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      character: <character>

 This types the character at the current cursor position. Whether this
 inserts or overtypes depends on the setting of the insert/overtype flag set
 by other_insert.

 eg:  character_type 'C'

 NOTE: It is not possible to type an ASCII NUL (character 0) as this is
       used internally within the editor.

 NOTE: It is dangerous to insert the ASCII EOF character (^Z) into the file,
       since although AE can handle it, when the file is written and
       subsequently re-read, the reading will stop at the ^Z, thus truncating
       the file.

 NOTE: It is not possible to type before the tag part of a fold line.

See Also: character_insert character_overtype other_insert
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson