables without resetting their values to zero, when the TEST tag to close the first test is encountered: H Defines that asking for a hint already counts as an attempt to answer the question. = Defines that the number of correct answers is not incremented by one for this very question, if the students press the Solution key. ) Indicates the end of a test. The test variables are no longer updated and can be displayed. HTIME-OUT Tag (SO) PURPOSE Use the TIME-OUT tag (SO) to specify an action that is performed automatically if the students do not respond within a given time interval. You can define such a time interval for NEW PANEL, QUESTION, or MENU tags, and for display of the glossary or information window. FORMAT SO ! [[time] address ] SO ? [[time] text ] SO X [[time] text ] SO G [time] SO I [time] WHERE ! To define a time interval for a PANEL tag. ? To define a time interval for a QUESTION tag. X To define a time interval for a MENU tag. G To define a time interval for the display of a glossary window. I To define a time interval for the display of an information window. You can define an address to which SEDF/2 branches if the student does not react in time. If you do not define an address, SEDF/2 continues with the next panel in the course file after the specified time has elapsed. time To define the time interval in tenths of a second. text To define a text string, which is treated as though the student had entered it after the specified time has elapsed: HUNDERSCORE Tag (_) PURPOSE Use the UNDERSCORE tag (_) to define a solid, horizontal line across the width of the panel. FORMAT _ HVIDEO Tag (SV) PURPOSE Use the VIDEO tag (SV) to include scenes displayed on a videodisk player in your course. FORMAT SV [[n1]-n2][(SINGLE] SV [[n1]-n2][([CONT[=n]][A[ch]][speed][D1][ND]] SV S[n] SV Mcommand SV Iquery WHERE n1-n2 Are frame numbers. The videodisk is played from frame n1 to frame n2. (SINGLE To display the frames between n1 and n2 as a sequence of single frames. To define that the videodisk continues playing after frame n2; the videodisk will be interrupted, however, to perform the next SEDF/2 tag definition, when frame n2 is reached. To activate the audio channels. If you do not specify a channels, all channels are set to "Audio off." Can be one or more digits to set the corresponding audio channels to "Audio on." The other channels are turned off (Audio off). Will display the video in fast motion. Will display the video in slow motion. D1 To display the frame numbers on the panel while the videodisk is playing. ND To play the videodisk without displaying the picture. Sn Defines frame number n as a reference point for the other frame numbers. All frame numbers defined in VIDEO tag definitions following the definition that contains this parameter relate to the frame number n. Mcommand Passes a command string, which is not interpreted by SEDF/2, to the videodisk player. Iquery Sends queries to the videodisk player. The query syntax is described in the manuals of the device drivers used. The response to those queries is assigned to the system variable VIDEO. HWAIT Tag (SW) PURPOSE Use the WAIT tag (SW) to tell SEDF/2 to pause for a specified period of time before it continues with the next tag. FORMAT SW [n] WHERE n Is a number defining the period of time that SEDF/2 waits in tenths of a second. NOTE: If you define the WAIT tag on its own without a number, SEDF/2 pauses until the students press any key to continue. HWINDOW Tag (WD) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WD) to define windows on the panel. FORMAT To specify the window definition, you use the WD tag: WD name,row,col,vert,horz,Bcn WHERE Is the name of the window defined. Is the row where the window starts. Is the column where the window starts. Is the vertical length of the window. Is the horizontal length of the window. Defines the border of the window: c Is a single character, which can have the following values: S Defines a single line as the border of the window. D Defines double line as the border of the window. n Defines the display or color attribute of the window border. You can define a value from 0 through 9. HWINDOW Tag (WB) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WB) to specify the beginning of a window. FORMAT WB name,roff,coff,[S][C]An WHERE Is the name of the window defined. Defines the row within the window where the subsequent text starts. Defines the column within the window where the subsequent text starts. S Saves the original panel text, before the window is displayed. You must define this parameter if you want to display the original panel text again when the window is removed from this panel. C Clears the area on the original panel text before the window is displayed. An Defines the color for the background of the window. The value of n can be 0 through 7. HWINDOW Tag (WE) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WE) to close open windows on the panel. FORMAT WE [R] WHERE R Restores the original panel text where the window was displayed. HWINDOW Tag (WC) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WC) to clear a window definition. FORMAT WC name WHERE Is the name of the window defined. HWINDOW Tag (WM) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WM) to define and display windows on the panel. FORMAT To combine the WD and WB tag, you can use the WM tag: WM name,row,col,vert,horz,roff, coff,wfor, wback,bchar,bfor, bback,[S][C] WHERE Is the name of the window defined. Is the row where the window starts. Is the column where the window starts. Is the vertical length of the window. Is the horizontal length of the window. Defines the row within the window where the subsequent text starts. Defines the column within the window where the subsequent text starts. Defines the foreground color of the window. You can define a value of 0 through 31. wback Defines the background color of the window. You can define a value of 0 through 7. bchar Defines the character you select for the border line. Defines the foreground color of the window border. You can define a value of 0 through 31. bback Defines the background color of the window border. You can define a value of 0 through 7. S Saves the original panel text before the window is displayed. You must define this parameter if you want to display the original panel text again when the window is removed from this panel. C Clears the area on the original panel text before the window is displayed. HWINDOW Tag (WS) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag (WS) to save windows on the panel. FORMAT To save the original text panel before the window is displayed, you can use the WS tag: WS name,row,col,vert,horz WHERE Is the name of the window defined. Is the row where the window starts. Is the column where the window starts. Is the vertical length of the window. Is the horizontal length of the window. HWINDOW Tag (WR) PURPOSE Use the WINDOW tag WR to restore windows on the panel. FORMAT To restore the original text panel before the window is displayed, you can use the WR tag: WR name,row,col WHERE Is the name of the window defined. Is the row where the window starts. Is the column where the window starts. HWRONG ANSWER Tag (-) PURPOSE Use the WRONG ANSWER tag (-) specify the wrong answers you expect the students to enter when a question is asked. You can define a set of wrong answers or several individual answers for your answer analysis. To give feedback you can define, for example, a DOWN DISPLAY (/) or a DISPLAY TEXT (blank) tag. If the students do not enter the expected answer, or the "expected wrong answer", which is checked in the answer analysis, SEDF/2 displays a default message, defined in the message file. FORMAT - [(modifier)] [expected student answer] WHERE (modifier) You can specify modifiers to be more flexible in your answer analysis. You must not leave a blank between the WRONG ANSWER tag and the modifier; however, leave a blank between the modifier and the expected student answer. expected student answer A wrong student answer you expect for your question. Enter this text directly following the WRONG ANSWER tag on the same line; however, leave a blank between the modifier and the expected student answer. HDebug functions: F1 Help - Displays this help text F2 Edit current screen - Pressing this key leads you to the build-in editor. From this editor you are able to edit all tags of the current SEDF screen. F3 Quit debugger F4 Switch debug mode - Pressing this function key turns the slow speed trace on/off. F5 Set break point - A break point will be set at the highlighted line. Pressing this key again will remove an existing break point. F6 Run to next break point - Causes SEDF/2 to continue interpretation until the next breakpoint is reached. F7 Author variables - Shows the author-defined variables and their values. F8 System variables - Shows the system variables and their values. F10 Help index - Displays a list of help items. HEdit functions: ESC Quit editor F1 Help - Displays this help text. F2 Save - Save current screen. F4 File - Save current screen and quit editor. F5 Mark line - Mark a line to copy or delete it. F6 Unmark - Unmarks a marked line. F7 Copy line - Copy a marked line. F8 Delete marked line - Deletes the marked line. F9 Show imbed file - Load the imbed file given with the imbed tag on the current line and edit it. F10 Help index - Displays a list of help items. HAdvanced Answer Analysis FORMAT (L) or (\L) (Wn) or (\Wn) with 0 Or, with free input fields: (LFn) or (\LFn) (WnFn) or (\WnFn) with 0 The student's answer is compared with the specifications. If there is a match, the answer is accepted. L The line must match completely. W The specified number of words, separated by blanks, must match. \ Indicates negation: the match condition is reversed. n Number of the field whose contents is to be analyzed. The match-string may contain special characters (defined in D tag): ? Match with exactly one character. * Match with any number of characters Example: -(L) *org* Matches any string containing 'org'. +(W0F4) Matches every input in field four. -(\W) first Match if 'first' is NOT present. HThe comment function is available during authoring and presentation services. While running the course you can press the comment key to enter a line of comment. The comments are stored into a file named where crs is the course name. Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree ; System mono attibute set, fonts 8, 9 for system window borders. ; Font: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(7,0);(10,0);(10,0) ; System color set, fonts 8, 9 for system window borders. ; foreground taken eg for error windows ; Font: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;SEF0397H: (0,3);(1,7);(1,3);(1,7);(1,3);(1,7);(6,3);(7,7);(1,3);(1,7) H(0,3);(1,7);(1,3);(1,7);(1,3);(1,7);(6,3);(15,7);(1,3);(1,7) Hnot available Hvariable pool overflow ; Function key texts HF2=Editor HF2=Edit HC_F2=Debugger HC_F2=Debug HF4=Change Mode HF4=Switch HEnter=Continue HEnter HF3=Exit HF3=Exit HF1=Help HF1=Help HF10=Helpindex HF10=Index HF8=System Variables HF8=SVars HF7=Author Variables HF7=AVars HPgUp HPgUp HPgDn HPgDn HF2=Save File HF2=Save HF4=File HF4=File HF5=Mark Line HF5=Mark HF6=Unmark HF6=Unmark HF7=Copy Line HF7=Copy HF8=Delete Line HF8=Del HEnter=Continue HEnter Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree Hfree